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Posts posted by Amie

  1. Oops. Double post :hehe:

    Let me just post this article from this W. cover though I'm not a big fan of the cover shot:


    Blake Lively shows W that she's much much, more than the hottest high school senior on television.

    December 2008

    Blake Lively is a starving artist. “I’m hungry. You hungry? Let’s meet at Sant Ambroeus,” she says, by way of cell phone introduction. Within minutes she’s stepping out of a taxi, an endless stream of legs and golden hair. The pint-size ristorante in New York’s West Village is, on a Saturday afternoon, predictably packed with the type of diners who are too cool to freak out about the numero uno Gossip Girl but not so jaded that they don’t notice her. Over the course of the next hour and a half, only a mother and her trembling tween daughter openly fawn over Lively. Sure, a guy at the next table chats her up, but that’s only because he really, really needs to know if he should order the eggplant appetizer that the gorgeous 21-year-old is digging into with gusto.

    Considering the week she’s had, it’s easy to understand Lively’s need for a little comfort food. Five days earlier her father, actor Ernie Lively, was in a major car crash, and Lively rushed home to Los Angeles to be with him. A cascade of scheduling changes was set off by her departure: Television scenes, a magazine interview and a cozy dinner party she was planning to host in her downtown Manhattan apartment all had to be postponed. After winging back to Gotham on the red-eye, she went directly to the set at 5 a.m. Thursday and worked 16 hours. Friday was another long day of portraying perhaps the hottest senior ever to roam the hallways of the fictional Constance Billard School for Girls. Saturday kicked off with a crack-of-dawn photo shoot, and now lunch with a reporter. Still, Lively is in high spirits for the simple reason that Dad’s okay. “He’s doing great, all things considered,” she says. “It was very serious. And it’s hard to be on the other side of the country from him. I’m so used to being within 10 minutes of my family.”

    A tight-knit bunch, the Lively clan also includes a talent manager mom, two older sisters and two older brothers—all of whom are connected to the entertainment industry in some manner. “My mom and dad always taught acting, so instead of getting me babysitters, they would just bring me to class,” Lively recalls. “And I’m a naturally shy person, so it really helped. I would’ve just been hiding under the table, pulling on my mother’s dress if I hadn’t been in their classes. It forced me out of my shell.” And out she stayed—Lively is warm and ultrachatty, dispensing the type of cheerful anecdotes that make clear she leads a charmed existence.

    Growing up, however, she wasn’t convinced that showbiz was for her. Actually, to hear Lively tell it, her brother Eric, 27, practically forced her into her current vocation. An actor who recently had a recurring role on The L Word, he yanked his little sister out of school for two months when she was 15 and took her on a low-budget grand tour of Europe. Somewhere between Cambridge and Cologne, he told her that she should really start thinking seriously about an acting career. “He was trying to get me to make life decisions at 15!” she says with a laugh. An AP student who was also a cheerleader, class president and a member of “show choir” (a mash-up of singing and dancing in which Bon Jovi tunes figured prominently), she told him she was more interested in attending Stanford University than movie premieres. But a year later Eric secretly contacted his agent about her anyway. “I was really busy at school,” she says, “and I would have these agents calling and saying, ‘We have an appointment for you.’ It was really hard to say no, because I didn’t want to make my brother upset.”

    After just a few months of auditions, she nabbed the part of Bridget in 2005’s The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, which she filmed between her junior and senior years at Burbank High, and decided that maybe acting wasn’t a bad way to spend her days. Since graduation she’s been working nonstop, appearing in a couple of small, largely forgettable movies before being cast as Serena van der Woodsen in Gossip Girl last year. “I’ve been learning as I’m going along,” she says of her ad hoc career strategy. “I thought, Okay, I’ll try a movie. And I was loving films, so I thought, No, I don’t want to try TV. But now I’m loving being on the show more than I ever could have imagined. It has been just the most amazing experience anybody could ever ask for. It’s such a blessing.”

