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Posts posted by superRDF

  1. i'm half and half tbh. in the google glass photos and the interview gifs I thought she looked cute, at those AFI event pics just kinda meh. i agree she looked better with longer hair. Thank god the wig 'technology' has gotten so good or I imagine some studio heads would have been pulling their hair out x)

  2. she did an SI casting (via swimdaily)


    The gorgeous Ashley Sky came to visit us straight off a flight from Florida and looked flawless as you can tell by her photo booth pictures! Ashley has taken social media by storm and is quickly building a loyal following, with almost 500,000 followers on Instagram. The stunning brunette was kind enough to answer a few questions during her visit, check out what she had to say below!

    Name: Ashley Sky

    Item I can’t leave home without: My cell phone!

    When I go out I love wearing: Bronzer all over!

    Favorite sport to watch: Basketball

    First thing I notice about a guy: How he carries himself

    First thing guys notice about me: My smile…I hope

    I feel sexiest: In a bikini

    Celebrity you would choose to do a kissing scene with: Angelina Jolie, come on, those lips!!!!!!!

    Biggest fear: Sharks

    Items on my bucket list: Shoot for SI Swimsuit, ride an elephant, live abroad !

    Best place I’ve gone for a shoot: Malibu

    Ideal swimsuit should would be in: Greece

    Favorite Workout Regimen: Low impact, pilates & yoga

    Song I’m currently loving: Honey by Mariah Carey

    My signature scent: Tropical coconuts and vanilla

  3. I'm like a day or two late but i still have to toot my real madrid whistle :chicken:

    Barca really should be starting VIlla up front with Messi cause clearly Pedro (or Fabregas or whoever) isn't cutting it and the other plays haven't been stepping up when Messi's been shut down lately.

  4. ^ i did think Arsenal was going to put up more of a fight but Bayern just dominated that first half, away from home at that. here's hoping for an AC Milan upset today :Angel:

  5. ^ i did think Arsenal was going to put up more of a fight but Bayern just dominated that first half, away from home at that. here's hoping for an AC Milan upset today :Angel:

  6. I think it's safe to say Arsenal are out of european competition :laugh: with 3 away goals they'd have to go to Bayern and score at least 3 goals on a team that had only given up 7 in the Bundesliga (i believe that's what the announcer said but don't quote me :p) I feel like Bayern are underrated in the European competition despite making two finals in 3 years or maybe it's all in my head.

  7. please people vote for Emily.... cause Hannah for her tiny pic in the cover , she is back in 2014.... and Kate Bock is winning the votes... so if Kate B and Hannah are in... is just Emily or Natasha being back , cause they bring back 2 or 3 rookies. so vote!

    I can't believe Emily has like 14%.. I had my fiance number the girls 1-4 in his opinion, and I'm ashamed to say he put Emily last too!!

    What's wrong with these people? lol I've been voting as much as I can every time I remember, but I dunno if she'll make it :/ lets hope!

  8. is it just me or are the 'intimate' videos mostly worthless this year? cintia's is okay, nina's is not bad towards the end. otherwise i found them boring. it was a nice concept a few years ago (e.g. kate stepping into that outdoor shower) but for most of the girls these just seem too similar to their other photoshoot videos.

  9. if Lewondowski did the fake shot on purpose, that was just nasty.

    And fitting that De Gea has a great game against Madrid <_< i'm amazed that both Benzema and Higuain haven't been contributing as much as they were last year. you'd think it'd be one or the other.

  10. ^Ibra reminds me of a big kid who joins in with the younger ones in the playground, knocking them daft and doing all his best tricks, because he can and because it's fun. Everyone should do themselves a favour and pick up a copy of his autobiography 'I Am Zlatan' - it's absolutely hilarious. Reads like an Alan Partridge-esque celebrity parody. :laugh:

  11. More a case of Agger having an absolute shocker.

    Liverpool seem to struggle against any even remotely physical striker.

    Benteke could do whatever he pleased as well.

    which is ironic cause I had always thought of Agger/Skertel (when he was starting) as physical defenders

    we've only had him for a month or less but i'm going to say we missed Sturridge :ninja: Shelvey is not a striker

  12. More a case of Agger having an absolute shocker.

    Liverpool seem to struggle against any even remotely physical striker.

    Benteke could do whatever he pleased as well.

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