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Paranoid BoogieMan

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Everything posted by Paranoid BoogieMan

  1. I'm not sure this is the topic that we should be on right now beside we all know she would choose me
  2. i agree she has a very warm beautiful smile
  3. somebody has to have a nice big version of this she looks sooo good
  4. thxa friend found it some where and cut it down and all it cost me was a beer
  5. wow she looks so unreal so prefect so wow
  6. if you look at the 3rd pic u can see both hands her left hand is on top of the right one but u can still see the fingers of the right hand in the pic
  7. 3 hours isn't a lot of time they would have had to first analyze the info from the satellites then they would have to start alerting pll there would be a disasters headed their way and do u think a third world country is going to be able to evacuate ppl on a mass scale like that with out riots or ppl would have just thought it was bs i highly doubt the death toll would be any different so before you start blaming the US maybe the rest of u should do some UN peace keeping or aid work in Africa b/c if u aren't going to help u should keep ur dam mouth shut i'm so sick and tired of ppl pointing fingers yet never lifting one to help those who need it most
  8. first off i have friends south of the boarder and i know that they would tried to help and you cant dam them all b/c of a few ppls actions
  9. the link isnt working who was it? http://www.unicef.org/ donate save some kid's life
  10. lastest death told is over 33000 http://www.unicef.org/
  11. with those injury's it could take up to a year to heal , a shattered hip is one of the worse things to get, but given the fact that over 20000 pll are dead I'd have to say she is lucky to even be alive
  12. ok bad news seems that it did happen its in the sun a brit news paper http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-20046...4601011,00.html hope the link works
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