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Posts posted by agoman1

  1. So, there I was, browsing my Sunday Times this morning :morning: when suddenly I saw :heart: Laetitia :heart: !!!!!!!!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

    Naturally the Sunday Times print quality isn't great :blush: but it's better than a :trout: !!!


    Thanks Rob, a great year for Laetitia

  2. I don't know what's the use of all this. Don't you think that is possible some change in our faces in fifteen years? (It's the time between the two photos)

    Look agoman, I'm sorry if I am offending you with my posts. I was just curious to see if I was the only one who noticed this, so I decided to post here. Would your adoration of her wane if I turned out to be right? And if so why? She is a human being like the rest of us, and probably full of hangups like the rest of us. Stop putting these people on a pedestal.

    You're not offending me, and I will be happy if you continue to post. Anyway I want to tell you last year I underwent an operation for an imperfection of my nasal sectum; my nose has changed but I'm still so so beautiful (kidding)

  3. I don't know what's the use of all this. Don't you think that is possible some change in our faces in fifteen years? (It's the time between the two photos)

    Look agoman, I'm sorry if I am offending you with my posts. I was just curious to see if I was the only one who noticed this, so I decided to post here. Would your adoration of her wane if I turned out to be right? And if so why? She is a human being like the rest of us, and probably full of hangups like the rest of us. Stop putting these people on a pedestal.

  4. I love that last pic of :heart: Laetitia :heart: with her lovely untouched nose :wub:

    Oh come on Rob, you can't honestly tell me you don't see a difference between this:


    and this:


    You can even see a slight dent in her left side (our right). So she went from having a perfectly symmetrical nose with a slightly rounded tip to an asymmetrical one that makes her look like she is either permanently flaring her nostrils or has an invisible nose clip on. And this is from Getty so don't tell me anything about Photoshop. There are a lot more photos on there that show the difference. I can't believe you guys are so blinded by your devotion to her that you can't bring yourselves to even entertain the fact that she might not have been completely truthful in all those articles where she states she accepts herself as is.

  5. Well, I still believe there is a difference there, since she has that same "sharp" tip in many recent photos on Getty, although why she would choose to tweak her nose (which to me looked softer before) and not her teeth is beyond me.

    And I agree she could stand to gain some weight.

  6. :rofl:

    Rob, you win a Laetitia's pic wearing the architectural transparent black gown shot by Sean and Seng

    in a new angle of view on the trocadero's place in front of the Eiffel tower and the Field of Mars.

    :alien:'s tip & hint: maximize (F11) the window of the browser (IE or FF) to see the pic in 1920 x 1280.

    Almost all people look at the Eiffel tower except a baby in the arms of her grandfather.

    Please, can you tell me how maximize with Mac Safari or Firefox?

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