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Bar Refaeli


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When Bar was in Istanbul for Escada she was interviewed by Spits, one of the leading Dutch newspapers:


Quick translation of the important bits/quotes:


Bar is very feminine but knows how to stand up for herself: "The press can ask me anything but I decide what I will answer" she says in a almost girl-ish voice.

She told Ellen she wanted to act but that aren't her future-plans anymore: "Me? Acting? No, it's not for me. I've given it a try but I am and will always be a model. A family is all I want for the future."

"Your Doutzen Kroes? I love her! That's the way I want it: being a model and a mother at the same time, my ideal picture."


"I can still get extremely happy by finishing a great shoot. It may seem self-evident, models always look good in pictures. But I work very hard, for this campaign but also for other work. I've been practicing since I was very little."


The hotelroom is just as beautiful as Bar herself, but is also crammed with managers and PR-people. It proves how well-protected her personal-life is, because as soon as we try to start asking the 'wrong questions' interventions take place.

"I really don't understand why it interests people who I date or who my friends are." is Bar's answer when we ask whether it bothers her that she isn't only a model but also a celebrity.

"I'm always there myself. I decide what I tell people. If I don't want to talk about my private life, it won't happen. It's that simple."


Despite the strict PR-people, Bar tells us a little.

"People expect me to be very ambitious, but I don't dream about mega-jobs or big campaigns. I honestly don't.

Of course I do hope to be able to continue my career as a model for many years, but my biggest dream is to start a family. I can't wait."

She stares away dreamily: "I dream of having a family like every other girl. I'm a simple girl."


And she does look like a simple girl, this might sound cliche, but like a natural beauty.

There isn't a hint of make-up on her bronzed skin.

"When I'm working I wear enough make-up for a whole year. So when I don't have to, I won't wear it"


The management is starting to become restless, we are talking too much about her private life again.

They steer us back to the main topic, Escada and fashion: "I think I will still be working when I'm 40. I look up to woman like Linda Evangelista, but it's not like I want to become like them. I'm going to be myself, and I have my own dreams."

She repeats: "I'm just a simple girl."

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