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Posts posted by Chi_lawyer

  1. I saw these tweets late yesterday. Sounds like Leo left London yesterday. I wonder where he's headed?

  2. Chi

    Well, I'm so glad that we had our fave lawyer to come to our rescue with this mystery lady ! :hug:

    You know why I ,also, think it might be her

    Recently there was sighting of Leo talking to a tall blonde at Avenue , the NY Post mentioned it .

    And the same night a guy at Avenue tweeted that Leo was there with his new Victoria Secret model

    And reading about her I see that she had done some modeling for Victoria Secret


    The New York Post sighting I'm referring to; or as we know now, Leo might have left by himself, but that doesn't mean he truly went home by himself :p

    After recently announcing he’s taking time off from acting, Leonardo DiCaprio seems to be focused on having a good time. The “Django Unchained” star was spotted having dinner with Jonah Hill and Lukas Haas at Catch on Monday. Later, DiCaprio and his crew were spotted at Avenue nightclub with a group. “Leo was sitting on top of a banquette, talking to a pretty, blond model-esque woman,” says an eyewitness. “He seemed very low-key and left by himself around 3 a.m.”
  3. Shine and Kat, thank you for the Miami pics! Leo is looking fantastic. I will be glad when his hair returns to its normal color, but he still looks delicious.

    So two people in the comments section on the E site claim that the blonde woman is Aferdita Dreshaj - https://twitter.com/DreshajAferdita

    Did a bit of sleuthing and I noticed her sister did tweet the other day that she was jealous that her sister was partying with Bradley Cooper and Leo. The sister also tweeted her, "I think I just died" and Aferdita said, "I know bb I know." What do you guys think? Could this be the mystery woman? :neo2:

  4. Oh yeah I saw that interview last year, didn't put much thought into it at the time of course. Though it's definately interesting to see now because of their current connection. This really reminds me of Blake :)

    Oh NO, I don't want to remember Blake. <_<

    I think almost every girl had a crush on Leo at least one day at that time, I would say is kind of normal... :laugh:

    Good point! :laugh:

    See if this video works for you:

  5. My apologies if this has already been posted. In this video from February 2010, Candice S. and Erin answer questions about Valentine's Day from fans, including what their favorite romantic movie is. Turns out Erin's answer is Romeo + Juliet. The way she says "Leonardo DiCaprio" makes me think she had a crush on him prior to their romance, just like the rest of us. The part about her favorite movie starts at about 5:25:


  6. Yes very good anaylasis Ox!

    Also changing the subject, what actress that leos never worked with, would you like to see leo work with? Costar or love interest in a movie? I would really like him to work with these women:

    Mila Kunis : shes gorgeous, and shes blossiming into a really good actress.

    Charlize Theron: Because I think it would be cool to see them together onscreen because they're already friends.

    Jennifer Lawrence: I just love her!

    Emma Stone: Same as Mila.

    Great question and I like your suggestions.

    I would like to see Leo star opposite:

    Penelope Cruz (especially knowing that they're friends),

    Kelly MacDonald (Scottish actress on Boardwalk Empire; I love her vulnerability)

    Rosario Dawson because they'd be smoking hot together! :drool:

  7. Chi

    As to what the lady says /defamation , I think the writer is aware of those issues as well which is why she said a lot but not really anything at all

    As I mentioned earlier the only detail she mentioned regarding Leo was he was smoking a cigar .

    Beyond that her statements such as 'too sweet to be sour' or "Scorpio DiCaprio still has a delightful sting in his tail" fall into same category as "he's as cute as a bug"

    Saying Leo has delightful sting or Spidy Maguire hasn't lost his touch in spinning his web can mean nothing more than they are both charming, witty conversationalists

    Saying "how to make a spine tingle and experience heaven from head to toe" can simply refer to how it feels to be in the presence of a man as goodlooking , charming and fun as Leo.

    She created with words a wild party scenario while not giving any details about the famous one that one didn't already know = he smokes cigars :p :p


    I could hear the cameras clicking as I read your post :p

    I hope theres no leo drought

    LOL, Oxford are you a lawyer too? If not, you should be! I agree with your analysis.

  8. ByPrincess

    Like the Hangover blowouts, yes, exactly :)


    The writer of the article is named in the article if you clicked on the link I posted she is Eva Rinaldi

    think it's very likely the author (who conveniently is anonymous)

    Is the article full of exaggerations ? falsehoods ? a description of proceedings ? My thoughts would lean to probably a mixture of all three :)

    Thanks for the clarification. I read an earlier version of it that was posted as "anonymous." Well, the fact that she gave her name does lend the article more credibility because if what she's claiming is not true, she could be sued for defamation (at least if this happened in the U.S.; not sure what AUS law is on defamation). Interesting. Well, I really hope Tobey and Ethan were not screwing around on their wives. That would be disappointing. At least Leo is single and free to do what he wants.

