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Posts posted by Bakusaiga66

  1. The show was awful but man did Elsa kill it. She outshined everyone. Not to mention she is drop dead beautiful. I did like Candice's opener but she almost seemed pissed like over it. She usually smiles a lot more. I liked Adriana but as always she does those dumb i love you gestures. Josephine's walk was terrible this year. Taylor Hill is gorgeous and her legs wow. She did not get enough screen time. Seriously Elsa though....she should've opened the show again in the swarovski outfit. I like that she can be fierce or playful in a nonstupid try hard way unlike the other models. She is a natural.

  2. Probably just a PR stunt by someone at VS to hype their dying show. I agree with everyone. All the new angels after Candice are nothing but pretty instagram models. Those are a dime a dozen. Candice was the last real Angel to join and I'm surprised Adriana and Ale have stuck around this long when they have been pushed back to almost non existence at VS the past few years. They must have a good contract for barely any work.

  3. 58 minutes ago, PinkCouture said:



    omg ewww gross lol so much lard everywhere in that video. Im tired of buzzfeed and their body image clickbait. Bunch of bs. No one wants to see those terrible bodies in lingerie. Thats the reality. Being that overweight equates to laziness and lack of self control. No one take offense from my comment im just criticizing buzzfeed for their usual pointless crap. Oh and why did the transvestite have a better body than all the women. Yikes!

  4. Show gets worse and worse every year lol. Josephine, Lais, Elsa, Devon, Jasmine and Iza have the best bodies. Elsa and Taylor are stunning in the face. I liked Irina. She looks great in red. Both Lily A and Lily D need to go. Also I have yet to understand how Stella is an angel. No sex appeal whatsoever and she clearly has an eating disorder. Terrible walk. The worst one for me was Bella. Too thin. Bad dead face. Horrible walk. She's not model material whereas Gigi looks like a model and she has a much better body face and walk. Kendall....ugh she's not bad. She's very pretty in that basic kinda way lol. She needs to work on her awful walk and stop the dead stare. She also shouldn't have got her lips done. Looks fake. Romee didnt look that appealing this year. Especially her small m&m implants were so evident. Terrible. Someone does hate Adriana at VS. Her outfits were shitty. Alessandra should leave. Its like she's way overdue for retirement. Adriana should leave as well. Sara could never replace her though. Sara is too short. Huge mouth and can look drag queenish. She does have a great personality though. Jasmine is pretty and all but kinda basic. Candice would outwalk and outdo all these girls by a landslide. My fave part this year was Josephine opening the segment.


    As for the performers the weeknd is good but Lady Caca and her egocentric antics are cringeworthy. At least she can sing. Also, people actually like the midget Bruno's music? Its downright terrible. His music is meaningless and trashy.

  5. Bella has the most uninteresting boring walk. Botox must be running through her veins. Josephine was a mess, terrible walk this year. Adriana put your arms down already lol. Poor Adriana looked looked like a hooker in that hideous outfit. Gigi lost way too much weight. Elsa, Lais, Jamsine and Kendall look great.

  6. 55 minutes ago, TKC said:

    She also had it in 2005 and 2008. What happened was those kids lol. And I don't mean it in a bad way to the kids, I respect her as a mom, i'm just saying people constantly look over the fact that her body didn't start becoming "problematic" (lol smh) until her children, esp after the second time. And I think when models like candice came is when the body shaming for her body got even more intense. Because VS was full of models who lack WHR before the, so it wasn't expected to have a good WHR. All of a sudden people expect adriana to be like that. Which I think is just petty and BS because those models don't have the genetics that give them a face like Adriana lol, and nobody bashed them for that


    I complain about her body now because it doesn't have to be this way, she is making it this way. Its not about her genetics anymore, imo it looks like she is overworking herself and her body at the live stream was noo, and she lost weight in the face for sure which sucks. I don't get why she doesn't feel like she could look the way she did earlier in the year, she was fine. She waits until she has to walk a lingerie show to look like a MMA fighter :/

    Well I do agree that she needs to stop the strength training before she morphs into a man. All that is making her torso more boxy. Working out can be an addiction. She should just focus on cardio and staying slim. Oh and yes it seems she is over working herself.

