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Posts posted by Anjel2nV

  1. But wait.. there's more..........


    @ sydney airport yesterday

    new articles-


    & now... i'm not sure if you guys o/s have heard [pretty sure it's on US news] but @tm Australia as a nation is going through a tragedy as a result of the recent heatwaves & unspeakable actions of an arsonist [or arsonists] during last Saturdays devastating bushfires in Melbourne.

    The current count of people who have passed due to this is heartbreaking ordeal is growing each day.

    As a way to reach out to those in need & to raise funds to help them, tonight, celebrities as well as the rest of Australia have all come together to raise money with a telethon & since Miranda & Orlando are here @tm, both of them have joined the rest with this telethon.

    Personally, I haven't had the chance to meet Orlando, but I can only imagine what an impact this has had on Miranda since she pretty much grew up in the bush. But after tonight, seeing what Orlando had to say regarding the current situation we are in was truly touching & I didn't even realise that he too had a connection to the bushland of Melbourne as he filmed Ned Kelly there.

    Hopefully this tragedy will be over soon & the donations keep coming in. Also, that justice will be served.

    About Manda & Orly -all I can say now is they HAVE TO get married! They are such a beautiful, genuine couple. :) I'm so ridiculously happy for them both :)

    Pictures from this event will probably be somewhere soon.




  2. i'm suprised this thread hasn't grown yet. She is all over the place here in Australia, she is @ the realm of all the major advertising campaigns a model can get @ tm. She is a truly gorgeous person IRL too, i predict her following in the footsteps of CatMc.

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