    Stanford, clearly, is not in her immediate future—she’s committed to at least six seasons of the series—but Lively says she hasn’t altogether shelved the idea of getting a college education. She claims, in fact, that the possibility of attending Columbia University one day a week was a motivating factor behind accepting the role on the show, which is shot in New York. So far, however, she hasn’t enrolled in any classes, and Gossip Girl executive producers Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage maintain that, while the subject of college did come up during their initial conversations with Lively, the young actress also had less cerebral reasons for wanting to play the

  2. Oliver Stone is going to be presenting Salvador at NYFF today so hopefully we'll get some Savages news and/or updates from him :)

    Also here is a tweet from the writer of the novel:

    donwinslow Don Winslow

    BIG NEWS! I just finished/sent the prequel to Le Belve/Salvajes/Savages to my publisher. Will come out in 2012 with the Oliver Stone film.

    Hopefully this can be a successful franchise for Blake ;)

  3. post-52328-0-1446091689-7419_thumb.jpg post-52328-0-1446091690-01725_thumb.jpg post-52328-0-1446091690-45815_thumb.jpg post-52328-0-1446091690-93119_thumb.jpg post-52328-0-1446091691-22097_thumb.jpg post-52328-0-1446091691-75427_thumb.jpg th_bec63a153775269.jpg/monthly_10_2011/post-52328-0-1446091691-98107_thumb.jpg" data-fileid="3892422" alt="post-52328-0-1446091691-98107_thumb.jpg" data-ratio="152.05"> post-52328-0-1446091692-00874_thumb.jpg post-52328-0-1446091692-03591_thumb.jpg post-52328-0-1446091692-06848_thumb.jpg post-52328-0-1446091692-08763_thumb.jpg post-52328-0-1446091692-09793_thumb.jpg post-52328-0-1446091692-1294_thumb.jpg post-52328-0-1446091692-15473_thumb.jpg th_eca4c4153775340.jpg/monthly_10_2011/post-52328-0-1446091692-17224_thumb.jpg" data-fileid="3892449" alt="post-52328-0-1446091692-17224_thumb.jpg" data-ratio="187.18"> post-52328-0-1446091692-18746_thumb.jpg post-52328-0-1446091692-20127_thumb.jpg post-52328-0-1446091692-21182_thumb.jpg post-52328-0-1446091692-23524_thumb.jpg post-52328-0-1446091692-2523_thumb.jpg post-52328-0-1446091692-28956_thumb.jpg post-52328-0-1446091692-31135_thumb.jpg post-52328-0-1446091692-32817_thumb.jpg post-52328-0-1446091692-35823_thumb.jpg post-52328-0-1446091692-38127_thumb.jpg post-52328-0-1446091692-40463_thumb.jpg post-52328-0-1446091692-42193_thumb.jpg post-52328-0-1446091692-43178_thumb.jpg
  4. Solange I comment on what I observe here on Bellazon and everyone knows here that I'm not one given to argument, I've just observed the slight digs and the unflattering articles here and there towards Blake. Yes, Leo does get an article posted here now and then but then he has you all jump to his defense while Blake does not have that luxury when articles unflattering to her are especially because we don't want it to devolve into this exact situation.

    I share the same sentiment with Nanda and from now on won't comment on Blake on here or Leo's personal life for that matter. That was just something I needed to get off my chest, and I'm glad I did.

    And on that note, kinda excited and scared at the same time for the first J. Edgar tweets! More positive vibes being sent out right now... let's get em Leo. The Oscar's calling your name :yes:

  5. Oxford, no one's commenting on their relationship or what might or might not have gone on behind there.

    I'm just saying Blake fans have ascribed some respect to Leo and all his fans- all you fab ladies (and gents?) here especially by not posting negative articles which we can prove to be untrue. We have been nothing but gracious and the fact is many of us became Leo fans as well because of the relationship. Now I know Blake doesn't have as many or as vocal fans as Leo but at least here on BZ can't we be accorded that same respect by not posting negative and untrue articles about Blake.

    She's not made a twitter or spoken to a tabloid about anything, she's shown nothing but dignity and put on a brave face through the break up even she's been papped. What gives for the sly digs at her?

  6. This tweeter just posted this sighting:

    JferMaddox Jennifer Maddox

    Just saw Blake Lively in the mall #spazzattacktweet

    16 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

    Quick! What male celebrity lives in FL that we can link her with? Matt Damon? Yes!

