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Posts posted by kali

  1. Que el rumor de Galliano en Schiaparelli sea cierto y fragüe. ¡Qué maravilla todo lo que has puesto! El edito de W me imagino que buscando las fotos de Christy es posible que se encuentren algunas otras en buena calidad. Yo tengo dos o tres más donde sale Chita y las encontré de casualidad, las tenía guardadas en un CD con imágenes de Internet de hace como cinco años o así. :) Besos :wave:

  2. No sé, la actitud de Mario haciendo gala de todas esas bobadas me imagino que forma parte de ese papel que él se niega a reconocer públicamente. Reality, libro, apariciones varias ... let´s make lots of money. Porque es que si no es por otra razón...

    Sí, ese papel lo borda y es para matar a Eugenia que condenara la actitud de Galliano por el tema antisemita, cuando ella sin el espaldarazo de Galliano (y Meisel, claro) habría tenido una carrera internacional incluso más breve.

    Y bueno, cómo no me va a encantar la foto! Qué cuatro, y el quinto detrás de la cámara, por supuesto. Muchas gracias! :) No sé si estará puesto el editorial en páginas anteriores pero de todas formas voy a poner un par de fotitos. ¡HOLA! by Bruce Weber, W may 2000. Eugenia Silva with Chita Rivera, Fernanda Tavares, Talisa Soto, Richard Amaro, Naty Abascal, Manzanita :heart: , ... Besos! :wave:



  3. :laugh: Vamos, totalmente. Y Marito por mucho que quiera dárselas de que posee ese espíritu pues no nos la cuela. No tenía ni idea de esta modelo y sí se le da un parecido a Eugenia en sus comienzos, antes de perder expresividad vía quirófano...

    John Galliano spring 2006: A wonderful show, what casting and stories! Claudia Huidobro, Anastassia Khozzisova, Ann Catherine Lacroix, ... Between Ai Tominaga and Eugenia, Gemma Ward makes her apparition and the quality between one model and other is really remarkable. Besos! :wave:



  4. You´re welcome, Fender :wave: Prejean, when I saw these images I thought in Fassbinder, by the photography of the film in certain sense... Violetta is a bit Margit Carstensen in some moments. Well, she is all the women that she wants with this ablity to transform. :heart: Gracias por lo de Editha (que no estaba seguro) y lo del libro de Goude, ya lo miraré :wave:

    Violetta in Thierry Mugler Couture spring/summer 1997 (one of my favourite Thierry's shows). Her appearances are in 6:16, 27:13, 32:22 and at the end of the show with Thierry. Besos a todos! :wave:





  5. I suppose that film with Joop must be impossible to catch nowadays, but I´d love to see it. If Violetta is a continous metamorphosis in photo, as an actress must be la BOMBA. Although her collaborations with Saillard are really theatrical and I saw that she intervenes in a theatrical piece of Guy de Cointet. She acted in Reina Sofia.

    The Eugenia´s case was by that reason you mentionated, totally. But a good model must be free to interpretate in a good way, and in this moment she didn't have a public image, although she did the best works in her career. It's really boring the wish of Eugenia to become a "celebrity" in Spain and all over the world posting every day her "modelitos" in her blog, TV apparences, partying, ... But modeling here is in that way...

    Violetta by Tony Viramontes :heart: on the cover of Arcadia, Duran Duran.

    With her friend Laurent Mercier, by Martin Parr.

    Off topic: I'm going to post this photo of Thierry Mugler. Prejean, ¿sabes si hay más fotos de esa sesión de Goude con Violeta en solitario o acompañada de Thierry? Además de la otra que mencionaste.

    Por cierto, ya que he visto que has mencionado a Editha Dussler en el hilo de Inés. ¿Meisel contó con Editha en el edito con Marisa Berenson y Liliana Domínguez? Besos :wave:





  6. Prejean, yo no había visto esa foto nunca, así que... :wave:

    The fashion, magazines and "fashion establishment" in Spain are dead, from mainstream to "underground". Yes, Vanessa also worked with Helmut, I didn't remember. In some sites, I saw that Minerva Portillo had been working with Helmut and I'm not sure, but I think that this person said that was confused with the collaboration between Ellen von Unwerth and Minerva. And Eugenia Silva said once that Helmut wants to work with her but she denied because of the session was to be really provocative. Pa matarla! :whistle:

    Retourning to Violetta :heart:

    YSL (1981): By Helmut Newton.







  7. She is incredible. The best performer here, without doubt. I also love Amalia and Axelle, but Violeta is :heart: Here, another video of the performance in the V&A, with declarations of Olivier, Violeta, Axelle, ...


    It's really sad that Violeta isn't recognised in Spain. Although I think that the reason can be that Violetta doesn't live here and never has participated in the "circo" that is the fashion and magazines here, a similar case to Marina Pérez. This month, there is an editorial in Marie Claire Spain that pay tribute to the Helmut Newton aesthetic, because of the exhibition in the Grand Palais, and it's reinterpreted in a very banal way, and they didn't have colaborated with Violeta and Esther Cañadas :evil: The only ones that have worked with Helmut.

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