  7. I agree. Why is everyone complaining about her body? Y'all think that's muscular?? Lol. Those noodle arms and legs. She's just really toned. Nothing wrong with that. And for the record Adriana did have a a decent waist before 2003. After I have no idea what happened. Just look at her on the 2002 show. She looked great. All the models have flaws with their bodies. None are perfect but maybe Candice lol. Taylor doesn't have the best waistline and looks like she has a wide set vagina. Something awkward about her lower torso. Skriver is just super skinny nothing spectacular. She does look good though. Good proportions. Sampaio is squared as hell waist. Aldridge is meh. Romee needs to gain 10 pounds. She would look great. Stella....looks terrible in the bodysuit..she's all bone. Ale has always had a waist but her body is so disproportionate and flat ass. She also has terrible bony legs and man feet. Jasmine looks good but the best bods are Candice, Lais, and Elsa. Not every model can have a waist to hip ratio like those 3. Its different genetics people. This post is not meant to be taken seriously. So no one come after me haha.

  8. Anyone justifying that hideous outfit they put on Adriana, come on seriously? The Queen and this is what she gets? Adriana should say phuc u to VS and literally start her own lingerie brand. I believe she would be a serious threat to them. She has legions of fans like some of us that have followed her since like 2000 lol. I don't think any other model aside from Gisele could sell lingerie on a mass scale. On another note, am I the only one that doesn't find Bella that pretty or very model-esque? Considering all the work she's had done to her face as well. Never saw the appeal so don't know where the comparisons come from. Another reason why the show will be even more sh*t is Candice will be MIA. Adriana and Candice solely carry their sh*tty brand. 

  9. Y'all need to pipe down about the "weed" being a bad thing. I'm currently writing a research paper for one of my college classes on why marijuana should be legalized. Needless to say after extensive research there's legal prescription medications that are far more dangerous and can easily kill you. Marijuana is harmless unless you are stoned out of your mind and driving a car or operating heavy machinery. Even then it impairs you considerably less than alcohol. Nothing wrong with Candy wanting to smoke a little weed. 

  10. Exactly! Samiot I respect your opinion but I feel like you are sort of defending the brand. Yes the models are on contract to keep a certain body measurements etc, but the fact is everyone's body changes with age. Just because someone isn't a size 0 doesn't mean they can't be fit, toned, and look damn good. VS has had a trend where they have been employing skinnier and skinnier models each year. And yes like any workplace the people in charge play favorites. Erin simply wasn't one of their favorites. Heidi, Adri, Ale, can walk the show post baby with flabby stomachs and I doubt VS told them they're "too fat". VS has always been a popularity contest and the fake ass relationships where the models claim to be all "good friends" is absurd. What I don't like about this brand is their hypocrisy. If you go to their youtube comments their main fan base are young underage girls aspiring to be like that and when they have their models speak that VS only employs voluptuous, curvy, fit woman, well that bullshit lie makes me laugh because most of their models are not voluptuous at all.  When the hell was Erin not fit enough for them? I thought she looked quite good in the 2013 show, her legs look amazing to me. It was nice to see normal fit toned legs as opposed to just skin and bone on the runway. Looking at the following video you can easily see Erin had the best legs in the segment, that's why even VS panned the camera from her legs upwards at 3:11 to show how good she looked. If this is "too fat" for VS then WTF I'm at a loss for words. 



  11. 19 hours ago, Schemer said:


    Brainwashing? Since when has Victoria's Secret Angel ever been a standard for realistic women's beauty? Ever since I've known of VS their models have always had that unreachable, unrealistic aura around them. That has always been the case. Even when their models were a bit curvier (like Laetitia Casta for example).


    VS has never represented a "common girl" no matter what their models say in commercials about confidence and other bullshit like that. Hell yea you're gonna feel confident when you have body like Elsa Hosk or Candice Swanepoel. lol


    But at the end of the day, that "unreachable" goal sells. VS don't sell lingerie to you, they sell it to a girl you want to become.



