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Posts posted by sadako

  1. http://wallstcheatsheet.com/stocks/8-shockingly-oscar-less-actors-and-actresses.html/4/



    Leonardo DiCaprio

    One of the most highly sought actors in Hollywood, Leonardo DiCaprio has come a long way since his early roles in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, The Basketball Diaries, and Titanic. But despite a strong recent track-record of critically acclaimed roles, along with a strong partnership with director Martin Scorsese, an Academy Award has continued to elude the popular actor.



    DiCaprio’s film-acting career began as a child actor in 1991′s Critters 3, a direct-to-video release, before the actor came to prominence after a breakout role in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape as Johnny Depp’s mentally handicapped younger brother. Since then, DiCaprio has never let up, starring in Romeo + Juliet, Titanic, Catch Me If You Can, Gangs of New York, and more recently, The Departed, Revolutionary Road, Inception, and Django Unchained. Of course, those films only start to scratch the surface of DiCaprio’s prolific acting career.

    DiCaprio has been nominated for three Academy Awards: in 1994 for Best Supporting Actor in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, in 2005 for Best Actor in The Aviator, and in 2007 for Best Actor in Blood Diamond. But there’s been talk that his role in the upcoming Scorsese film The Wolf of Wall Street, in which he portrays crooked stock broker Jordan Belfort, might earn the actor his fourth nomination. Even if it doesn’t, it’s only a matter of time before he gets his first Academy Award.


    ##The other folks on the list are worthy too, IMO.

  2. I dunno - for some reason, I don't think Leo is ever gonna go through the ceremony of a marriage or maybe not even becoming a Dad. Nothing wrong with that! There are plenty of people in the world who either choose not to or just don't find the right somebody - I'm still looking myself!



    SickasMySecret and Lua - I agree with Lua-no matter how private Leo is, he cannot control random people taking pics and videos and posting them on the Net. His b-day was a big event with friends bringing friends and I doubt he had everyone who come sign a privacy agreement or something. One of the videos that was on the Net was taken by one of kanye's people.


    The thing with Toni's friend and Milan posting twitter pics that were later made private or removed is a different story - Leo knows them personally so most likely he asked them to do that but all these other people : I don't think he is THAT paranoid or controlling, if at all. He just does not like the PAPARAZZI and will do anything to prevent them from making money from him.


    Read Laniey's post from yesterday about Leo and privacy and Kanye Kim K, etc. Even tho I think she's off the mark MOST of the time, I think she was spot on about Leo and privacy. But she is dead wrong that just because he and Kanye are friendly acquaintances, they are not buddy buddies. I mean, Leo loves 2 Chainz and goes to his gigs and had him at his b-day, he's not going to be hanging out with him as a close friend, LOL!


    Conversations between Kanye and Leo

    November 25, 2013Posted at 2:03 PM
    Posted by Lainey

    Kanye West was at Leonardo DiCaprio's birthday party a couple of weeks ago. Leo was at Kanye's MSG show last night. With girlfriend Toni Garrn. So, presumably, they're more than just casual acquaintances. What's that like? What does it sound like when Kanye and Leo hang out? What do they talk about?

    When Ye goes off about the injustice of the fashion industry and the Grammys and why his girlfriend has been excluded from the Hollywood Walk of Fame, does Leo nod in solidarity? Even though Kanye West's girlfriend's lifestyle is exactly the kind of sh-t Leo abhors? He never calls the paps. He doesn't tip off the tabloids. He would never, ever agree to have his engagement filmed for reality television -- not that he would ever get engaged. But still. You see the disconnect here. It's not unlike how Beyonce manages her personal-private ratio. Only with B, she's not so much a dumpster diving don't look at me celebrity as she is a control freak about WHO gets to talk about Beyonce -- only Beyonce.

    I do wonder whether or not it comes with a warning now whenever Kanye introduces her to proper stars. If an understanding is reached that ensures she doesn't exploit the situation to her advantage. Oh I hope so. Because eventually it'll just give him something else to rant about. And pretty soon, up on stage, he'll be giving Leo the gears about the one time Leo talked down to his baby mother and how Hollywood is fascist.

  3. katchitup and 'shine - great job on finding and posting the concert photos !


    wayw - awesome that you were there and thanks for sharing the photos. Do you notice if other people in the audience had spotted them? Did they stay the whole concert? I think I read somewhere that Toni really loves to dance and she loves rap music so she has that in common with Leo.


    Wolf - wow, that is a long movie - normally hate long movies but I'm sure this will be an exception. I am READY to read the positive reviews (fingers crossed!).

