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Posts posted by RecklessMC

  1. 59 minutes ago, toodarnhot said:

    If these hashtags aren't subtle Irina shade then.... :rofl: 


    The hashtag isn't related to the Irina thing. Apparently its a private joke between Sara and Niki. They use it on their photos.

  2. ok so this is the first time that i reply to a topic but just wanted to let this out

    could people please grow up? she was singing a freaking song that happened to had the N word. what should she do? blip the effing word?
    people need to chill out. did anyone thought that maybe that word doesn't mean the some to her? she is PORTUGUESE not american. In Portugal, the n word is nothing special, both black and white people say it with no special degrading motive behind it, even though it's not used much anymore. and what about these stupidity of black people can say it but white people can't? is this your way to try to get equality between races? by trying to differentiate them?isn't this what you want to avoid?
    racism exists in the world, with that I agree. nowadays, not only racism regarding the colour but specially racism regarding religion. I can't speak from experience, but i get black people still get offended by some situations that still happen in our society, that reminds them of the way they ancestors were treated. but get offended with someone who sang a word that was in a song isn't a little bit to much? so it's okay to call her bitch, whore, skinny racist and other degrading names just because of a word, that to her doesn't have the same meaning? you're criticising her for saying a word that apparently offends black people, but calling her all type of names is just right for you? no wonder the world is so messed up - double standards and everything. if you want to criticise someone, at least do it on a reasonable way. at the end of the day she would have probably apologised, but after everything some people said to her and called her, they lost all reason. if i was in her place i would only apologize to my black friends, if anyone got offended with it (which i dont think it was the case) and i think that's what she did.

    it's possible for black and white people to coexist in the some world. but for that people need to stop poiting fingers to each other for stupid reasons and focus on the real problems.


    Peace :D

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