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Posts posted by thisyearsmodel

  1. As an aside, does anyone know who took the pictures of Alex in the yellow top and her latest bikini pic (You can see them on her IG/Twitter). I'm not good at figuring out who models have been working with, so I was dependent on this thread, but it's mostly dead now. Anyone who can help keep me in the know of who she's working with, dm me & I'll make it worth your time! 

  2. On 7/9/2018 at 2:58 PM, Cult Icon said:

    of course, blame the guy 100% everytime and believe the woman's distorted  post-relationship story slash rationalization...


    the indicators were everywhere with this guy; eg. Joe six pack cannot compete with a Casanova with a $90 haircut


    but oh! he was a piece of crap anyway, why did I leech off of him for years?  Even my last ditch attempts to justify this relationship to my social circle/interwebs didn't work.  He didn't even have abs.   Poor me...




    What... are... you... talking about?


    Story? No. It was obvious, to anyone paying attention, that he did not appreciate her. Leech off of him? You know he was living in HER apartment, right? And didn't have a job aside from occasional barback work? Justify her relationship? You mean TRY TO MAKE IT WORK? He didn't even have abs? Yeah, because Alexandria is totally shallow and that's why she stayed with him for years even after he gained weight, and her current S.O. is a totally normal-looking dude.


    Seriously, you're ODing on red pills. Disgusting. 

  3. Yeah you guys, you're discrediting her way too much. She had a breakup I believe, went home, took a break. She's been taking beautiful photos. I think she has a new boyfriend, she posted four pictures with him on Twitter but deleted it immediately, which I understand but it's frustrating.


    I really really wish she would connect with her fans more, update us on the work she's doing. She's my absolute favorite, I feel horrible that I might have ever participated in saying critical things that have chased her off in a large way from keeping fans updated. But, like, even a Snapchat once or twice a week would make me feel like she cares about her loyal fans more. IDK. 


    I do know she's still working, and I'm proud of her. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. 

  4. Also, do our sleuths/more knowledgeable fans know what ANY of these behind-the-scenes photos are from? She looks so gorgeous in all three dresses but I’ve never gotten to see the finished products, and most of these are over half a year to a full year old:

    3D09016D-769B-483D-81B0-68AB75B45FDB.png 9EEED07C-42EF-4C56-8245-B437191C7D3A.png 57F2C74E-A415-4D9A-993C-FA011FD53F41.png
  5. Any update on her work? I really wish she would have a more public profile; people mocked her when she posted workout and towel snaps but at least she was engaging with her fans. We love you, girl! Your fans want to see your beautiful face more than once a month! 


    Seriously, she was gaining such a following again with her YouTube channel, but she needs to remember people have short memories. No one except the hate-iest of haters is going to think she’s vain if she posts two pics a week. And I really miss her Snapchat vids, she’s so lovely when you can see her happy and singing. :sad: 

  6. Where has she been? What has she been doing?


    I don't understand her. She almost never posts pictures on IG or Twitter, and NEVER on Snapchat anymore. Doesn't she know her fans WANT TO SEE HER? I don't have time to watch her Youtube, but I LIKE seeing her lovely face and figure (and I'm a girl!) on the regular. I miss those old towel photos. 


    Her management is doing a horrible job- I've never seen a young model SO RELUCTANT to engage with her fans. Like, she's friendly enough, but kind of icy/stiff, and she never actually instigates the discussions with fans.


    I think the worst thing she's done, lately, was tweet that she cares more about her Finsta than her IG. Basically saying she cared more about sharing ~exclusive~ photos with 20 friends, and excluding the fans, who get like 1 IG photo a month. I don't know why she thought making her long-time fans feel left out was the right move. I just don't get her, or it. 


    Also, she said she was going to be in a tv show like 6 months ago, but no word on that since. No word on any projects. We know she went to Sweden, but to do what? Why won't she share this stuff? I see other young models share such info all the time, it's not like it's some top secret stuff that she can't share.


    No one posts new pictures here because... there aren't any.


    I think even her fanpage was deleted.


    Alexandria, please, talking to your fans via Snapchat and IG can go a long way in making me feel like you CARE about having fans at all, which you should, because no fans = no work. I thought she was supposed to be the *sweet version* of Kate Upton?


    Sorry for the rant, I just feel disappointed in her. 

  7. On 6/3/2014 at 4:53 PM, DanniCullen said:

    Anyone know her Miami agency? She isn't with NEXT anymore..

    She is the last girl @ GUESS Model Search last year.


    Does ANYONE have the original copies of these NEXT Models photos? I will legit Paypal you. I can't find them anywhere.

