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Everything posted by dominocity

  1. Good i read that the partner is dudi balsar who was famous model in Israel and in the last few years lived in London there was interview with him on ynet and he said that he knows bar since bar was 16 years old and very happy to work with her you can also see the photo of both of them toghter when Bar won the best fashion model of the year (go down) http://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-4185760,00.html Here I met a friend how working for very big Jewelry shop and hope we can buy some new Jewelry to bar as it can be very nice with the dresses we see lately
  2. i understand under.me is only selling online right? it is produce in Israel?
  3. Bar just message me. Under me collection will be available starting Monday, February 27th. Get ready guys!!! Are you sure you in contact with Real Bar?
  4. Really good work! waiting for all the photos! tnx for sharing
  5. I don't think so. She said somewhere she doesn't read foruns or anything similar because they're always too negative. But who knows Bar is follows most of her fans on twitter, But the first fan that she followed was LoveBarRefaeli and one of LoveBarRefaeli's administration was on her private facebook. Bar going to have personal fans page under LoveBarRefaeli the rest of the fans is not affiliations with Bar Bar is not here for sure as we will not allow her to write here even if she really want to! I know most of the place Bar is going is on twitter
  6. Yeah, but I remember she said she wanted two kids before 30. Not happening, this can be - one day twins! I can see one day Bar and Leo in the airport with 8 kids after adopting from africa like Angelina did how funny this can be
  7. I love bar because she knows how to be elegant and refined when it works, but in her private life she has fun like a normal girl, in fact sometimes she is also much more reserved and quiet than any normal girl, and I do not think she is always shopping (have you ever seen on TV when they show the celebrities how much they spend?, buying unnecessary items at high prices, I do not think that Bar is part of this category), if sometimes we have seen photos where she goes shopping is not for us to judge how much she will spends, with her work she can afford it. We must look beyond the appearances of his work, it might seem nice, but try to imagine being away from your country, your home and your family for a long time, and always try to adapt to the new country where you go, and can never be comfortable with yourself because you know that you will need to go away from that country, after a while becomes stressful. I think sometimes we should understand it if she gives long vacations with his closest friends. It is useless to make comparisons with other models, there is always someone who works more than she. Belive me it is a dream of all the young girls here to be a top model and travel around about spending bar is getting paid about 25,000usd per working day so no problem to spend and no need other people to pay for her just do 2 more works per month that's it and be less picky be a famous like Bar refaeli is not a normal person life and it will never ever be and more after dating a famus star where all people around the world just intersted what about him and how is he and how he was and less about Bar also in Israel many celebs getting a lot of free gifts and sorry to tell you what i see in the photos Bar is always going to very ery cheap cloths which even me and my girlfriend can efford about the jewlory I know they renting it for events and the celebs are not own this very expansive items. If leo messi was care about his friends at home he would not play every day in his team and be the best footballer around the world every week. Bar should be over this challange and be a lady and enjoy the life and to be famous around the world. Her friends are not important at all for my point of view.
  8. today i walk in tel aviv south for fun and than I see a shop put 2 photos of Bar with the owner sooo ffunnyyy hope you can see it clear as it was a bit dark hope Bar can upload this to the twitter as it showing how people in Israel are fans of her put her photo on a street shop!
  9. we really hope so I saw few days ago on FTV the fashion tv about a model day in milan the fashion tv tv cam was with the fashion model all day in walk show in millan the model did 4 shows and was busy from the monrnning till very late at night after looking at Bar this is so much not the same! with all the telent Bar has it seems she is doing a work per month and other spending parting and shopping with rich people who can pay for her shopping like david fisher. i am sure bar can do much more and also find a really new boyfriend who will take care and not like the x that did not take care at all hope to see on FTV one day with top model Bar Refaeli and that Bar will go on the runways and not just sit there and smile and also do few photos day after day Let me know what you say about this
  10. That's Emily and Alex's baby Oh thank you, LoveBar!!! By counting the months, I had the feeling that she was Emily and Alex's little girl! http://a.yfrog.com/img640/8544/eo6vjg.jpg Vivienne is such a beauty and she does have her mother's eyes. We can find here many close-ups of Emily and Alex. And there is for sure a ressemblance. http://www.bellazon.com/main/index.php?sho...564&st=9680 Bar must be have been so happy and proud to hold this precious baby. wow, Bar can be their new babisitter I am sure Emily and Alex will love it!
  11. http://celebs.walla.co.il/?w=/3600/2510010 the other lady is famous actor (famous here) Noa Tishbi very good friends' of Bar they write that they did shopping toghter and went to see a sport game
  12. Bar sue a company in israel for 4.4 millon israeli shekels http://www.nrg.co.il/online/16/ART2/338/22...=1901&loc=4
  13. Bar sending sms to DiCaprio to see where he is
  14. yesterday on TV Bar won best dress of the week from top 10 celebs in Israel with the blue dress on Guy Pinnes they also joke that Bar should be on the cover http://celebs.nana10.co.il/Article/?ArticleID=865729
  15. okas Bar already in the USA So: Bar can stay in NY and work for VS OR go to L.A. and go back to DiCaprio
  16. Bar was on the main news on tv about the SI and it is on all over the israeli websites. they said that the SI people created new category for Bar only! bar looks happy and this is more important of all they really looking very good friends on the photos with nadal best model with best player!
  17. even the finance newspaper posted about bar and photos http://www.globes.co.il/news/article.aspx?did=1000724541 haha I am sure the people in the offices will totally not work today after checking this SI at work
  18. http://celebs.walla.co.il/?w=/3600/2508622
  19. Lots of Thank you! this is really a sports pictures working with best sportsman and most famous i am sure it was very fun for bar to do this and not again on a beach bar looks very good! are there any movies from the shooting?
  20. anybody knows what the dogs names? One dog names Pucci, the other name I can't remember. Mish Mish haha very funny and nice name for a dog by the way Mish Mish is a kind of fruite in Hebrew!
  21. anybody knows what the dogs names? One dog names Pucci, the other name I can't remember. Mish Mish haha very funny and nice name for a dog by the way Mish Mish is a kind of fruite in Hebrew!
  22. some people to go work with cloths, some people go to work with bikinis...
  23. some people to go work with cloths, some people go to work with bikinis...
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