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Everything posted by kulsuzi

  1. I concur (Y) I think he should buy us ALL a mansion for the emotional mess he has caused!!! It would totally make up for all the strong emotions he has provoked!!! I second that! :dance: Doesn't he own the house next to the house he lives in? I heard a while ago that he did and in that case I'll just move in there so I can be close by for anything he needs!!!
  2. Although I've been a long time Leo fan, I didn't discovery your site until late March/early April. I was keeping tabs on what he was doing by googling him and your site would pop up but I never really gave it any mind and then Leo kind of disappeared after he was at that Miami electronic festival or something in late March. I ended up googling him and found that he was in Costa Rico (which I don't think I ever saw mentioned on here surprisingly). Yay me!!! :dance: When I finally decided to check this site out I was shocked by how much information you guys had. I started reading his site from when he went to Australia through present and instantly became addicted!! It was like reading a romance novel or something. LOL I couldn't stop and was drawn in by the information that some of you guys get! Some of the information you guys find/obtain is amazing!!!! Anyway I just wanted you guys to know that I appreciate all of the information that is put together by everyone who reads and posts here. There may be some disagreements about some things regarding our Leo but we're all here for the same reason and I think most people are respectful of each other and their opinions. There, I said it. Been wanting to say that for awhile!!! I know probably wasn't the appropriate place to say it but whatevs....
  3. Thought I read something about him owning a villa there, but maybe I'm thinking of Cannes or Ibiza. In regards to Leo's cousins, I just remember that pic of him from the 90's with those two little boys and a little girl.. it stated they were his cousins but I personally never heard or saw them again. So thanks for that story about his cousin. I guess you mean this pic seems those kids are from Irmelin's side, they look too German Yea. I've got to ask my friend to see if she knows someone else that works for the State who may remember his last name. She strongly believes his name is Peter. She just can't remember his last name. Besides having the goatee and eyes like Leo, he was pudgey unlike Leo.
  4. summernights Well said. I won't repeat what I've said in the past but I really like reading everyone's take on Leo issues. Some jive with mine and others do not. Doesn't mean I don't respect what other people have to say. The one thing we all have in common is we are Leo fans. And when you are Leo fans you take the good with the bad. It doesn't change who he is or why we like/love him!
  5. Would Doug be a cousin's name? My friend called her friend at the state and she can't remember his cousin's name. She thought it was Peter and her friend that still works at the State thought it was Doug. She remembers what he looks like though....had dirty blond hair, hair was long in the back and a goatee like Leo often wears.....he must be from his mom's side. So to lighten things up a bit and change the subject.....no one responded to my posts about his cousins..... Does anyone know the names of any of his cousins?
  6. It's nice to see we are all such passionate Leo lovers/fans!!!!
  7. Would Doug be a cousin's name? My friend called her friend at the state and she can't remember his cousin's name. She thought it was Peter and her friend that still works at the State thought it was Doug. She remembers what he looks like though....had dirty blond hair, hair was long in the back and a goatee like Leo often wears.....he must be from his mom's side.
  8. Just because you state your opinion about his personal life doesn't mean you're obsessed. Thumbs up to mz_linz for speaking up. I completely agree. To me, being a fan also means being objective and honest about the person you're a fan of - because after all don't we, as Leo fans, want what's best for him? So what if people perceive things differently and state their opinion about it? To some, him dating Toni - or basically any other 20 year old - is perfectly fine and think it's best for him and to some it isn't. I'm new here but I figured people get way too offended by other people's opinions. I adore Leo. It's been a decade now since I'm a hardcore fan, but I am, as well as others here, damn well entitled to say I don't like how he is in his personal life. And that I think it isn't okay to be dating a girl who was still in her diapers during his Titanic-era. There. Won't stick around here much longer anyway. Way too restrained for me, sorry. Good luck, all! Nicely said. Just because we have opinions about certain things in his life does not mean we love him any less. It's what makes him Leo. And everytime I post something that I know people will be offended by I always end it with it's just my opinion because that's what it is....just my opinion which everyone has and everyone's is going to be different. I actually like having debates about stuff on Leo. It's fun. I don't get mad about what other people say because I know it's their opinion as well.
  9. I feel sorry for the Teri girl. She's getting the brunt of it. I should have thought to post this sooner but here goes.....so I live in northern California and I found out right before I went to see The Great Gatsby that one of the girls I work with used to work with the State of California and believe it or not she worked with Leo's cousin. First Leo's cousin working in a state job? She said he looked like Leo and the cousin talked about how they used to go on family vacations with Leo. I know I've seen pics of him with his cousins when they were all kids. Does anyone know anything about his extended family? I know I read for his 37th birthday party in NY that his mom and aunts were there so I know he probably has cousins on his mom's side but does he have cousins on his dad's side? I can get more information from my friend at work but I was just wondering what any of you knew about his cousins. Also regarding Toni and him speaking German together, I remember when Django came out he talked about how his german was rusty and he got lessons from Christophe Waltz.
