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Posts posted by hellzbelle

  1. This has just blown me away. I think I'm still in denial. It's hard to find any information about him on the internet (in English--I'm not savvy enough to read other languages, unfortunately). I'm just so, so sad and hard to believe.

    He was such a beautiful man, and from what I understand, quite a sweetheart, too.

    He will be very missed.

    :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

  2. "Matthias passed away on June 1st. He died of a tragic accident at the Untersberg near Salzburg and Berchtesgaden.

    Family and friends said good-bye today at the open grave of Matthias. Some traveled from far away, to be together with Matthias one last time. Thanks for your sympathy." quoted from StudiVZ 8th of June

    What is your source on this?

  3. I closed MARKpics. There was another, larger Mark-based Yahoo group, so I didn't feel the need for both.

    Here are some larger versions of the pics with Eugenia Silva. If anyone knows where to find the whole editorial online, please let us know!







  4. Hello guys and gals,

    I recently had a hard drive crash and I lost all of my links (luckily, my picture collection was stored elsewhere). I was wondering if some of you kind souls could send me some URLs of your favorite Irina/model picture sites? You can PM me if you'd rather not share them here.

    I would be so very appreciative. :flower:

    Thank you in advance!


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