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Posts posted by hellzbelle

  1. I guess what bothers me the most about Bar getting it is that people like Ana Beatriz (who was in the magazine for like 8 or so years) never got the cover. And now ABB isn't even in it anymore. I think that's sad, because she really deserved it after that long.

    Oh well. Such is life.

    Now back to some Irina. :heart: Guess S/S '08.

    Some of these are repeats, but they're a little bit larger than we've seen before.










  2. I think it's crap, personally. Nothing against Bar--she's a pretty girl. But she has been a part of the SI swimsuit issue for exactly as long as Irina has. The only reason she was chosen is because she's more "famous." You don't date Leo and not get noticed.

    Maybe Irina needs a famous boyfriend. <_<

  3. I'm having problems with uploading pics today. At first I thought it was just me because I was having "submit form" issues last night, but I just tried a form on a different site and it worked fine.

    It keeps telling me I didn't select an attachment, even though I did.

    Thanks for looking!

  4. Reposts are fine as long as there are no identical image(s) posted within the last 3-5 pages. However, this does not mean reposts should be posted again for the sake of posting :)

    Sorry. I'm not as much of an Adriana junkie as I used to be, so I'm not certain what's entirely new and what isn't. I just found some pretty pics and thought I might not be the only one that hadn't seen them before. :(

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