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Posts posted by rockbilltree

  1. A while ago a saw a editorial picture af Gisele wearing a long leather skirt, a with blouse and gloves. I´d like to know if anyone have this pisture? It´s an old image, from 98 or maybe 99. Thanks anyway...

  2. Did you guys know that her real last name was Dick but she changed it because of its meaning in english before move to NY.

    That´s not really true. Here in the south of Brasil (Parana, Santa Catrina and Rio Grande do Sul) there´s a great number of german descendents. Dicker is a variation, a short version of Dickermann. The fact that spells similar to "Dick" is just a coincidence.

  3. hi, if possible, could someone translate the entire paragraph for the picture posted by angelxxxx on jan. 15 (mentions hollywood and dolce) ....i am a big fan of trentini, but my portuguese is fairly poor, and internet translators suck!


    Hi that´s a quick translation of that paragraph:


    Carol trentini 19

    She have a lot of reasons to be happy about: she´s the favorite top of photographer Steve Meisel an the feared Anna Wintour, beside been part of Gucci and the nexts D&G and Oscar the la Renta campaigns.

    Capital Sin: envy.

    "Buyer Dream": a hause in hollywood.

    When she become 30 (years)...: Never stop to think about yeat.

    Muse: my mother.

    Best Vacation: everyone, because just on vacation i spend time with my family and with the people that i love.


    Warning: I don´t usually translate "to", most at the time it´s the other way around. So it´s posible that some expression have been missplaced. If that´s the case i´m sorry.

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