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Posts posted by ham147

  1. As I already conceded this was not the place for a nuanced discussion on marriage. Your crass juvenile input isn’t needed. Word of advice watch how you speak to people online. You don’t know who you’re talking or how they’ll react.

  2. You clearly aren’t understanding me so let’s agree to disagree. While an interesting topic of discussion this isn’t the place for it. I don’t want to derail the thread. I’m a newly appointed family court judge, so we aren’t going so this the same way. I have real world experience dealing with these issues, however it is hard not to take work home with you. Particularly when so many children are hurt in the process of divorce. I see couples at their worst which invariably colors my view on marriage. I’m open to discussing this further but elsewhere as this is a model forum, and I’m a stickler for rules. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  3. I never said wait ten years. I simply stated 4 years is not too long. You do realize the west has gone through an enormous cultural shift in the last 50 years. Marriage is no longer required. Plus given their relative young age and Lorena’s occupation. Taking your time and building a strong bond is the smart play. CJ played it right he clearly loves her, and now he knows she feels the same. The stupid play is to get married in the first 2 years. Those marriages are usually based on lust, and are doomed to fail. I work in family court you have no idea how bad it is out here.

  4. I’m happy for them both as well, but he hardly took his time. They’ve been together for 4 years not 10. Marriage isn’t what it used to be better to be safe than sorry. I wonder if all that time they spent together in 2020 helped to strengthen their bond.

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