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Posts posted by missmisfit

  1. Say what you will about Erin's mood but I'm glad to see her freckles. I think they're adorable and I hate that VS usually covers them up.


    And I don't think any model who is a shoe-in for VS (like Erin) would turn down walking in the show. I heard somewhere that each non-contracted model gets like $10,000 for doing the show. I don't know about you but I wouldn't turn down that kind of money.



    Is that true that they film the show twice at the same day? I'm confused.



    And why is that ? Sorry If I bother, I just want to understand...  :hehe:


    They film it twice to get the best camera angles on everything and to have more options when they go to edit the show together. That's how they get shots take by a camera man on the runway but can still show the models walking toward the camera at the end of the runway without seeing the camera man. 


    They also have two different audiences for the shows. One is more "famous" type people and one is more press/media related. :)

  3. I didn't get to see the 2010 show on tv so unless the cut it out of the version I got on youtube then I don't remember a Candice segment. Unless you mean the one that went before the Country Girls segment but I don't think that was at all about pushing Candice at us. *shrugs* I think it was just because she was the one opening that section and they wanted something to go there. I think if someone else would have opened that segment, they would have been the one with that little segment.

    I agree that they should have had something with Ale talking about the FB, like they did with Miranda last year. She should have gotten more attention because of that.

    (Side note: I think another part of the reason that you guys think Candice is being shoved down people's throats is because she's been working more for them because other girls have been off having babies. When the pool of models to choose from is smaller then it is more likely that she will show up more.)

  4. I'm not going to argue with any of you. I just think it's childish to hate on someone because you don't like how some of their fans act.

    I really liked Candice's little segment, she looked so cute! I wish they would have done something like that for more of the angels too instead of just talking about all the commercials. I can't really think of them doing it in the past except for Heidi's one for her 10th anniversary of working with VS.

  5. Your love of Barbara is becoming unhealthy.

    Like went to love

    Love went to obsession

    Obsession turns into Barbara in the basement

    Could you please chill the f*ck out about Barbara. We all get it.. Babara shits rainbows in your eyes. She is the holy god damn grail of womanhood. Stop ruining her for people... I swear god you are single handily turning Barbara into the next Adriana ... and not in a good way. STOP IT!


    In other news, I agree that Magda's blue outfit was stunning! I love that whole segment. It's just dripping with glamour and is so stunning. There's not a single look in it that I dislike.

  6. Was anyone else let down by Bregje Heinen? She always looks lovely in print, but even though her outfits were nice and she's actually a very pretty model... She looked... weird. The make up did not fit her features At ALL.

    While I prefer more reserved and classic walks, Bregje lacked any personality in the images I've seen. I hope she comes across better in motion.

    Yeah, I'm disappointed but it's not her fault. :/ The makeup just didn't do anything to help show her gorgeousness, unfortunately. I think her outfits last year were better too.

    Side note: does anyone else think that everything this year seems a bit dark? Each of the sets look under-lit to me.

  7. Next time they should have somone like Lady Gaga or Madonna or Beyonce ...I am not a fan of either one of them but I do know that they are incredible live performers and Barbara Palvin should DEF have more than one oufit....and gorgeous wings as usual !!!!!

    You reallllllly love Barbara don't ya? :rofl:

    I was just thinking that. :rofl:

    Not to hate on her or anything, but that video of the Calendar Girls segment kinda knocked Barbara down a few pegs in my eyes. She looks so incredible in the pictures but I didn't like her walk. It's called a "walk" for a reason, not a "stop and try to dance with the performers while they ignore you".

  8. VS always does additional sound editing to enhance the performances. They'll make sure that everything sounds polished. There will probably be some slips though like there always are, particularly around the voices of the production people. That's part of why the editing takes so long (that and they have a lot of footage from a lot of cameras).

    I thought I was going to loathe all of the sound for the show but I actually enjoyed the video of the Calendar Girls segment. Bruno Mars is rocking it and I don't think it's a bad runway song. Hopefully we'll get some more leaked video. :)

    Alessandra Ambrosio

    post-62708-0-1446069653-85733_thumb.jpg th_8fc805219228056.jpg/monthly_11_2012/post-62708-0-1446069653-8722_thumb.jpg" data-fileid="3395008" alt="post-62708-0-1446069653-8722_thumb.jpg" data-ratio="150.37"> post-62708-0-1446069653-88538_thumb.jpg

    I know they nixed Erin's hat in Calendar Girls but it looks like they couldn't decide which segment to make Ale wear those fugly green velvet gloves in either. I think both outfits look way better without them.

  9. ^KK's toy soldier outfit was 2005. Jacquelyn's outfit reminded me of that too but I think she looks stunning. Doutzen's Dangerous Liaisons outfit reminded me a little of her 2008 Ballet de Fleurs outfit. I didn't hate it though. Lots out reminders of past outfits this time.

    I'm kind of glad that Behati didn't walk in Pink again. She's been in it the 4 years she's walked and she opened it the first three times. It was time to move her to the "big girl" lingerie. :nicole: She looks fantastic though.

    It seems like they're getting back to using the lingerie as a foundation to build off of, which is a good thing. It will get less costume-y that way. :) Did anyone else kind of miss the contrast of the big skirts that they used to give Julia S? I feel like they gave the show more variety even though I didn't always like them.

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