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Posts posted by chulapalvin

  1. BARBARA ON A DATE W ED SHEERAN.... NO NO NO!! This is Biebergate all over again! I hate when she gets this kind of press/attention! Call me crazy but I want to keep her all to myself. I know her talent & beauty destines her for otherwise but I hate how people who do not follow the modeling industry will only know her for the FEW and isolated times she has hung out with or had a date with Justin, Nial, or Ed. And all the articles only ever address her as Barbara Palvin "of Victoria's Secret", which she worked with for freakin 2 seasons and hasnt in awhile. Stop grouping her in. VS isn't the most holy, worthy thing on Earth to the point where it should be attached to her identity and presented with her name forever. Her lane is the commercial and editorial game. Now that I think about it, why don't they address her a LOREAL model since she currently holds that contract? If I were L'Oreal I'd be all over BP's management that they need to correct/redirect the media!! They pay alot for her to represent them and yet she is pigeonholed and forever classified as VS. Anyhow, super nervous how this will unfold.. When you google Ed Sheeran the FIRST result is the breaking BP story. Jus hours old.. I know someone better at adding photos than me will share them in a matter of time. But I had to rant my silly anxiety! I just don't want a watered-down version of her introduced to the media, yanno?? Love to all Barbellas/os



    Edit add: My fear about her & the 'mainstream' is that post-Bieber is when more of the "mainstream" found out about her.. This is when her twitter followers skyrocketed. Eventually she became annoyed and distant with fans because of the freaking annoying fangirls who post obnoxious exclamations of their baseless obsession, meanwhile others actually admire her talent, personality, soul, and art. I have copies of asian mags and covers with her at 13 years old, so I'm sort of a sensitive and deep Barbella.

  2. Question! I purchased Marie Claire Italia December 2014 looking for those 3 leftover shots from the Tulum, Mexico shoot by David Bellemere. Those images that were posted as Dec 2014 are nowhereeee in the magazine! I believe wearesodroee.com is the original source & I think unfortunately the tag/month is just incorrect "/ Does anyone have any insights on this? Thanks!

  3. My thoughts, for what theyre worth: I agree that there was too much focus on performers. I would prefer to see each model's entire walk and have longer to ooh & ahh, rather than weird editing & quick shots (which gave me a headache!). Also, all of the interaction between models & Taylor Swift on the runway was so unflattering & unprofessional & it was actually so distracting as well. In previous years when they first started doing it here & there, it was somewhat cute. But it seemed like all of them HAD to make sure they gave her an awkward hand touch. Next year execs should be stricter & make the models be more professional, or at least playful in a less annoying way. They also couldnt stop singing along to the songs as they walked. Since when does a catwalk model lipsync while she walks?! The Adri & Ale segment was sweet. I will still always watch & enjoy the show overall but I haven't been a fan of the shows evolution..



  4. Can anyone tell me if the December Marie Claire Italy shots are leftovers from her MC Italy May editorial? same photographer David Bellemere, & the one with the wavy hair down looks similar to the old ones.


    Edit - I think they are. When DB Instagrammed one of them 4 weeks ago in black & white, he hashtagged it Tulum, mexico which is where the first editorial was shot. It's the same publication for the same country though so Im sure they wont be using repeats.

  5. I just want to say that although some do not like the styling of the Black Magazine shoot & find it ugly, I love it soooo much! It just may not be your type of style. I think the cornrows are awesome as is the flat one-dimensional foundation look and clean eye makeup. She is a MODEL; and I think she is great at being dynamic and a chameleon. We have seen her feminine, glam, etc. This is just another look. & its sooo dope ! (= Idk about ya'll but I can't ever NOT love the work Barbara does ! PS how happy is everyone to see the darker brown hair from L'Oreal again ?! (=

  6. I went to the very first public showing of the movie release last night, at 7pm. It used to be that a midnight showing was a MIDNIGHT but now they do them as early as 7pm. Would anyone like to know how much or how little Barbara appears?

  7. My comment on her being extraordinary compared to anyone else, IS fair to say, because I prefaced it with "in my opinion"! No one can say anything around here! Go back to ignoring my posts then. I have great appreciation for photo contributors, but there can only be so many, & it seems like if you are here to have discussion & give input you are not welcomed. Yes there is an Anything About Barbara thread but everyone sees that discussion takes place here in this one. Gotta love how on a Barbara thread you will be checked for praising her.


