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Everything posted by Reelayman

  1. Mad Dog, that is a perfect example of Ale's amazing stomache!!!!!!!!!!!! Good post!
  2. WOW that is a hot pic Kabousia!!! Thanks for the hello, and THANKS for that pic, it is actually one I haven't seen before! When I get back tomorrow morning I will post some from a photo shoot I absolutly Love! You have probably seen it before, its the one where she poses in the black shorts and bikini top. If any of you guess the one I am talking about post some before I do. That would be cool! Talk to you guys tomorrow!
  3. I can't decide if I like her blonde or brunette... but either way her legs are smoking!!!!!!
  4. Brasil816 I agree with you. Ana doesnt particularly have features that immediatly stand out like Adriana or Ale or Gisele, but I still can not even begin to describe how gorgeous she is. I might have an affinity towards her because she strongly resembles a friend of mine but thats besides the point... Anyway, I don't think that because a model gets less publicity than other makes her "under-rated" I think there are some models out there that aren't as widely known by the main-stream, but they still have an enourmous amount of talent and an amazing look ABB is def my top pic of models is that category! Anyway I wouldn't ramble on liek this without throwing a pic on here so here you guys go!
  5. wow, anyone have that picture of Ale from the Photo mag without all the writting? just wondering?? Thanks!
  6. Hey! I am new here, Neo made me feel welcome in the Adriana section! I am a big Ale fan so I wanted to introduce my self in here too, my name is Reelay. Anyway here is one of my all time favorites of Ale, hope you guys like it too! No model looks better in a pair of jeans then Miss Ambrosio! No model looks better in a dress either haha! I got lot more to post in the different sections Talk to you all later!
  7. I don't know if I could ever chose between the two. Both of them have such unique features that set them apart from all other models, and make them both unbelievably gorgeous!!!!!!
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