     This is exactly the problem lol. They shouldn't have their models speak BS about all body shapes and sizes and confidence when in reality VS is just trolling the public and telling their models to lose even more weight lmao. Now I in no way support a heifer in lingerie either...........jus' saying. 

  12. On 4/7/2016 at 11:13 AM, Samiot said:

    I am happy for Erin and the "new place," she has worked to get to.  However, let's not forget that not that long ago, while under contract to VS, she brought up the subject that VS was not where her heart was (and I'm paraphrasing now), that she wanted to do more humanitarian service, etc.. Probably not the thing VS or any other employer would like to hear from a model they clearly have made a financial commitment to. 

    Also, the weight issue....Let me just say, that if it is in her contract that she needs to meet certain weight targets, and she consents to this stipulation, and takes the money, she shouldn't throw VS under the bus when she can no longer satisfy this requirement.  Period, the end.

    She's a big girl.  She understands how the business of modeling works.  She understands that bodies change and sometimes it is out of one's control.  She also understands that VS is looking for a specific image, or type and this is what they are paying for. 

    She could have spoken on the subject matter of body image without attempting to cast VS in a bad light. I'm certainly no VS apologist here. In my opinion, her speaking out says more about her inner struggles with her own ideas of body image than it does about anything improper VS might have done.


    You're post is deviating from the true issue here. Regardless of what contractual obligations they may have which we don't the details when it comes to body measurements or weight, airhead Monica Mitro and creepy troll shrimp Ed Razek have always publicly spoken that they prefer healthy, VOLUPTUOUS, CURVY, fit women, yet all their new angels look like walking sticks that are forcing the skinny. So we know now that is BS what they say in front of the media. Candice, Elsa, Adri, Ale, Lily and Lais look very healthy in relation to their body type. Some of the others, do not. Gigi has a great healthy fit body but she was probably "too fat" to be an angel ever. Now I know why Behati went from looking normal and healthy to the walking stick she has been the past few years. They obviously told her to lose weight. Yea it's the modeling business and all, but a brand shouldn't speak hypocritical BS then behind closed doors tell their already rail thin models to lose more weight. WTF. I'm saying this because Erin is and has always been much thinner than your average woman and I in no way saw her overweight for modeling lingerie even though she had curvier thighs and still I could always see her ribs. Makes me wonder if they told Candice to lose weight that one time she was dangerously thin when she posed between Ale and Adri yet she has always been perfection before and after that. Erin isn't throwing VS under the bus, she simply stated that she could no longer meet their ridiculous demands of looking emaciated so she quit because it was unhealthy. We all know VS has always been full of BS. Personally I think it was just a ploy to get rid of her. Considering 2 or 3 idiots who need to retire control the entire roster of models and image of the brand. Yea it's the modeling business and all and we know models should be thin and fit but not emaciated and bone racks when it comes to commercial modeling, this isn't couture. Wonder why VS hasn't replied to Erin speaking out, the creepy troll Ed usually replies right away. 

  13. Congrats but ugh it's gonna suck not seeing that Goddess body for a while and this is how it all starts when models start working less and less when they have a family lol. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Did her and Behati plan this together? ?

  14. Adriana has to be one of the ones with the worst makeup this year. Its very 2010, possibly worse. She looks like she washed up ashore on a deserted island. Dafuq. Lez be honest, her face isnt looking so hot. Im sure she wouldve looked better with no makeup at all than this shit. VS and their bs.

  15. It's crazy how much people are still excited to see Adriana. Woman is practicing witchcraft When Heidi stayed this long, people were tearing her apart

    More like Its crazy how people still hate on the queen. Can't even fathom that you're comparing Adri to that annoying voice subpar model. Big difference.

    Now Now, Play Nice :clobber:

    I'm all for Adriana being a witch lol

  16. It's crazy how much people are still excited to see Adriana. Woman is practicing witchcraft When Heidi stayed this long, people were tearing her apart

    More like Its crazy how people still hate on the queen. Can't even fathom that you're comparing Adri to that annoying voice subpar model. Big difference.

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