    Not saying WE are soulmates cause obv im not Barbara's, but she is definitely mine, hence why I*** (keyword) find her to be the most beautiful woman on the planet. Thought I was in the right place for that. But I guess one should expect for everything they say and post to be picked apart, just like some of you do to Barbara.



  8. In my opinion, when Barbara is photographed next to someone else, even another beautiful model, her face features can blow anyone out of the water and make the other look ordinary. I always say, the sweet architecture of her face is proof of divine creation!!!

  9. Dont mean to post off topic but because of the screen shot posted of Selenas reply to a fan about Justin preferring to pursue models rather than get her back (which is so ignorant of her to say btw), I just thought Id share something that sheds more light on her character... ex dancer of selenas @rannemorter just posted a comment on Selenas IG photo "Sari not sari" and the comment says how selena told justin dont visit your fans downstairs.. and that one of them is fat.. Go & find the comment for yourself. Who knows the validity of this source but I think we all get a sense of Selenas flaws when it comes to these things...

  10. I made these just for a bit of fun.... ^.^ I don't think it was any real beef. Not all people mix well. Barbara is 20 & Lara is 30 so.. Maybe some resentments or she was turned off by Barbaras outgoing personality? Don't be such a square lol! But again Im not trying to perpetuate or fuel anything.. Just thankful for these funny pics and wanted to tell a story behind them. You have to admit Barbara does look pretty terrified lmao and Lara scowlish.. The 1st one is a little comic strip & the 2nd one is the zooms of Barbaras poor faces lmao! Queue the appropriate villain music lol. Enjoy!






    PS Ive read all the threads on rules about posting photos. But couldnt quite figure out how to straight upload as images and thumbnail them like I would have preferred. I wanted them displayed not linked. Rusty on HTML. If anyone can help I will edit. Thanks!

  11. Im a lonnngtime follower of Chloes! So from my perspective it was soooooo surreal & exciting to see them together! Chloe is a gorgeous Australian young woman & she resembles Candice Swanepoel! (& She's done an inspired look.) She uses mostly higher end makeup & shes the queen of some nude cut crease eyeshadow and nude & glowing looks. Her Youtube videos are lovely. L'Oreal has noticed her value and I am so happy for this because I think she represents them perfectly. (I know I said she doesn't use much drugstore makeup, but she is very clean and bright and just idk- a good fit for L'Oreal to me..) So she is kind of like a mini-ambassador and she was sent to Cannes on the job for L'Oreal to conduct interviews and take footage etc. I was thinking, I wonder if she will see Barbara on a plane or anything. And then to find out Chloe got to interview her!!? And all these selfies!? What a treat!!! Sooo jealous and happy for Chloe! Thats major for her!


    + She has a hunky boyfriend named Jack who's a lawyer. (=

  12. I hope all you critics stay the hell quiet because she KILLED this red carpet look. So sexy. Love the hair color & I like it straight for this look. She hardly wears it straight so its very sleek for her for a red carpet. A white dress is not simple when you have to have that beautiful silhouette of hers to pull it off. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but as a long time lurker of this thread from Day 1, I never understood how people could be SO nasty and judgmental of her outfits and her. I think almost everything she does is lovely. Maybe thats why shes my true soulmate ^.^ My heart is just naturally attracted to everything she does... My fave 2 Cannes 2013 looks of hers were the pant suit, & the jacket over the silver dress. So I felt I had to have a presence here & sorrynotsorry I will only ever speak sunshine about her......

  13. @appleauto If you understood what the deal actually was with that.... We Save Us wasnt exactly a charity.. It was a kickstarter project, taking donations using Indiegogo. If they didnt meet their quota of donations necessary to take the product off the ground (it was a wristband with technology features), then all donations would be refunded and there would be no prizes awarded. I know because I was one of the very few who donated to the cause. I wasnt exactly interested in the idea of the wristband becoming a business or a product really, but in supporting Barb & basically purchasing her autograph with my donation. My money was refunded. It's unfortunate the project wasnt successful; people didnt seem interested in donating... But I do still wish that the signed photos were mailed to those who did donate and that she chose a winner for dinner. I tweeted her that she can cook me her favorite, 4 cheese pasta ^.^

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