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Derek Zoolander

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Posts posted by Derek Zoolander

  1. On 7/16/2018 at 12:17 PM, thisyearsmodel said:

    What... are... you... talking about?


    Story? No. It was obvious, to anyone paying attention, that he did not appreciate her. Leech off of him? You know he was living in HER apartment, right? And didn't have a job aside from occasional barback work? Justify her relationship? You mean TRY TO MAKE IT WORK? He didn't even have abs? Yeah, because Alexandria is totally shallow and that's why she stayed with him for years even after he gained weight, and her current S.O. is a totally normal-looking dude.


    Seriously, you're ODing on red pills. Disgusting. 

    Exactly!  Her  current bf may be even more of a "Joe Six Pack"....


    ...I do believe that her income would easily support her....


    P.S. She still has her apartment.

  2. On 3/24/2018 at 7:13 AM, Cult Icon said:


    The general gist that you are describing is what I observed as well.  She's very far removed from the character traits that lead to success in the city and could have used a lot of help from an experienced mentor.


    Some here have thought that she had great potential.  IMHO her max potential was roughly that of a decently successful (but not wildly) model like Ginta 

    I believe that many of you have prematurely written her obit. There may be some other elements involved in her "hiatus".

  3. On 3/24/2018 at 7:00 AM, elfstone said:

    So tragic :sad:

    She looks no older than 18-19 in that video. Thats a lot to deal with at such a young age


    Scott was her HS boyfriend, but they were only "friends" and a mutual crush then (she's mentioned this in her vids). Israel Hernandez was her first kiss...he was killed by a taser by the police (the day she left Miami for New York. She wrote a tragic account of this on her blog. This was on thenational news.


    She re-connected with Scott apparently when she came home from New York on a visit.

  4. Just now, thisyearsmodel said:

    When I click from IG, nothing happened?? I guess I'll try FB. Thanks ;)

    The show was live at 1PM Eastern time, that may be why the link didn't work. Last year, it went to YouTube in the next couple of days.  

  5. 8 minutes ago, Prettyphile said:


    Mental issues you say? :noexpression:  Confirmed no mental issues


    Coke is a wonderful drug when used in moderation. Don't knock it :rofl:


    Hey, hey, she could have herself a gay rich man + a career right now instead of a neckbeard and mediocre paycheck saving


    ...... Capitalism makes me happy. Big dick money and a gay husband. THE DREAM BABY!


    I don't think that acknowledging anxiety is a "mental issue." A daily struggle, yes, but not a "mental issue." 

  6. 1 minute ago, thisyearsmodel said:

     She said she just came from a photo shoot. PROMOTE YOUR WORK. At least on Snapchat. Damn. 

    I hope that you realize that she can't discuss projects unless and until she gets permission from her agency. This can be months sometimes.

  7. 9 minutes ago, F 4 5 H U N said:

    Wish that was the case. She's incredibly thin skinned.


      Reveal hidden contents

    She posted a Betty and Veronica pic on Insta titled Girl Power. I commented that wasn't the case because how come two fictional blonde and dark-haired stereotypes who spend all their time pursuing a guy represent "Girl Power" and she blocked me. I'm still stunned


    Not really... to read and listen to everyone else's opinion on the way that she should look, and to go to castings every single day (winning some, losing some; basically, every day of your life is a job interview) and to still keep pushing herself in the gym, and pushing herself professionally...I think that that shows incredibly thick skin.

  8. 4 hours ago, frenchkiki said:

    Weight watchers?


    3 hours ago, Prettyphile said:

    Kiki! That's horrible. :beating:

    Whatever it is, good for Alex


    3 hours ago, Prettyphile said:

    Kiki! That's horrible. :beating:

    Whatever it is, good for Alex

    Slightly mean....but very funny. I'm quite certain that Alexandria has a good enough sense of humor to enjoy it as a joke and nothing more. 

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