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Posts posted by Jimbob88

  1. I'd say she looks the same. Just in those pictures she's obviously really young with a different hair colour. In fact, considering she's in her very early 20s and those pictures appear to have been posted in 2006 at the latest (comments were made on the pictures in that year), she would probably have been 13 or 14. The difference in her look can be put down to growing up rather than a "make-over".

  2. As somebody who has worked with charities I can tell you you may be surprised at the amount of work celebrities do with them which never gets publicized or heard about. It's not at all the case that we always hear of everything people do. Of course companies do things like this for PR but at the same time I'm not going to criticize them for it because whatever the reasons any donation is better than nothing.

  3. You also all have ridiculous standards if you think he is hideous. He is legitimately just a normal average looking big guy. I would hate to see the reaction on here to somebody who was truly terrible looking. I suppose it is logical that on a forum dedicated to models and beautiful people there would be somewhat of a skewed perspective on looks from some of the posters.

  4. No I think it was just a joke about the fact that Turkish people have been leaving a ridiculous number of obsessive messages on her social media about her and Acun.

  5. Well her arm does have hair on it but that is definitely completely normal. People point out the same thing with Candice but it's the fault of the media for portraying women as hairless when no actual non airbrushed woman is.

  6. None of you know either of them to know what kind of people they are or how good their relationship was. Don't know why some of you think she has to be with someone who has a certain place on an imaginary list. It's a ridiculous attitude to think that someone has to get with someone else only based on if they have equal fame or success in their job. It's an annoying thing about all types of fangirls though, thinking they have any insight or wisdom about people they will never meet.

  7. Put it this way. Companies make a big deal of social media and she wouldn't get the same jobs if she couldn't show that she had a certain number of followers. So anybody in her position would use it and make sure she makes enough posts to keep her profile up and advertise her work. Don't really think she says much about her personal life either, that's just people wanting to create talking points so putting 2+2 together.

  8. Yet people on here are only too willing to believe every negative thing they hear about Marko. They were probably both at fault in some ways, that's usually what happens in a marriage and then the truth is somewhere in between what the two of them tell you. Turks do appear to be fairly psychotic in their following of Adriana right now though.

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