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Posts posted by magounify

  1. 3 hours ago, Clauds said:

    This is the order they walked in:


    18- Josephine
    19- Sanne
    20- Lily
    21- Sui
    22- Leomi
    23- Kelly
    24- Lily D
    25- #BodybyIza
    26- Stella
    27- Sara
    28- Keke
    29- Flavia
    30- Real Housewife of Holland

    You're missing Megan Williams, she walked after Lily and before Sui.


    Megan Williams A.jpg
  2. I'ma hold off on passing judgment until the full version airs, it always looks a zillion times better after editing and all that, but it all looks pretty promising so far!


    Anyway this isn't the first time Adri and Ale got 2 outfits, it happened in 2012 also. But they both got Fantasy Bras this year so it's not like they're being brushed off or anything lol...

  3. What is your guys' deal? I suppose it can't be possible that Behati would open because she's actually a good model and has a lot of energy on the runway, no it's gotta be because her husband paid someone off. Are you kidding?


    You're entitled not to like Adam Levine for whatever reason but Behati's done nothing wrong, leave her out of it. Whatever Adam did to personally offend you has nothing to do with her.

  4. 2001 was boring as all hell, I'll come out and say it if no one else will.


    Above all else Victoria's Secret is trying to sell a brand. By this point people have come to expect a certain level of showmanship and stage management from the production--because it is a production, it's not a regular fashion show. To keep drawing in viewers, who then keep VS in the back of their mind next time they go shopping, there's a certain level of sparkle they want to keep up. How they get that sparkle varies from year to year but to return to the format of the earlier shows would be a step backwards from all practical standpoints.

  5. And while we don’t keep an advent calendar to count down the days, this year we got to kick things off a little early—think of it as a little preview for the climactic show, if you will. Oh, and with Behati Prinsloo, no less. That’s right, the new Mrs. Adam Levine was kind enough to invite us along for one of her many fittings—hey, a show like this isn’t built in day, you guys. And seeing as this is the South African supermodel’s seventh time strutting that runway (and she’s only 25), she's pretty much the ultimate pro at this point.


    ...Behati is from Namibia.  :/

  6. Remember everyone, sometimes people don't walk in the outfits they release fittings photos of! That said, I think Karlie's could look really pretty with some more accessories, it's a bit bare as is. Not sure I like her this blonde...


    And I admit I don't entirely understand the shitfit everyone's throwing about Lindsay's outfit. I personally think it's just alright but even if you dislike it I really don't see what's driving people to call it one of the worst VS has ever had.



    I think these blue and pink sheer, what apear to be wings, may further the possibility of a fairy type theme. Would be awesome but if course everything right now is just speculation.

    I'm sure those are not the same wings in the pic of Adriana's fitting, (although I'd love to see her in wings like that) just an observation I made.

    Could those wings be unfinished? they definitely seem like they need more ornaments on that white fabric, and are those lines in the middle wires? hope to have more info revealed soon!!! :ddr:



    It's possible the white thing isn't wings, it might be part of a bodice or something.

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