  9. Nanda

    As to writer actually being there, that is why I added she claims she attended.

    Maybe she was there and the article is legit, or as Wijn pointed out, she took the information we read and spinned it into more with her imagination.

    Off to reply to your pm :)

    I'm with Wijn on this one. I think it's very likely the author (who conveniently is anonymous) took what was already written about the party and embellished it. If you notice, she doesn't really add any new information that's verifiable, such as who was there. Instead she makes comments about condom packets strewn across the floor and "female attention." I mean, it's possible that this person was there and actually witnessed it, but you would think if that were the case, she wouldn't have taken so much information directly from the original party. I mean, if I had been at that party, I would have written from my own perspective, because there wouldn't be any need for me to "borrow" information from another article. I would have experienced it all myself firsthand, you know what I mean? Maybe I am just naive, but anonymous's story smells a little fishy to me. <_<

    I meant to say "directly from the original story."

  10. Nanda

    As to writer actually being there, that is why I added she claims she attended.

    Maybe she was there and the article is legit, or as Wijn pointed out, she took the information we read and spinned it into more with her imagination.

    Off to reply to your pm :)

    I'm with Wijn on this one. I think it's very likely the author (who conveniently is anonymous) took what was already written about the party and embellished it. If you notice, she doesn't really add any new information that's verifiable, such as who was there. Instead she makes comments about condom packets strewn across the floor and "female attention." I mean, it's possible that this person was there and actually witnessed it, but you would think if that were the case, she wouldn't have taken so much information directly from the original party. I mean, if I had been at that party, I would have written from my own perspective, because there wouldn't be any need for me to "borrow" information from another article. I would have experienced it all myself firsthand, you know what I mean? Maybe I am just naive, but anonymous's story smells a little fishy to me. <_<

  11. Bari, Solange and Byprincess! You look great! :heart:

    Although your boyfriends is the prettiest, Byprincess ;)

    Thanks for the pics Solange and Barbie :D

    Leo DiCaprio holds Sydney birthday party in Kings Cross with 80 women on guest list

    Leo celebrates birthday with bevy of Aussie women

    Great Gatsby star parties in Sydney's Kings Cross

    ALSO Leo's all girl birthday bash ..

    RUMOUR has it there were two guest lists - with 40 chicks on each clipboard.

    One week after turning 37 in the US, Leonardo DiCaprio held a sequel birthday party on Friday night at his favourite Sydney drinking hole, Beach Haus in Kings Cross, in a knees-up that would carry on well into Saturday.

    With the nightclub all-but closed to the public and a line stretching down Roslyn St, what the crowd lacked in male attendees it amply made up for in women, with a raft of Australia's Next Top Model contestants like Tahnee Atkinson, Lola Van Vorst, Rebecca Jobson and - one of Leo's known Down Under conquests - Alyce Crawford all dancing away to a playlist of R'n'B tunes and gangster rap.

    DiCaprio puffed on cigars and cigarettes throughout the night - something that usually carries a $110 infringement notice - and had his Hollywood wing men - Inception costar Lukas Haas and former My Name Is Earl comic Ethan Suplee - by his side.

    The Great Gatsby co-star Tobey Maguire was seen looking a bit blase in the cordoned-off dancefloor area, standing atop a lounge drinking sparkling water about 2.30am. The shindig carried on for almost two hours from there, at which point some of the hot young things were being shoulder tapped and invited back to hotel rooms at The Star casino. Confidential witnessed some being given phone numbers to call on their arrival.

    On Saturday night, DiCaprio, Suplee, Haas and a few others were spotted at new Cross eatery Barrio Chino before heading across the road for some hair of the dog at the club

    Sorry Barbie, I think you're too late on the 'private time'

    Although I think the press made it seem a little more interesting than it really was... :/

    Read more: http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celeb...7#ixzz1eK1jWtVG

    Thanks for the article, Wijn. Sounds like this woman might have been one of the guests (assuming this is a real twitter account, that is):

    Tegan_Martin92 Tegan Martin

    Met so many great people this weekend. Leonardo dicaprio, Mel b and Stephen and Toby maguire. #bestweekend

  12. Ya, Chi Lawyer and Barilace... Show us your photos.

    Hi Guys,

    Please be kind. :blush: You all are so pretty! And Kat, you are especially adorable. Your personality shines through in your photo!