    *Blake Lively Having An Affair With Matt Damon- What A Homewrecking Slut!*

  7. A lot of crap is written about every celebrity so people should try (me too) to not take it so seriously. There are many other articles and gossip that are even worse about Leo so if someone brings up a Blake article that might not be favorable to her, it's nothing to get upset about. I hope the Blake/Leo thing doesn't turn out like it did with Bar/Leo thing where some of the respective fans turned to saying nasty things. There is no need for that. Not that that's what you were doing aomgreckless, but I just wanted to keep it that way.

    Yet the nasty articles about Leo aren't posted on here because we know they are preposterous enough to be untrue. Why can't that same discretion be afforded to Blake because that article certainly did not post her in a positive light.

    As to your second point, you can go through Blake's thread, no one's ever said anything nasty about Leo or posted any of the nasty rumors or the Aussie articles written about him because we know them to be untrue. And I know it's gonna stay that way. We love Blake, we love Leo, we loved their relationship together however long it lasted, we've been nothing but gracious since it ended and do not see the need to introduce negative and untrue articles to mar that.

    It'd be nice to be accorded the same respect.

    As has been proven time and again it's hard to believe these reporters.. especially when it comes to them stating how someone else is feeling. In addition, it's hard for us to state for a fact things are untrue. Though, frankly, for me certain views have definately changed back into what they used to be.

    I think with the amount of sightings we on Bellazon get, we do tend to know stuff before the media and we've been able to prove or disprove stuff based on that timeline. We knew when the media carried all that stuff from Now Magazine that it wasn't true since they had been spotted in Santa Barbara, we also knew they were in Carmel before the media did.

    Yes it is hard to believe these reporters especially those from magazines that have proven unreliable (Life&Style, OK!, Star, Now, Grazia etc) but I think we have a basis for saying some things are categorically true or untrue and we have done so in the past, especially since we actually follow these celebs much more closely and our posts don't consist of creatively (little) fact and (mostly) fiction.

  8. ^Agreed with everything you said JouJou.

    And yes the slippery slope. It's exactly the same slippery slope that happened with that Now Magazine BS too. I'm so over it.

    Sorry if I have it seems like I have a short fuse today, I'm just really over all the BS :cain:

    She's like the cleanest celeb ever and people keep trying to drag her name into the mud and because she doesn't ever comment on her personal life much less deny the rumors, people believe it.

  9. I'm thinking either her team should wait it out until something more interesting comes up in the news cycle or they should release casting information that could/would eclipse all this talk about her love life.

  10. What else would you have her do Kat?

    This just reminds me of when Now Magazine reported her and Leo had broken uo because Irmelin didn't like Blake and it was carried by all the blogs until E!News, ET and all those reported it as well. Turns out? It wasn't true. Their reps didn't feel the need to comment on it either because the truth would eventually come out.

    Now we have a report originating from Hollywoodlife which is about on par if not a cut above Now, E!News is reporting it as fact and guess what? The truth's gonna come out on this one too.

    It's sad that she's having to deal with this but we as fans just need to support and defend her. Blake has always brought the page hits and views (and hate) for gossip sites/networks so all this heat is just a result of that.

  11. JouJou

    ^Agreed, it seems we've given Leo a pass and the benefit of the doubt but can't seem to extend the courtesy to Blake as well. She's a woman, what else is new?

    I like how calm and composed she's stayed through all this, it obviously can't be easy on her breaking up with your boyfriend and then having stuff like the Grazia and OK! covers come out and people believing it (and the worst about her) indiscriminately.

    Her rep has issued 2 denials, there's not been a pic, the E! news source was Hollywoodlife which isn't exactly reliable... what else can she do?


    You'll come to realize as a Blake fan that there's no catching a break from anywhere or for anything- Bar fans, Leo fans, JJ commenters, Leighton stans, Laineygossip readers, NYmag commenters & editors, Dlisted writer & commenters, ONTD, TFS etc etc... she can't seem to do anything right. It's hard at first, but I'm over it.

  12. NOIRfans

    Blake Lively is beside me looking like she wants to kill herself

    Twitter for iPhone • 10/13/11 10:22 PM

    Blake Lively was surprisingly friendly to me even tho she looked like she wanted to jump off the Standard. I think that's her regular face?

