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Everything posted by Pami

  1. NEVER saw this pic from Inception before and all I have to say is....ughhhhhhhhhhhhh
  2. Leo The Great....I like that! It reminds me of something like that....
  3. Hey mz_linz...what about Leonardo Dicaprilicious or only DiCaprilicious??
  4. Tks for the pics from "The Haiti Gala" Sick!! Leo is always present. in charitable events...this man enchants my heart!! He looks sooo handsome as usual and I wish I was Julia Roberts!! Btw...Julia Roberts's neck is immense,but yet she looks great.
  5. Sooooo handsome....since ever! Tks for the pics and articles girls!!!
  6. Here it is Barbie... I think I would marry Calvin...I know that's wrong but I just can't resist....
  7. It's really great to see all this support coming from so many celebrities at the same time, Leo deserves it. It's s shame an actor like him has not received due recognition....and of course just like you all in this thread I'm still very disappointed with it. But I came to a conclusion...the Academy Awards is unlucky not to have gone to Leo and not the opposite.
  8. Nice article! Why Leonardo DiCaprio Will Have to Wait for His Oscar Moment Why does the Academy keep snubbing Leonardo DiCaprio? Shouldn't he have a million Oscars by now? And yet he got no nomination for Django Unchained! Where's the justice!? —Yalanda, Atlanta, via Twitter Like many a movie fan, you're confusing the Oscars with the Nuremberg Trials. Academy Awards aren't about justice. They're about self-congratulation and a ginormous awards show aimed at garnering as many viewers and sponsorship dollars as humanly possible. Nothing wrong with that, of course. But let's not spend all of our outrage in one place. As far as Leo's history with Oscar, yeah, it is a little one-sided. Here's what I can tell you about why. If it makes you feel any better, people seem to ask this question every year or so. Back in 2011, people were screaming that Leo should have gotten more Oscar love for his roles in Blood Diamond and The Departed. (He only got nominated for the former. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences also has nominated him for his lead role in The Aviator and as a supporting actor in What's Eating Gilbert Grape. No statuette yet.) As Tom O'Neil of the Gold Derby blog pointed out at the time, each particular snub has been its own perfect storm. "Poor Leo has had lousy Oscar luck," O'Neil told me about DiCaprio's ill-fated nomination for Blood Diamond—the "wrong film" in a year that also included The Departed, largely considered to be the actor's better flick. Tweet us with your Oscar questions "It's his own fault," O'Neil explained then. "If he'd agreed to campaign in lead for The Departed instead of supporting, he would've been nominated for that instead and probably would've won, riding its Best Picture sweep." More recently, DiCaprio's lack of Oscar nods stems not from poor choices, but rather the brutal acting arena. "The competition was too strong," Fordham University media studies professor Paul Levinson tells me. "In the future, DiCaprio definitely stands a chance." And even if he doesn't, he won't be alone. "Hitchcock never won one for Best Director either, and he's the greatest director in history," posits Rob Weiner, film historian at Texas Tech University. "How do you explain that?" http://www.eonline.com/news/377817/why-leonardo-dicaprio-will-have-to-wait-for-his-oscar-moment
  9. LOL....another comment on facebook..it may be true... Lance Dalton waltz is just playing a varation of landa which he won and oscar. Leo on the other hand played a character hes never played before. Its a tragedy that leo didnt get nominated.
  10. Some angry people angry on facebook...that's why I say that what makes a real artist is a standing ovation from the audience! Nel Julie Morin Leonardo, you are the best actor we have today. Shame on the Academy for over looking you again. I really donot know what is wrong with these people. You are the BEST> Kristen Gerpe You won an oscar in my book! Ashley Hatfield So sick of seeing you get snubbed!!! You should have 5 by now! Kristen Henriques Wager Screw the Academy for once again snubbing Leo!! Sick of one of the very best actors of my generation not getting what he has earned! You keep up your fabulous acting Leo and keep choosing those roles wisely as you have always done and you will be a legend !!!! Summer Shoucair Boooo, sssss, and two thumbs down to The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences aka. "the Oscars". Snubbing DiCaprio again is too obvious of a hater gesture. The man has shown "Oscar Worthy" performances since "This Boy's Life" and "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" back in the 90's -PLEASE! I wonder what more they want from him ... hmmm -it can't have ANYTHING to do with the ART of motion picture and sciences. Asma Nagytatun This sucks! They cant be serious no nomination for our Leonardo ?and one like Bradley Cooper or Jennifer Lawrence who can not act get a nomination! Crazy, CRAZY! I am very disapointed!I hope for an Golden Globe! Mary Ellen Lewis You are such a gifted actor. It was an honor to see your performance in Django Unchained.
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