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Everything posted by pamp_lusa

  1. It must've been a little bit heartbreaking wearing that ugly outfit on her first segment-opening but the Balmain garment is pretty nice actually, she looks really good in it. Not crazy about the after party dress though I haven't seen it from the front yet
  2. Yeah I'm not too familiar with Lui but those pictures look more like a fashion editorial rather than a men's magazine shoot, the styling is all wrong
  3. This outfit, I love, she looks absolutely fantastic here. And her smile is precious, smiling makes you more attractive, always smile
  4. She looks really pretty, she's very charming, she seems lovely in this video
  5. Her voice is not very pleasant and nobody wants to work with whiny wet-blankets so, unless she's uber talented, I don't fancy her chances in Hollywood, it's all about being well connected in Tinsel town. As far as modeling, if she continues to cast disdain towards the industry, the industry will repay in kind, I feel like she's burning her bridges maybe a little bit..so shut up about acting, stop whinging about stuff on social media, tweeting about "anxiety", bite your tongue, put a smile on and soldier on. More importantly, stay humble
  6. DAMN she looks good in those pictures
  7. I wouldn't put all my eggs in the acting basket if I was her, beautiful women are a dime-a-dozen in Hollywood, she's foreign and her voice is a little bit jarring, for need of a better word, it's not the most pleasing voice is what I'm saying, so unless she's got the acting chops, she's very very easy to work with or gets in the good graces of important people, breaking into Hollywood is not gonna be easy
  8. Also Victoria's Secret has got to quit dumbing down these girls as much as they do. it's cringe-worthy how fake and lifeless they come across sometimes in interviews and it actually makes them seem less attractive, maybe that's one of the reasons the brand's at a bit of a low ebb
  9. for some reason I don't think she looks her best at the VS fashion show, makeup doesn't do much for this girl
  10. I don't know about you guys but I really feel for her, this poor stunning supermodel was just minding her own business with her super good-looking millionaire beau in St.Tropez when, little dreaming the paparazzis were on her tail, she took off her bikini top and they photographed her tits! She's reasonably upset even though we've all seen her boobs on her own instagram account with some stickers on her nipples. It's beyond stupid, in fact it smacks of a pr stunt, that's unless she was cryogenically frozen and just woke up in 2016. Oh the World is so unfair, I mean for her
  11. love your avatar, I loved Jessica Jones! can't wait for Wonder Woman in BvS and Harley Quinn in suicide squad, bring it on, super pumped
  12. on the whole racism thing, just comes to show how pathetic we've become, it's astonishing to me that anyone would be offended by that. She sang a song by a black artist that she likes and knows the lyrics to, and that contained the word "nigga", she obviously didn't mean to offend anyone, she's not racist, and no one with a half a brain would take umbrage, lets call a spade a spade. Obviously, no one's ACTUALLY offended, it's just that the PC police is always on the prowl for anything they can make a sh!tstorm out of. I'm sure it's unpleasant to hear a white person utter the N word, don't put it in your music! Still doesn't warrant the backlash she received, that was just totally blown out of proportion. Obviously it must be incredibly difficult to apologize, while being lynched, to a picket of oversensitive idiots, when you've done nothing wrong. I wouldn't have apologized either. 99% of the times celebs apologize to the internet thought-police, they don't mean it, they only do it for the sake of their careers
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