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Posts posted by teacup

  1. Hello, Bellazonians!

    I used to be a member of the board ages ago - unfortunately I can't remember my password, or which email account I used, or the password to my old email accounts. So a new one had to be made!

    My name is teacup - or Nikki. 8D I'm Canadian, I'm twenty-one, I love anything pretty and girly, I never wear anything pretty or girly, and I'm big on models. I'm a writer, and like to use models to inspire me in creating my characters. I like tea, vanilla coke, animals, pretty toenail polish, shoes (especially boots and flats), and flowers. I'm in love with tattoos but afraid of getting them. I have a cat named Skittles and a dog named Lux. My dog looks like a muppet. I think Abbey Lee is the best thing since sliced bread, and I'm on the fence about Karlie Kloss, but I think she's the best for cropping her hair short and killin' it. 


    Unicorns are my spirit animal, probably.

    That's it!

  2. I'm baaaack. Not that, I'm sure, anybody remembers me. But it's just too hard to stay away from Bellazon forever. I wasn't on here for the VSFS last year and that was lame. So I've decided I need to come back. How else will I get my regular Abbey fix?! Not to mention you guys are just great. :)

    Since it's been so long, perhaps I should reintroduce myself. Call me Nikki. :) I'm twenty, and Canadian, and all that jazz. There's nothing else interesting, except an acute obsession with books and shoes (and Abbey Lee).

  3. I was pretty disappointed. The outfits were, for the most part, decent to good, minus a few travesties. Poor Jac. Edita was stunning - probably my favorite of the night, I have to say. Erin was adorable, and I loved her boxing outfit. Nobody could've pulled it off like her. Rosie is usually my favorite, but she looked tired and her outfits, especially in Wild Kingdom, fell flat and the last one was definitely NOT flattering. Maybe on somebody with a darker skin tone it could've been stunning, but not on her. It was all very washed out. Chanel will never cease to irritate me and make me wonder why they've cast a twelve year old boy in the show. As for Adriana - it amazes me that somebody so over the top manages to be so boring. Maryna was FIERCE and I really would've liked to see her in Wild Kingdom instead of Pink. Heavenly Bodies was blah, and the fact that they didn't promote the Fantasy Bra at all seemed very pointless. Alessandra, who I am typically not a fan of at all, looked awesome and she rocked it! I expected a lot more out of Izabel and was pretty disappointed. I actually liked Country Girls - but with so many good, upbeat country songs to pick from, why play that snorefest music? Lily Donaldson was amazing - they need to cast her again next year. And seriously. Closing with Pink? Blah. They should've closed with Wild Kingdom instead - it was definitely the strongest segment. (I LOVED the outfits in Tough Love though. LOVED.)


    No Abbey. *sobs*

  4. I had on...fishnet tights, a black bustier, my black leather jacket, black boots, and black gloves. And I was blonde for Halloween, so that worked out. :p

    Yeah. I got a lot of attention, ngl. That's what happens when you let a BOY pick your Halloween costume. Haha.

  5. I'm a giddy, horny drunk. :ninja: It's pretty funny. Halloween I was dressed as Black Canary (google her) and it was just...scary. Really.

    I can't drink vodka. :/ That sounds pretty hilarious though. I blacked out after drinking like...an entire two six of bacardi...yayyy!

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