  4. Thanks Pink - I think most Leo fans have read that article from New York Magazine that was published in the heyday of Leo Mania - man, I remember that almost every entertainment TV show had a segment on Leo on every show for that period! It was insane - Happy to see that Leo has survived it and is still thriving!

  5. A nice story from Patrick McMullan, ultra famous fashion photog. - again, very nice comments about our Leo!


    Patrick McMullan Tells the Story of His Amazing Leonardo DiCaprio Photo

    The above photo — in which the Titanic actor poses for the camera while being held up by his running buddies, magician David Blaine and actor Lukas Haas, during New York's Fashion Week — opened New York magazine’s 1998 Leonardo DiCaprio cover story, but was actually taken in September 1995, circa Romeo + Juliet, when professional party photographers could still get lively, free-spirited shots of a 21-year-old Leo in the wild. By the time James Cameron’s blockbuster arrived a couple of years later, all that had changed. Here, as part of Vulture’s weeklong coverage of fame in the year 1998, New York nightlife photographer Patrick McMullan tells the tale behind the picture (his story involves hailing the actor a limo) and laments the onset of Leo Mania. “After that, you couldn’t get him for a shot like this,” he says. “He’ll do the red carpet for his movies, but you can’t take his picture at a party.”

    Nicole Miller’s show had just ended and me and these guys were all walking out together to get a cab. I was friendly with them because we saw each other out all the time. I was a little more savvy to the scene, I guess, so I could help them find the good parties. And so we walked out together. I said, "Hey, Liz Tilberis, the editor of Harper’s Bazaar, is having a party down at Indochine. Why don’t you guys come? All the cute models are gonna be there." They were each just starting to become pretty well-known, but at that point I could still just say, "Come with." They wanted to meet models and look at pretty girls — what normal guys want to do. And because I knew a lot of the models, I was able to say, "This is so-and-so," whatever. Not just to Leo, but to any of the young guys who were around.

    So anyway, we were all leaving, they’re gonna come with me to Indochine. But then we couldn’t get a cab. While we were waiting, I said, "Let me get you three in a picture, come on. Let’s get something a little lively." Leo says, "How’s this?" And he jumped up. I got a few shots.

    We go back to waiting for a cab. We’re waiting and waiting, and I see a limo and I said, "Let me try something" — and I hailed a big white limousine. I remember Leo saying [incredulously], "You can do that?" I said, "You can always try." So it stopped, and for $50 or whatever, the driver took us all to Indochine. I paid for the limo because I think I had more money than any of them at the point. Maybe now he’ll pick me up in a limo some day. That’d be funny.

    We talked about who was pretty, who was cute. "Did you see the girl in the green dress?" That type of stuff. Then when we got to the party I introduced them to Liz, and of course Liz knew who Leo was. He wasn’t megafamous yet but we all knew him. He had done Gilbert Grape, some good movies. But he hadn’t done Titanic yet. That was a turning point.

    I saw him a couple of years later in California, asked him for a photo. He was very friendly, very polite. But he said, "No, I don’t do pictures." He must have had a press agent say, "Don’t let people take your picture" or something, or he was emotionally exhausted from having gotten inundated by people. He’s still a nice guy, but he’s so super-successful. He’s the new Clark Gable, you know?

    I remember another time he was mad at me because there was this thing in Vegas Magazine. I did an interview and the reporter asked me if there was anybody that I thought was great, whom I didn’t think was great anymore, and I said how Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire never want their pictures taken anymore. So then when I ran into Leo after that, he said, "I’m mad at you." He wasn’t mean; he was half-joking. I said, "What are you talking about?" He said, "You said I never do pictures anymore." I said, "Well, can I take your picture?" He goes, "No!" He’ll do the red carpet for his movies — but you can’t take his pictures at a party.

    I want to be clear, though, that Leo was and is very polite. And so were the other guys in that picture. His friends, his group, they were his real friends — they still are his friends. They were all just hanging around together, having fun.

    Patrick McMullan's nightlife photography appears weekly in New York magazine and regularly in such publications as Allure, Interview, and Gotham magazines. You can follow him on Twitter.

  6. James Van der Veek (of Dawson fame) talks about meeting Leo back in 1998 - nice words!


    Were there any celebrities you were dying to hang out with in 1998? Leonardo DiCaprio was another heartthrob that year. 
    I remember meeting him at the Playboy Mansion, actually.

    What was that like?
    It was just really quick. I remember him just being really respectful and not doing that thing that some famous people do where they pretend to not know you. He knew who I was and introduced himself. He was really down-to-earth and very cool. We had mutual friends, too. For somebody who was as huge as he was at the time, I remember him being very down-to-earth and cool.http://www.vulture.com/2013/11/james-van-der-beek-dawsons-creek-1998-fame-interview.html

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