  8. You guys... I'm not joking... how do you find some of these photos on IG and off (the majority of the ones posted on the last few pages, posted by those who work with her on a shoot)? Like do I not know how to use the search function properly (as these still don't show up for me) or are you just THAT good at figuring out who she's working with? Teach me your ways or please never stop posting these :laugh:

  9. On 1/27/2017 at 7:26 AM, Prettyphile said:

    Yanno - had Miss Alex just stayed this route



    ... and not gone this route



    She could of easily scored work like this;  because at one point she had that rare "it" factor



    ... which could of helped parlayed her into stuff like this..

    c53730528846424.jpg f35245528846425.jpg f59d11528846428.jpg


    and with that prestige under her belt she could of been living the dream...

    89cef0528846635.jpg c60f6e528846639.jpg 2d203d528846642.jpg


    and in the end with enough hard work could of been ....



    but because of her agency being SMART(ED) and Alex not being able to see what she had in front of her, 3 years later we're still at.....



    I have never seen such a fucking stupid move by an agency, or a model. :no::hang:

    Alex was golden...

    At her peek when she was an UNKNOWN  struggling model with almost no real work under her belt she had over 100k followers on instagram, and that number was quickly growing which is fairly impressive - this should of been a huge flag that screamed "people like me, I could make something of this... people like my body, this could benefit me"


    When is it going to click that her way/her agencies way isn't working :angry:




    This is the TRUTH!!  And anytime I have said something similar in this thread, certain people have attacked me pretty viciously. It is really bizarre. I am a huge fan of Alex, when we say these things we are not trying to be "haters,"  we are saying it because we adore her and are so frustrated with her manager and agency and what they had done to her career!! Yes, when she was still curvier she  tried out for sports illustrated and didn't make it – that one time! I guarantee the next time she went in she would have nailed it. Because her buzz was going crazy. and I will never completely buy her "I was only curvy because I was on Lexapro" thing  because the photographic evidence- pictures of her from middle school and beyond- showed her what was her truly natural size, which was the size she was at during those glorious RSVLTS shoots.  And as someone who has taken Lexapro and other antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications, I can tell you they don't make your boobs go up or down 2 cup sizes. 


     I don't mind Alex at her current weight, and if she is happy then I am happy for her! But the thing is, I don't think she is happy. As mentioned before a page or so ago, she isn't  advertising the work she has been doing because she doesn't seem proud of it! It is almost impossible to find anything she's been doing, even if she shares a glimpse or to have it on Snapchat (speaking of, does anyone know who she was working for during her shoot in Milwaukee about two weeks ago? She looked gorgeous and she was wearing some very beautiful gowns, but she never shared at all who she was working for).  The facts are the facts:  she was more successful and more famous when she first started out because she has a gorgeous face and with that body, she was unstoppable. But then somebody advised her to lose weight. I don't know why they did that. Her being invited to that Victoria's Secret party when she was a complete unknown should have been a huge signal for her to keep following the path she was on. For the life of me, I will never understand why she was advised to do a complete 180. Please excuse any weird grammar stuff as I am using voice to text.It breaks my heart because she is one of the most beautiful women alive and deserves all the success in the world.


    Please excuse any weird grammar stuff as I am using voice to text.

  10. On 1/29/2017 at 2:17 PM, foofur16 said:

    Fans Edge Sportswear


    Id7a7E1v.jpg HOPBKPHH.jpg b8Jb2Qe7.jpg VclgAksf.jpg z0vgiyCZ.jpg pML30bFC.jpg RnecL0I0.jpg KcfuKaxn.jpg 5zrVJrqD.jpg G0eEqwY4.jpg 2YEAgqQD.jpg jucVR0r3.jpg J6lpFA6p.jpg Wrfjvcmc.jpg ACvTHq5S.jpg JgEgsJcT.jpg 5fQcK89X.jpg Nf1KKX85.jpg WBVGNa0t.jpg B3LbK0Sm.jpg xQwQboFh.jpg cO1SwqIi.jpg a9f8DcQS.jpg

    Thank you!! Question though, I found the top half of the photos last year at the fans edge Instagram. I have never seen the other photos (all the slimmer ones). Would you mind sharing the link so I can possibly get higher definition? Thank you again ??

  11. This isn't true. I see models all the time, including her when she feels like it, post live from shows and shoots. Taking a Snapchat isn't going to get her in trouble nor is publicizing her work that HAS GONE LIVE. Which she never does. 


    I could post a lot of snaps that never got published here of her promoting her work, including the Revolve shoot that came out. 

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