  10. Ellie R. Levine (@ellierlevine) 7/9/13, 3:58 PM Is there an active equivalent to @Gawker stalker (RIP)? Need to corroborate today's Leo DiCaprio spotting in Soho. Download the official Twitter app here Sent from my iPad Could he be back in ny? I'm sure toni would need to get back to work and she lives in ny.
  11. merritt (@Merritt_Voit) 7/9/13, 6:13 PM MY MLMS FRIENDS DAUGHTER MET LEONARDO DICAPRIO IN A STORE TODAY AND DIDNT ASK FOR A PICTURE AND THEY WERE THE ONLY TWO IN THE STORE WHYYYYYY Download the official Twitter app here Sent from my iPad Hmmmm.....Where????
  12. I've heard him compared to George clooney about the not getting married thing but the difference I see is I do think he wants kids. I don't think clooney wants kids and I've never seen him with friends kids however Leo I think does want kids and we've obviously seen him with his godchildren. I think he'd make a good dad.
  13. I don't know if I could have seen her as Daisy. I would have to see her audition tape! haha Of course it's too late now because Carey is now Daisy for me. I'm sorry but Blake would have been a horrible choice for Daisy. Carey embodied everything that Daisy was and became her! She is Daisy. I'm pretty sure Blake was with Leo just to see what parts she could snag. It was rumored that she was trying to get the part of Nadine in Wolf of Wall Street too. she doesn't seem to think like that(being with a guy just for his connections).I mean know only thing she does is to follow Ryan wherever he's going and put her career on hold. Anyway i don't think Leo with Toni will last till summer ends.She seems lovely just not THE one I wonder if Leo will ever find The One?! I don't think Toni is it either, she's too young for him. I think this will be another summer fling haha!! I agree with you girls too. Toni seems very sweet but I don't think this will be a long term relationship for them.
  14. Leonardo DiCaprio (@LeonarDiCaprio1) 7/9/13, 3:19 PM In the News: Leonardo DiCaprio Rumor - Tribeca Citizen dlvr.it/3dVdhH TRIBECA—When he's not riding Citi Bikes, apparently Leonardo DiCaprio is apartment hunting. A gossip sent word to the tipline that the movie star checked out "and possibly purchased" the penthouse at 250 West Street. "That's the buzz amongst the residents who have moved in thus far," writes our tipster. The 7,200-square-foot penthouse was designed with the rich and famous in mind—it has its own entrance, garage, and elevator—and during the preview party, we were told a few celebrities had toured the place. The penthouse was listed for $42 million, but it was taken off the market 10 days ago, so perhaps it did find a buyer. We reached out to the broker for more info. [CurbedWire Inbox; previously]
  15. I don't know if I could have seen her as Daisy. I would have to see her audition tape! haha Of course it's too late now because Carey is now Daisy for me.
  16. I think it was a rebound thing. He and Bar had just broken up and wasn't Blake either auditioning for the Daisy role or had auditioned for the Daisy role???? Just a summer fling.
  17. Pink I could not have said it better myself. I was actually going to post something like that when I got home from work!! I just wonder if he hadn't closed his private life off so much years ago if the paps would be as crazy to capture pics of him now? It's kind of like the more he tries to keep his private life private the more people crave any pics or info they can get on him and go to extremes to get it.
  18. I was just teasing. It's always pointed out that he dates the same girls and has the same track record with them and I always remember that everytime he's been with a new girl, its always posted that they were seen in Disneyland.
  19. Well apparently they went to Disneyland today. It seems like that's always the next place to go when he starts dating someone new. :dance: I say that to be funny even though it's kinda true.
  20. Leonardo DiCaprio Prefers The Back Door! 7/08/2013 4:42 PM ET | Filed under: SIGHting • Leonardo DiCaprio Leonardo DiCaprio slipped through the back door on Saturday night! Hey, when in WeHo… LOLz! Okay, okay — out of our fantasies and back to reality — Leo was spotted sneaking out of the Villa Lounge with a couple of friends. We can't tell if any of those lucky ladies are Toni Garrn though! Leo and the Victoria's Secret model have been banging hanging out a lot this past month. But we didn't see them together on the 4th of July either! Maybe Ms. Garrn doesn't do the 4th? She is German, after all. Where's your girl, Leo??? We miss seeing your beautiful faces together!!! Sorry not sure how to get Perez' writing off of the pic. And obviously we know this article is wrong as he was with her.
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