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Everything posted by dominocity

  1. Accessorize hope they will continue with Bar in the future!
  2. why the under.me photos are better than any other photos bar did untill today?
  3. There is new present to bar for purim you will all see next week! also this for nrg.co.il http://www.nrg.co.il/online/7/ART2/344/081...=7&cat=1001
  4. How do you know so much and know the dog's name? this dogs are bar's or the family? i mean Bar is taking care of them? also now it is on front page of nrg.co.il about bar is still meeting Lernardo from time to time Mabye a comeback soon? http://www.nrg.co.il/online/7/ART2/343/721...=1001&loc=6
  5. http://celebs.nana10.co.il/Article/?Articl...1624&pid=54 it was on the front page of msn.co.il with very big photo writen Bar for purim!
  6. How nice the picture with the dogs! very funy i know one dag name is mish mish and what is the other one name? apple? Today is purim Holiday in israel and all people dress up so happy purim every one!
  7. http://celebs.nana10.co.il/Article/?ArticleID=881246
  8. http://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-4198045,00.html this is for you bluejack! Bar is in Israel went to Party last night
  9. I study German now as than just opened msn.de and who i see as a baby on first home page Supermodel Bar Refaeli as a baby! I click on the link and than with all the world celebs bar photo was there http://unterhaltung.de.msn.com/stars/leute...ie-diese-kinder bar3.bmp bar5.bmp bar3.bmp bar5.bmp
  10. wijnboerinnetje, will remain forever my sweet dream to talk with Bar! Did you try to twitter Mis Mis Bar's dog? Mabye this will help or as i wrote before just buy aircraft like Tedi Sagi
  11. First cover of Bar with Her Mother Zipi many years ago http://celebs.walla.co.il/?w=/3600/2513302 BY the way it is bar lose that she is not writting here as in other forums in Israel for celebs like in tapuz.co.il the israeli singers and actors are coming to the forum from time to time tell something about their work and future and answer questions
  12. Hi Dominocity, can you explain to me how Bar is viewed in Israel? because I can not understand if the media and ordinary people love or hate Bar. Thanks. Sure It is about half and half as many people like and fan becuase of the famous and for sure still all remember the old date with a famous movie start and SI going to all this famous parties and shows and so on but from the other side many people do not like the fact of not doing the israeli army and serving israel like any other 18 old here which must do army service. about this case i remeber this very well and i think that this people are really not so nice but this is bussines each side trying to get more and pay less and they hired bar and gave her a lot of publish on the internet and on cinima while still she was young model not like today so they cheat her about a bit and it is good that she is going on her rights and sue them but the problem is that this people are really not nice and it is good what her father did to protect her it is not a reson to leave israel just beause of one or two companies that not paying as it is only 1% of all the work and in the future mabye less bar's mother zipi is doing very very good work on protecting bar from the people who want to take advantage of her and it is important as well. about the fact that they took private photos of bar sms to her boyfriend i see it as a big joke bar was on public room and knew all people taking photos and videos of her all day if she want privacy she can go to other room alone or not do it in the same day. by the way who can really proff she sms her boyfriend(if he really was by the time) many models here want to do contracts with suny and it is a dream of all the models here as suny is well known company. impossible to avoid courts and it is good to have such a family to protect and care as i am sure this is very big stress for bar with all this big mess the other good thing is that bar was on all the heads of the websites and i am sure the israeli press will deal with it for long time now so it will bring bar more work actully i liked the photos they did to samasug as bar looked there very nice have you seen it by the way? next time bar can send me sms nobody from the press will care...
  13. http://www.themarker.com/personal/1.1654275 the header is that Bar said that they took pictures of her taking the shirt of and also Bar said that she is doing a lot of work for free (ok i am also on free here haha) http://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-4197231,00.html Bar on court
  14. Bar is on first page of globes.co.il which is the main newspaper for finance in Israel and also all the websites report on the case that bar was on the court today looks like bar is under war here! also i finally understand why bar is not calling me or sending me sms as I do not have an aircraft like tedi sagi! mabye need to buy one or two barglobes.bmp barglobes.bmp
  15. yesteday on the cables tv there was an item about israeli young singer name Omer Adam and he joined the Israeli army and after the first stage of the holdiay he came to one of the radio shows and they showed how he interview and than he had a surprise from the radio show that Bar recorded a messege for him that will keep safe and he was very happy Why bar is not leaving me also messeges on my mobile phones? ok sms is also OK!
  16. Sorry dominocity, can you please stop with her ex nonsense. She doesn't need him. Right 100% agree, bar doesn't need him - but Bar's mother likes him so the case is over we want to see bar dating israeli and jewish
  17. why Bar is not twitter @LeoDiCaprio @LeoDiCaprio where are you i am here and not far from you and looking better than ever, we can meet for a nice date or go to mexico for sort holiday!
  18. bar is on the first page of ynet.co.il one of the most poplar daily websites in israel with photo and link to this http://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-4195415,00.html
  19. http://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-4195415,00.html Heidi Klum is my favorite fashion model I wish i would be there with Bar to meet them both! If bar will study and keep in contact with Heidi it will be very very good! hope also to see Heidi visiting Israel I will be happy to show them around!
  20. Thank you Bar lookiiinnngg ggooooodd!! just need a new date and not to be alone It was on Guy pinnes tv that H. Stern gave them the jelewry and on the mtv music awards bar had a hand item from H. Stern worth 180,000usd on her hand! How funny can be to date with Bar with all the paparzii around
  21. Bar pary in La La land (L.A.) with kate pari and more http://celebs.walla.co.il/?w=/3602/2512011 and one full page http://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-4194931,00.html
  22. which works you wish to see Bar working for? we want to see Bar work as angel for VS like Adriana Lima
  23. how simple bar dress while going around!
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