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Status Replies posted by Pami

  1. Happy birthday, Dear Pami. Wish you all the best!!!

    1. Pami


      Obrigada querida!! Com vc já posso responder em português!hehe


  2. Happy B-Day, girl! ♥ have another beautiful year of your life! ♥ :*:* have lots of fun! it's your day!!! :* ♥ kisses!

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY :D I wish you to be happy in your life (personal & professionnal :D) Have a fabulous day :D xxxxx

    1. Pami


      Thank you Amandine! That was really cute my darling!


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. :hug: you get a hug for always being so sweet!!

    1. Pami


      Awwww my dear....but I think you win this dispute,really. hehe

      Tks a lot! xoxo

  5. Pami my sweet!! I hope you have a Happy New Years. May the New Year be good to you. Sending lots of love your way xoxoxoxox

    1. Pami


      Same to you my dear Fash!!

      Let's celebrate with only good thoughts!

      Tks hun!! xoxoxoxo

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. Merry Christmas, hun! stay strong! :hug: xoxo

    1. Pami


      Tks hun!!

      It's really great to count on all of you! xoxo

  7. My dear Pami! I know your going through a hard time but I stil hope you have a Merry Christmas. Lots of love xoxo

    1. Pami


      Tks my dear!!

      It's good to get all this support from you! xoxo

  8. ..... well I know your ovaries exploded... but I hope your heart's ok haha :p

    1. Pami


      Yes my dear Fash...my heart now is a little sad,but everything will be ok. :)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. I love your page!!!! The Leo Icons, perfection <3

    1. Pami


      Thank you so much! I could only see your comment now...so sorry hehe.

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