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Posts posted by comala

  1. Intermediate Analysis (Shudder, wince, cringe, God help me. :shock: )

    Econometric Forecasting

    International Finance

    "Spain on the Eve of Modernity": The Spanish Realist Novel

    Cinema of Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile

    Good luck with the Spanish AP classes. I got a 2 on the test but when I went to college I took a placement exam and ended up getting the same results as if I'd gotten a 4 or 5 (credit for about four semesters of Spanish).

    I love the AP program. It really does pay off.

  2. I would suggest Don Quijote. Its hilarious, the characters are unforgettable, and the games that Cervantes plays with narration and reality and plot were revolutionary then and are still used today.

    I would suggest an annotated version that explains all the literary references he makes. Really it is a funny book and not too hard to read. Its an odd feeling to find yourself identifying and sympathizing with a complete lunatic of a geezer who thinks he's a medieval knight.

    Other than Cervantes I suggest:

    Pedro Paramo by Juan Rulfo,

    anything by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

    Just got done reading Diary by Palahniuk, and I think its one fo his best. I think his best ones were Invisible Monsters, Fight Club, and Diary. I just could never get in to Choke.

    And the Potter and Snicket books. I came home for winter break and found my mom reading them and teased her mercilessly for it. Then she caught me reading them two nights later. She's been teasing me mercilessly about that for three years now. Serves me right for judging a book before reading it. :blush:

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