    Twitter for iPhone • 10/13/11 11:05 PM

    JustJustinNYC JustJustinNYC

    Got to chat with Blake lively at the interview party and meet Florence Welch! So much fun!!!

    TwitBird • 10/13/11 11:28 PM

  13. ^Yeah, I read an international brand marketer/expert's tweet a while ago saying Blake and Lady Gaga were their current biggest celeb exports in Japan, dunno how true that is :unsure: but seeing how she got 5 Japanese covers just last month, I'm sure it's not too far-fetched.


    JaredEng Just Jared

    Blake Lively came out to support Florence + the Machine at the Interview Magazine party held at top of Standard hotel. Big hugs all around!

    17 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

    :heart: Love their friendship. Hopefully we get some pics :)

  14. If asked to name a promising young actress under 25, you'd have a long list to choose from. There's Jennifer Lawrence, an Oscar nominee poised for superstardom as the lead of The Hunger Games, and Kristen Stewart, who's already got the high profile but impressed in several indies before she ever signed on for Twilight. You've also got Emma Stone, Ellen Page, Mia Wasikowska, Evan Rachel Wood, Emma Watson, and an arresting roster of teen actresses who've already made their mark, which includes Chloe Moretz, Hailee Steinfeld, Saoirse Ronan, and both Elle and Dakota Fanning. (And though you might quibble with her inclusion, ask any casting director who's got heat under 25 and you'd likely hear Blake Lively's name, too.)

    That's from Nymag.com, they love to hate her on that site (both the editors and the commenters) but they can't keep her down. She's only gonna get bigger and better :yes:

    I wonder how many other roles she gets offered that she can't take because of her Gossip Girl commitments or simply because she's not interested or because she feels it's not a good fit that we never hear about. There's also this from an interview this summer:

    ...Being so beautiful why you are not starring in romantic comedies?

    B: Roles of students from UES aren't interesting for me now. I choose roles which are completely different from my role in GG. This is my principal position. I have a ton of offers to play in comedies, but I more likely say yes to a conflicting role in a ambiguous film.

    Glad to see she's still at the upper echelon of actresses in her age group and that she's so selective of her roles. Shows she really cares about her career since she's cultivated herself and her image to this point.

  15. Where Are the New Leos, Tobeys, and Jakes?


    If asked to name a promising young actress under 25, you'd have a long list to choose from. There's Jennifer Lawrence, an Oscar nominee poised for superstardom as the lead of The Hunger Games, and Kristen Stewart, who's already got the high profile but impressed in several indies before she ever signed on for Twilight. You've also got Emma Stone, Ellen Page, Mia Wasikowska, Evan Rachel Wood, Emma Watson, and an arresting roster of teen actresses who've already made their mark, which includes Chloe Moretz, Hailee Steinfeld, Saoirse Ronan, and both Elle and Dakota Fanning. (And though you might quibble with her inclusion, ask any casting director who's got heat under 25 and you'd likely hear Blake Lively's name, too.)

    But what if we asked you to name a group of actors under 25 with the same depth, appeal, profile, and promise? Where did all our new Leos, Tobeys, and Jakes go?

    If you were wondering why the industry had so many hopes pinned on Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson, or why there was so much buzz on Alex Pettyfer prior to the underperforming I Am Number Four, here's the answer: We're in the middle of a pretty brutal young actor drought. When it comes to famous names, you've got one unequivocal superstar in 25-year-old Shia LaBeouf, who toplined Transformers but can also open movies like Disturbia, Eagle Eye, and Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, but after that, there's a real drop-off in the 25-and-under set. There's Michael Cera and Zac Efron, who are arguably on the wane and a little niche-y to begin with. You've got Daniel Radcliffe, but who knows? And while there are several critically acclaimed, 110-pound actors out there like Ezra Miller, Logan Lerman, and Anton Yelchin, your mom has never heard of them — even the ones who've already had the chance to star in $100 million movies.

