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Everything posted by angelcandicebra

  1. GUYS!!!! I'm one of the girls in her Instagram Stories!! That's the video prints that we made for her!!! I can't stop smiling and shaking!!! Still don't belive that it really happened!! She's amazing!!!!
  2. @LuckyXR is "anacan" . But the sound of "A" in English is very different from Portuguese so it's hard to explain And yeah!! Finally! ♥ So happy for Candice that words can't express it!
  3. I have a feeling that Behati already gave birth - or will give in the coming days -. She posted a picture saying that was 34 weeks in the August 7 then you should already be on time. About Candice, I think she should give birth in late September / early October. If the day she announced the pregnancy (19 March) she was 3 months (as a source had announced the day before) 19 this month it completes the nine months. I'm not sure, we will have to wait, but I'm looking forward!
  4. One more month to come. I think Hermann's relative was wrong Or maybe the baby won't be born with the 9 full months. Who knows ... let's wait!
  5. @medicenevs thank you! and thank you for share with us, she's just gorgeous and @emerald7 I don't know. I miss her work, and I hope she comes back to work fast, but it will depend on what she will want.
  6. I'm not trying to do anything, again, you got touched by yourself. Stupid? I'm sorry, but I - and I'm sure many others - appreciate the fashion fact, the old kind of like general talent that can bring art to fashion. Isn't stupid hate your "Modeling World 2016". If you did not notice, I said that shouldn't matter. Who is trying to look superior here is you. Probably trying to make fun of me should make you feel better. Keep laughing dear, I'll be sitting in my chair waiting for you again answer something. But if it's any advice, do not respond. I don't care and will continue to defend what I believe
  7. You're putting words in my mouth. And clearly didn't understand anything I said. Who doesn't understand something here, it's you, who cant see how the action of nepotism influenced in it all. Nepotism did not give her 22 million followers, 22 million followers gave her influence in medias and that is where the second part of the situation begins. Followers not (or shouldn't) matter. If so, Kendall would be the best model of the world. As I said, if you prefer to stay in the ignorance corner and not see what happens in fashion today, enjoy. At the end of the day we know who's right.
  8. Ok, let's go. Nepotism is favoritism family (or friends) in labor relations or employment. Gigi's mother, who has contacts in this world, because it has been a model and of course her friends that are present in the fashion world that can YES help her in this. ... According as privileges that set and ignores the technical ability to the position of the exercise. Gigi doesn't know how to work their expressions in most of her works, she has a bad catwalk and continues taking jobs that she got. So, yes, I know exactly what that word means. Her influence on social networks is not everything Exactly, it's her choice. Because she never had, and do not think she needs it, to get where it is. I never said that someone spoke about her talent. It is my opinion in general. You get touched by yourself Candice spends most of her time in New York working for Victoria's Secret. But she prefers to come to Brazil in their spare time than to stay in a chaotic city like New York. She come to Brazil is no problem. Especially because she has an agency here, which also offers her work in which she needs to see. Nepotism does exist, but if you prefer to believe that Gigi has a real "potential" to get all the covers and work that she has picked up. Okay, who am I to judge. But no, nepotism is not fictional. It's a real thing in the fashion of today and is there, just don't see who doesn't want.
  9. BS, Nepotism exist. Gigi get all this cover because everyone knows her on social media. Magazines aren't dumb. A model don't get a cover because of talent anymore, it's all about who sell it better. Sadly, Candice get less recognition than Gigi. Candice doesn't use social midia like her. But I trust in Candice's talent, I have sure one day she will be on Vogue US, UK and Paris.
  10. I'm not talking about her look ? In my vision, she have a exotic personality.
  11. Guys Anacã " is not a girl or boy name . Actually I don't think there's anyone else with this name. It is a name of a bird , I think specifically of amazon . So it's a very different and unique name, even for us Brazilians. I'am not surprised , I expected a more exotic name from this exotic woman! I believe that the pronunciation is " anacan " but don't know how this would work in other languages
  12. Ok guys, that's enough. We are here to talk about the work of Candice and share news, not to discuss what we think is right or not. It's HER LIFE, then be quiet. Nobody cares about anyone's opinion on this criterion, if you do not think is right: keep it for you. If you think it does not matter: keep well. Let's go back to talking about good things and not be arguing about things we DON'T know.
  13. Uh, sorry I'm defending the place where I live. Where I live and I know how things are. I don't listen to talk much more about this, and I live in a place that had a major outbreak. She knows the risks, but she feels good here, so I think, I say again, stop creating problems where none exist.
  14. Oh please, some people are SO ignorant! I live in Brazil, this problem with Zika virus is already better. And besides, it depends A LOT on where the person lives. Where do you think Candice has a house here? In one of the worst state of the neighborhoods where she is? I am sure that it is not. And one more thing, guess what, Candice is not the only pregnant woman in Brazil! Being here is NOT a risk if you take the right precautions. Or do you think what? Now when a woman becomes pregnant she changes her country because of it? Stop creating problem where none exists.
  15. Some updates... Vanity Fair UK - Cover and Editorial Instagram today In Wimbledon today More She's filming The White Princess Movies to come: Future World, Billionaire Boys Club, The Bad Batch.
  16. If she's in Brazil with her mother maybe she's giving birth here? Or maybe she's only here for the for this event. I think we really have to wait
  17. She would be brave going to the beach here in Brazil now, is cold in everywhere And about the birth, I don't is hard to say, her belly is already so big!
  18. I'm so in love with this TV Spot! It's probaly one of the best that she ever made!!
  19. ^^ Candice is 1,77. I do not know the height of Elsa, but she's on her toes.
  20. Oh, ok, thank you @endlesswords and @Candylicious. Both look very alike (in my eyes) Guys, do you think Candice have another shoot (for magazines) ready?
  21. Is that Sabrina with them right? She's Hermann's sister?
  22. ^ Thanks for the credit! Guys, do you wanna help on the Teen Choice Awards vote? I mean, would be really cool she get it! Let me know, okay?
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