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Everything posted by Iheartcandice

  1. Anne looks good there, but I still don't like her. She comes across as a fame whore. Fingers crossed for Nina to have the cover!!!!!
  2. Can we get a hint at who's on the cover?!
  3. MJ and everyone has the issue in their hands! Cant wait! Suspicion builds.
  4. Haha. I knew 10 were going to be there, I just didn't know if there were any names released beforehand or anything.
  5. Will we know who is going on Letterman or not until Monday?
  6. Hi everyone! New here...and obviously love Candice! She's pretty much perfection. Looks like I need an avatar and signature!
  7. Hi everyone! Long time lurker here, finally decided to join and participate, if that's ok... My thoughts: I really think and hope that Nina has the cover. She became really likeable to me. My hopes was for Chrissy Teigen because I love her (yes I know, I'm probably the only one here!) but those hopes have been dashed since Nina has blown up. Anne V isn't sexy enough for the cover. I don't see her ever getting it unless it is out of pity because she has been with them for so long. As for Kate, I can see her getting another cover, just hope it is better than last years disaster! Really can't wait for this years edition. It seems to be epic!
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