    Compare their résumés with the boys who came before them, and things look even more dire. Before he turned 25, Leonardo DiCaprio was an Oscar nominee who'd starred in the then-biggest movie in the world, Titanic, as well as projects like Romeo + Juliet, The Basketball Diaries, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, This Boy's Life, and Celebrity. Tobey Maguire hadn't yet played Spider-Man prior to his 25th birthday, but he had already shot movies like The Ice Storm, The Cider House Rules, Deconstructing Harry, Pleasantville, and Wonder Boys. And before Jake Gyllenhaal blew out the candles on his 25th birthday cake, he'd acted in Donnie Darko, October Sky, Jarhead, Proof, The Good Girl, and Brokeback Mountain — the latter of which would earn him an Oscar nomination.

    In fact, Gyllenhaal's Oscar nod for the 2005 film was the last time a 25-and-under actor found himself nominated. Curious about how many young actresses have gotten nominations since then? Ten.

    The funny thing is that more than ever, movies are geared toward young men — so why haven't their starring ranks been replenished? Part of the issue is that TV used to be the place where your LaBeoufs, your Goslings, and your Gordon-Levitts would hone their chops as child actors, but now that Disney and Nickelodeon are searching for the next Hannah Montana, there are fewer breakout roles for teenage guys. But we suspect the problem goes even deeper than that, and it's the one we discovered when Australians and Brits started stealing all the big superhero and action movie roles: American boys simply aren't that interested in acting anymore. It's why Gary Ross had to go abroad to fill one of the two male leads in The Hunger Games, and it's why the initial casting short list for those roles was so much less impressive than the heavyweight Oscar nominees like Lawrence and Steinfeld who vied to play Katniss.

    But hey, let's look on the bright side: Where there's a deficit, at least there's opportunity, right? If you're a college student who's always dreamed of becoming a famous actor, get your ass to Hollywood post-haste, where they're handing out starring roles to any Armie Hammer or Diego Boneta who can show up and slate right. You'll get cast! They need you! And we need you, too, if we're going to prevent all of Hollywood's high-school roles from simply going to Justin Bieber by default.

    Good question :whistle:

  16. Here's a tweet from a make-up artist who's also the US brand ambassador for Chanel, here's a link to her Models.com page, based on her past work she's freaking major:

    fulviafarolfi fulvia farolfi

    Worked with Blake Lively..How insanely gorgeous is she??

    4 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

    :woot: So does this mean we might be getting a new campaign (or cover)

    soon? Can't freaking wait!! I really hope it's for Chance Eau Tendre since perfume campaigns tend to be more iconic.

    Also what happened to this? It's from a July interview and the campaign should have been out by now:

    Aptly, when we first meet, New York Fashion Week is in full swing, and Lively has spent the better part of the day shooting a campaign she can’t – or won’t – divulge.

    “I could tell you, but I’d have to kill you,” she says, deadpan..

    I'm starving for professional (whether fashion or movie) Blake news.

  17. Gelling

    Agreed about the dinner thing. I've bounced that thought as well.


    Thanks for the pics, love the one of her and Leighton staring Penn down like they're about to beat him up :laugh:

    Love this interview of her at Letterman, very charming:

  18. ^Agreed, I genuinely liked her with Leo in a way that I never liked her and Penn together. They were so oddly compatible and their personalities/lifestyles surprisingly different but complimentary to each other that it came as a shock to me as well. They obviously had an issue or two (that we'll never know about ) that they felt would work against them in a relationship and quit while ahead. Nothing wrong with that and it was very very much fun while it lasted.

    Leighton Meester fans ruin EVERYTHING and I generally like Leighton. I can't even stand GG because of all the Chair vs Dair nonsense that's going on now, and it seems like I'm not the only one since the ratings are going down the shitter. To them, every news about Blake is PR, what they don't realize is that outside of their insular communities online, people care more about Blake the person. It helps that she is generally more interesting/awesome than the character she plays on the show.

    Yesss Sannei, I can't wait for more casting info. As a Blake fan, I live for the surprises when it comes to casting but they are so far in between :(. I've been looking for more stuff about Savages but can't find anything for now. Wonder when the first trailer will drop. If they're going to Cannes, I'm gandering either December/January (Oscar season) also because that's when the trailer for Wall Street 2 dropped and it had a similar opening weekend or around March at the latest.

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