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Everything posted by Englund

  1. stella and Irina are friends? well, this explains it. it seems some models have an issue with Sara and even her now and then also throws her shade. It also explains why she was always so happy, happy, happy at the start of her VS contract and now she seems more subdued. I, personally, find this all extremely immature - even when Sara does it - and I hope she keeps quiet and bites her tongue. She now has MO and if she wants to keep growing and get more spokesperson contrats she needs to quiet it down, and put personal feelings aside and not to express them in any way. PS - that colombian brand she is shooting from , is it a big one?
  2. what is up with irina? Did Ronaldo said he would stop being gay for Sara or something? Or that he would put a ring on her? Is this REALLY her? it can't be. However, Sara has some people who dislike her. Isn't stella one of them? she might just be one of those girls who finds it hard to be friends with women.
  3. Aw, I really like hers and jo's
  4. I think she is doing what I often complain she didn't: get out there and mingle. And I assume having fun as well. Here's to hoping loads of new opportunities come her way
  5. I ff a lot, so I might have missed it, but if this was just it, she was onscreen for a second and got up to a guy said "hi, you're funny " or something like that and then left,
  6. what is she ding in Paris then? Magazine shoots? Some beauty/ whatever contract? she tried to book some shows and failed? whatever. she's more and more out there and she is featured more and more. I think that counts more than how many shows she walks .
  7. Some people always look amazing in every pic. Sara is not one of those. She is aware of that, I think I saw her say such a thing once. don't get me wrong. she still looks 10000x better than most people. she just doesn't look out of this word amazing. So I am curious to see how she is n front of a camera where she isn't in control of all the angles, when it comes to acting. I think because she is very goofy and relax, she isn't crazy body/image obsessed like some, she can step out and give it her whole. But still, I am curious.
  8. Yeah, so did I. she didn't look bad. at all. I was just expecting a bit more.
  9. Not my fav outfit, make up OR hairstyle of hers Adriana looked nice and so did Jas. The rest were all a bit meh to me. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-4263380/Toni-Garrn-fellow-models-dazzle-Vanity-Fair-party.html
  10. that vogue video is cool and to see her among such col people
  11. agree. she can work on her voice. sometimes i like it, sometimes i don't. but THAT can be worked on , she can improve it. And some dislike it, some like it. so it can work either way for her.
  12. I hope she is good. you either have it or you don't. she has charisma, so I guess she can do sitcoms where people mostly act like themselves. I don't know if that's what she wants. Because if she's aiming for Drama, she better have it in her. You can't fake those things
  13. Plus, she WANTS to be an actress. she might not be able to be one. She might be a good actress and no one wants to take a chance with her OR she might suck. ~I have no idea, never saw her acting. So, it's smart for her to keep getting her name out there, making some money. Because it will be easier for her to put her foot in the door if she is already well known than otherwise.
  14. well, I take her MOil and her going to high profile parties over her walking shows. we can not have it all. You guys know I can be pretty critic of sara when I feels she isn't top notch professional - you all jump all over me when I do so - I am not a blind fan . But now, I think as long as she walks SOME, shows herself to be around, it's enough. She just needs one good look to be featured as a street style highlight in major fashion mags. I'll take that over having hr walk every show and no one mainstream know of her. since she wants to act, this is the way to go. she now just has to really put herself out there, push herself out of her comfort zone, Always be nice, always be charming, always be on. It's tiring and Sara suck at pretending, so I feel this is something she needs to work on. To always have her game on, her mask on. A brand ambassador is nothing more than well paid sales people , so she needs to do great. MO is an AMAZING opportunity and as long as she walks at least ONE show each FW this time, I am ok with it. One thing at a time-
  15. Maybe you are right. Maybe it's all an innocent funny private joke. the fact that it was deleted might mean it was either not, or they decided against allowing it up because of missunderstanding. I don't know the real reason, no one knows. it's just strange and that is why people are commenting on it
  16. Sara is always at a disadvantage point due to her height. I assume she can't just be booked last minute, since alterations might need to be made in some outfits who have the standard, very slim, very tall model sizes. I don't usually stress much about it. She is doing super well, she has her name already in the HF world, she now is starting to get her name out there as an ambassador for MO. Here's hoping she can manage to always keep her spirits high and be charming and bright and interesting. She has quite a few topic starters- she is from a country not many know of, she did karate and played violin. she is super short - for a model - yet she made it so far. So she now just has to smile, suck it up and step out there. mingle. not hide behind her friends or stand in the corner with the usual circle. spread your winds, leap of faith. this is your time to shine. Take a risk. Watch Tv later on
  17. I checked her instagram https://www.instagram.com/jennifermazurstyle it's cool. I like her style. She seems to adapt because the way she dresses Sara is different from the others. I love the way she does Sara. It's exciting times.
  18. I know nothing of her. is she big? who does she dress?
  19. I do too. super in love with it.
  20. That grade/letter thing is quite foolish and junior high. To think and to bitch about it behind, I am sure many models are catty like that. Sara is no angel, she loves her snark, but this is not very bright of Irina. I mean, the woman is pregnant and engaged why is she stressing about it? was she on the run for the same Job as Sara as is pissed they picked her? Tough luck. Bet Sara lost a ton before. She is getting a lot of media attention, which is cool because it will make her name be better known. I love the AF look, I don't even care she only got one look. One look is enough if it's a strong one and mags pick that to highlight the show or something.
  21. it will be cool to flip a mag and see an ad with sara on it. do they also have tv commercials?
  22. I like it. It's a bit higher end than L'oreal but still affordable enough to be widely known. It's great and I hope she fares well with them. Super happy and super proud. I hope this takes her even higher.
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