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Status Updates posted by Pami

  1. Great siggy Fash!!! xoxo

    1. FashionDream


      Thanks Pami. Sending hugs your way xoxo :D

  2. “If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.”

    1. Stormbringer


      Awesome song!! :)

  3. Haha,I'm glad you feel better after seeing my gifs! :D

  4. Tks Kat!!

    I'm glad you liked my gifs!hehe How are you girl?

  5. Happy birthday Fash!!!

  6. It's from J.Edgar premiere...did you like it?:)

  7. Fantastic profile Fash!!

  8. Hello Kat!! I just saw your comment on my profile,so sorry!! Your adorable too! :)

  9. Bem vinda ao f

  10. Hello Sick! I can see you're a Big Gisele's fan!hehe How are you? :)

  11. Hey Fash! Nice to talk to you again! :)

    I've been working a lot too,i can understand what you're going through!hehe


  12. Hey Fash! How you're doing girl? Long time no see! :)

  13. Obrigada por aderir

  14. Hello Oxford! You seem to be a huge Leo's fan just like me! :) Where are you from,and how long have you been his fan?:)

  15. Yep! That's me, and tks for your compliment!hehe

  16. I love your gifs too Fash! He was young and adorable! :)

  17. No problem! You're nice!hehe

  18. Oi Nanda,tudo bem! Mais uma brazuca por aqui!rsrs De onde vc

  19. Pami

    Tks for your comment Wijn! :)


  20. Haha,ok,i will call you only Sick hehe.

  21. Thank you Sick as my Secrets! :)

  22. Tks for your tips!

  23. I've been a Leo fan since my teens hehe. Now i'm 27! hehe. Hey,do you know how can i put a pic on my profile?

  24. Oh ok,now i know where you're from! hehe

    Very nice! How long have you been a Leo's fan? :)

  25. Tks for your comment on my profile!hehe

    I dont know whether i asked you or not,but where are you from?:)

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