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Posts posted by esper

  1. Good news - I got Vogue Homem on eBay! Will be making HQ scans as soon as it arrives here in the post - hopefully sometime next week, but probably after Christmas with the slow post around the holidays!

    Can't wait to see those super HQ's. Thanks in advance!

  2. I had asked while back for a help with a custom wallpaper for my tri-screen monitor setup. To recap, basically, I have on 30" 2560x1600 resolution monitor surrounded by two 20.1" monitors in portrait mode (1200x1600). Someone agreed to help me out with creating the wallpaper(s), but I think the board crashed right about that time and I don't know if they were ever created or not.

    So if you are still out there and are willing, i'd appreciate it greatly.


  3. Any UXGA (1600x1200) or WUXGA (1920x1200) wallpapers of Ana Beatriz out there?

    I can make some for you in those sizes, if you want! :cool: Any preference for what photos you'd like on them?

    I am disappointed whenever I see nice work being done with a wallpaper that is ruined by a caption or tags to some degree. I mean after all, if you have a wallpaper of Ana, do you really need to be reminded that her name is "Ana Beatriz Barros"? Captions like those take away from the picture. Tags are ok, as long as it isn't intrusive to the picture. Afterall, it is all about the beauty of Ana Beatriz.

    well in all my wallpapers and sets that i make, the text i usually put is the models name and a short/cute text with it. cause honestly imo without some text, it looks really plain. it looks good with the text

    I dig on your work. The text isn't overdone and adds to the wallpaper instead of takes away from it. It works well within the rest of the context of the artwork you have done. It is when text takes away from a picture that frustrates me. Then it becomes a label and less about the artwork and effort being done. I especially like the VSFS 2006 wall that you made of her. The Dreaming wall made by ML Angel is another good example how text if incorporated into the artwork done right adds to the picture rather than detracts from it.

    Anyways, I dig your work. Keep it up. Now if only I can convince you to make 1600x1200 versions and I will be a happy man :).

  4. Heh. What a dilema. So many nice walls to choose from now that I have to find a program that rotates them out automatically. A nice predicament to be in for sure. You have made an internet poker player's day!

  5. Exquisite work. Each one of the walls speaks just about the beauty of Ana Beatriz, and nothing else.

    About the earlier comment, it was no stab at you, just frustration in general. In all actuality, on your earlier posts, I didn't even notice you had tagged your work, that is how inobtrusive your work is. But in general, could you imagine if all the pics of Ana to be found on the net were watermarked with something like "GETTY IMA....." across them? Its not that absurd, I know. Just that some tags are meant to be intrusive and some are meant to be artistic and end up being intrusive. Some tag express origin intrusively and some tags which express origin do not. Yours do not. All your tags say is:

    "I made this because I am a fan of Ana. And as you can see, she is beautiful"

    Your work expresses this distinctly. Keep them coming please. Thanks again!

  6. Any UXGA (1600x1200) or WUXGA (1920x1200) wallpapers of Ana Beatriz out there?

    I can make some for you in those sizes, if you want! :cool: Any preference for what photos you'd like on them?

    I am disappointed whenever I see nice work being done with a wallpaper that is ruined by a caption or tags to some degree. I mean after all, if you have a wallpaper of Ana, do you really need to be reminded that her name is "Ana Beatriz Barros"? Captions like those take away from the picture. Tags are ok, as long as it isn't intrusive to the picture. Afterall, it is all about the beauty of Ana Beatriz.

    I made a few for myself, which are ok, but I have a tri-screen setup with 3 identical UXGA LCD's plus my WUXGA laptop. I can use more nice quality Super Hi-Rez wallpapers of Ana Beatriz. The problem is with sourcing pics that are suitable for UXGA or WUXGA resolutions. When you upscale, even using Bicubic resizing in Photoshop, it doesn't look very clean. I just wished there were just more Super Hi-Rez pics of her. Photos of her on the runway are where Ana looks the most stunning. Just her being captured by a lens. I am convinced that part of the reason Ana isn't more popular is that she doesn't work with the best photographers. I mean look at her runway shots, not a bad pic of her to be seen there. Sadly, most of the runway pics are too small to be suitable for wall paper use and some of her best campaign work has been captured at unsuitable resolutions.

    Any help along the lines of the above would be great and much appreciated!



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