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Posts posted by Kathy

  1. my bf has been emailing, txting and phoning me since we broke up. he feels regret and he misses me.

    its very hard for me to withstand, as i love him very much. my mind is saying, hell no! but my heart is saying, take him back....

  2. thank you all for your support!

    Its tough yeah, esspecially cuz i once believed he was the one i wanted to spend the rest of my life with! And so many things we were supposed to do....all are just gonna be left undone. But bright side is, i can experience these things with somebody i can trust. Atleast, thats what i hope haha.

    There are still good men out there right?

  3. Thank you all for your replies!

    I have broken up with my boyfriend and am staying at my parents at the moment, just need to get some friends together to collect my stuff.

    Wow controversiaster, your revenge plan is a little extreme! All i wanted to do is forward those emails to his family but in the end i only forwarded it to his sister in the end, so she would know what he had done. I believe he is suffering enough now that he has lost me. He is kinda depressed at the moment. I kinda feel sorry for him. i know he deserves it and i shouldnt care. but i still love him and im feeling kinda crap also.

    Anyway, revenge is not for me. Its kinda lowering myself to his standards. So ill just let it be. I think it is punishement enough like this.

  4. She's back!! Hyolee is back!

    Here's a preview of her new single: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoS2FYjq-R4...feature=related

    Very catchy!

    And here's some new album pics:




    :( still no replies :(

    Please textlink instead of hotlinking images. Thanks! ~post edited by PinkCouture

  5. what i get is some closure. Shouldnt he pay for what he did?

    We're living together so im in a kind of bad situation. cuz after we break up we still have to live together for a while before we've sorted out our things.

  6. Doesnt matter now, i have found out his password. Dont ask. Its worse than i thought. He's actually making plans to meet with this girl. Worse thing is, that girl is 16!!! and he's 29! Im soo pissed right now i dont know what to do. He said he liked her since the first time he saw her, which was two years ago (so she would be 14!!) and he emailed her that he is single!!!! What an ass *ole!! I cant believe im engaged to this prick!! And the worse thing is, i never knew he was this type of person, i always thought he was the reliable type, one i could marry. She also mailed him some sexually explicit pictures. Why would she do something like that, at that age??

    Im so pissed i cannot think straight. I cannot tell him. I need to figure out a plan to make him pay. Anyway ideas? How about email that conversation (email) between the two of them to all his family and friends? To show what an ass he is.

    And isnt it illegal, what he is doing?

  7. I dont know if he acts upon it, but looking at the emails i dont think so.

    But even if he doesnt act upon it, i still do not feel comfortable about his writing this stuff.

    Basically i do not trust him anymore and its a huge deal for me.

    I know he wouldnt tell me the truth even if i told him i know about the emails.

    I wanna break up with him, but i still love him a lot....im in such a big dilemma!

    So do you guys think it is impossible for a guy to stay committed and not stray, for a life time?

  8. So have you seen the show? I couldnt find a episode with subtitles though....but i still watched all of them haha.

    Here's some more (NEW) pics: credit: Hyoleeworld (added by lovehyolee)






    She looks so gorgeous in these pics!

    Please textlink instead of hotlinking images. Thanks! ~post edited by PinkCouture

    2rz6lch.jpg 2s1r4ts.jpg 2i9o8sn.jpg
  9. Hi girls,

    I just want to pooor my heart out and get some opinions from you girls.

    My boyfriend wants to get married to me (he is talking about it) and we have been together for about 3,5years.

    The thing is, i have found out he emails this "female friends" friends of his, and i have seen some of the emails (he forgot to sign off so i looked into his email, bad of me, i know!). he flirts with them saying things like, "i would wanna invite you over to my new place, but that probably not a wise thing as i heard you got even more sexy". And when i ask him about that girl he says he isnt in touch with her anymore. And there are more girls, he just emails them and says sexually tinted stuff to them.

    I got so angry when i had read it.

    In the past I have caught him talking on msn with girls he met on hi5 or myspace.

    Should i be worried? The thing is, he wants to go to my parents and tell them we want to get married soon. Now im having second thoughts about it. What if he is a cheater? Do all guys do this kind of thing but do not act on it? Do you feel it is harmless?

    I feel like breaking up with him, but i dont want to tell him i saw his emails.

    Why do guys have to be such a**holes!

  10. I can't believe it! Holland out! I knew from the start that it was too good to be true, teams that flourish early in the tournament hardly ever take the title home! I am so devastated now! I wanted to see a revanche between Italy and Holland, but its never gonna happen this tournament. :cry:

    So who can take up the challenge for Holland for world cup 2010? Guus Hiddink again? LOL

  11. Anybody here loves this shop...?

    Oh well, I guess people from the US prefer VS over this....

    Anyway, here in the UK we dont have VS.

    Just ordered loads from their website....

    take a look...http://www.lasenza.co.uk/

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