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Favorite jobs: what are yours?


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I am searching job. I don't like changing job, I prefer stay always in one and not change. I hate travelling all time, I don 't like to go all time to different villages or out of the city. I prefer stay in a building, like airport or offices, or shop, pharma, clinic... I prefer active job, like support assistant, reception or support client, with good people. Be model is nice but I have not the luck like Claudia Schiffer.


Sometimes, I dream when I have stable job have own office (Sexology consulting) or lingerie or book shop (if someday I were millionary), with the stable, and be actress in some films, if it was possible. I want to writte some books too, but all this, like hobby job.


And you?


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1 hour ago, tomasmz said:

for me, a hobby is a Storyboard is a graphic organizer that plans a narrative. Storyboards are a powerful way to present information visually; the linear direction of the cells is ideal for telling stories, explaining the process, and showing time. I studied all about it here  In filmmaking, the storyboard is done jointly by the artist, director and cameraman. Collaborative teamwork is extremely important in film production, as it is a very painstaking and large-scale undertaking that also requires the talent and skill of many artists and illustrators.

And job, work?

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  • 5 weeks later...

And of course, I never work at home. I only used It for some photo sessions with J.C., or when I writting some articles. I feel comfortable dressing for work, and going out of home, working in another building or center. I would like have my next job near home because all day travelling by car is big not for me (I need do more than only work like a lot of years before- maybe all my life...-), and have stable day to day, maybe doing the same tasks in jobs I mentionated in posts before.


I prefer job rutine. The model and promotions Jobs are part of my career too, but more like a hobbie or second job.

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Medical residency programs are an essential part of a doctor's training. They provide hands-on experience and specialized training in various medical fields, allowing you to apply your knowledge and skills in real-world medical settings. It's during your residency that you truly start to feel like a doctor and gain valuable insights into your chosen specialty. If you're interested in pursuing a career in medicine and want to learn more about the medical residency programs available, I recommend checking out the website Medical Residency. This website is a valuable resource for aspiring doctors, as it provides information about different residency programs, application processes, and tips for success. Remember, the journey to becoming a doctor can be challenging, but it's also incredibly rewarding.

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Sometimes work interferes with travel, and sometimes travel interferes with work. It happens differently. My choice has long been to work remotely so that I can combine the pleasant with the useful. The main thing is to keep the balance. Since I often move, I usually rent a car, more info here.

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