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Posts posted by Thi21

  1. I am maybe old fashion? But I will always give more credits to a model that is working her ass off to have a prolific modeling career then the ones using the social networks to "buzz" about what they do, eat, fu*k with, date with, doogy dance, Bieber yes or Bieber not, etc.

    And twitter is evil people.

    stop using it.

    read a book.

    Haha thats true :yes:

  2. Anyone who just have started an account here can read any of those old posts, wich i have read before..i based my opinion on that too. When the issue " changing twitter account/ spreading candids" came, i found she have a point! Even a person like her, who are beautiful and a public figure, has the right to be upset about personal stuffs going on the midia! Would you like it to happen to yourself???

  3. Yes, I think this is over reaction.. she doesn't feel confortable to answer, and so she doesn't answer that is all,she is not obligated to lieve in the "same standards" of other models..each celibrity has a own way to deal with fans, and is sad for those who expected something more close. Is not lack of attencion and is not a disrespect. Also, no ones become "fan" of Emily hopping to be contacting with her.. if "T.Y" is so simple why would it change something?? Believing that models who does that stuff are been "attencious" is a total fantasy...they still don't no who you are, and do this only for the marketing.. I like her, because besides the fame and the modeling she still enjoys a normal 21 old girl life, she is true to herself.

  4. It really seems cold,and i do agree in part with you guys.. in fact it's not a lot of work if she only say a few nice things.. BUT this don't mean she's necessary bitch, beacause of it. ... it's her way to deal with her fame.. she don't want to get to much into us, or give us answers because she wants to put a limit for herself don't get even more in the public, she don't want to be like B.P, or AA.. But this doesn't mean she's a shitty person! shes nice in every interview, you can see she's good... this only my opinion...

  5. :clap: :clap: :clap: thank you Mermaid!! only now i realize she wasn't wearing a bra!But with a body like emily's that isn't necessary! she has definitley a fresh young face no matter the circunstamces! Even playing bascketball in that hot sun!
  6. please people vote for Emily.... cause Hannah for her tiny pic in the cover , she is back in 2014.... and Kate Bock is winning the votes... so if Kate B and Hannah are in... is just Emily or Natasha being back , cause they bring back 2 or 3 rookies. so vote!

    I can't believe Emily has like 14%.. I had my fiance number the girls 1-4 in his opinion, and I'm ashamed to say he put Emily last too!!

    What's wrong with these people? lol I've been voting as much as I can every time I remember, but I dunno if she'll make it :/ lets hope!

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