    First pic is one of me (don't mind pic of boyfriend in the background):


    And the second is a pic of me with my dog Nora who was very old at the time (and has since passed away):


    Now you can see why I would like to see Leo with a brunette rather than a blonde, although I'm not so sure about the one (madalena?) he was pictured with in Sydney. :whistle: I'm still hoping he will end up with a beautiful but slightly nerdy environmentalist! :laugh:

    By_Princess I hadn't seen those pics of Leo before. Thank you for sharing. My my, he looks so hot! :drool:

  13. Ok Girls... After a extensive search of photos mine where I look less ridiculous (no surprises here) and obviously giving time to Fash and Oxf put their own pics because otherwise I wouldn�€™t do it... :D (although still we expect of Oxf)

    I must say I was little hard to find a decent picture mine where I don�€™t look or silly, or not having a drink in my hand, or throwing kisses, or making peace signs, or not having a drink in my hand... ok I had already said that... ;) but anyway this are my favorites two... :hehe:

    the last one is for you to realize once and for all that Leo and I have more in common than two hands and two legs... :p

    By the way... No Oxf, neither of them is are my boyfriends so not even think about make that joke because I already ruined for you :avada:

    After reading that I was half expecting to see a picture of a dude :rofl:

    :rofl: me tooo :rofl: you're too funny princess!

    also so cute,pretty girl! :)

    what does it mean there's no pressure ??? of course there is :laugh:

    next in the list: :gocho::actor:



    and I see Chi_lawyer here too :brows: but you also can take a pass if you want :wave: but we'll be glad to see you! :wave:

    You guys want my picture . . . now I know a little bit how Leo feels, haha. :p Still reading through all the pages I've missed. If I find a halfway decent pic I will post once I figure out how to do that! Good seeing all your lovely faces. :wave:

  14. The pair "remain friends," Lively and DiCaprio's reps added.

    Thats good their keeping in touch!

    I am really curious what the cause of the breakup is? Probably just didn't work out and busy scheduals!

    Yeah, busy schedules are usually part of it, but I'm gonna try not to speculate too much. I'm sure the tabloids will be doing more than enough of that in the coming weeks. <_< Whatever their differences, I'm glad they didn't let it drag on for years... the on - off relationships and constant rumors can take a toll on friendships (and tbh, fans).

    Jou Jou I agree about not letting a relationship drag on for years. Although they occasionally work out, most off and on relationships are doomed. Leo and Blake were cute together and looked like they had fun. If I had to guess, their hectic schedules probably got in the way plus they both just got out of long term relationships (especially Leo). I think they had fun together while it lasted but this wasn't much more than a summer romance (and there's nothing wrong with that). Now I am just excited to see who Leo will date next, although I have to say I'd love to see him stay single for a little while anyway, unless of course it's one of us. ;)

  15. ^Yes I agree that she probably arrived sometime Saturday, Syndey time, and left sometime Monday, Sydney time!

    Thanks Halo for another article! :)

    And Killa I am sooo with you! Gemmas one of the most sucessful and famous models out there, and one of my favs, and shes joining the cast!!! I'm so excited!!!!!! :clap: I am so curious to see what part she'll have in the movie!! :woot:

    Hi All, long time no see. :wave: Glad to hear that Gemma is joining the cast. Just curious, has she been in any movies prior to this one? So far, the director has chosen top notch actors so I am assuming that she has some acting chops.

    I too hope we get more Leo sightings, especially with Blake (although I enjoy the pics of Leo with his friends just as much). Maybe they will be a bit more relaxed about the paparazzi in Australia like they were in Italy? Anyway, hopefully we will have lots of new photos to drool over soon. (I feel slightly guilty admitting that because I know Leo hates being stalked by the paps, yet we eagerly wait for new pictures, essentially driving up demand for new pics! Oh well, what can you do? :blush: )

    Yes I am also very happy that Blake was (or still is, not sure if that tweet really confirms she left) in Australia! Missed ya Chi, love to have you post more!

    And about Gemma, fash pretty much explained it! She does have some acting experiance, but is defiently known more in modeling than she is in acting. I am sooo curious to find out what part she will play! As all the major parts have been taken, but we'll have to see what she plays!

    But the article says her part is significant, so I can't wait! Shes gorgeous! :heart: One of my fav models :wub:


    Wow, Kat, she's seriously gorgeous! I don't think I quite realized how beautiful she is. Thx for posting! Yes, I will try to post more too. :laugh:

  16. ^Yes I agree that she probably arrived sometime Saturday, Syndey time, and left sometime Monday, Sydney time!

    Thanks Halo for another article! :)

    And Killa I am sooo with you! Gemmas one of the most sucessful and famous models out there, and one of my favs, and shes joining the cast!!! I'm so excited!!!!!! :clap: I am so curious to see what part she'll have in the movie!! :woot:

    Hi All, long time no see. :wave: Glad to hear that Gemma is joining the cast. Just curious, has she been in any movies prior to this one? So far, the director has chosen top notch actors so I am assuming that she has some acting chops.

    I too hope we get more Leo sightings, especially with Blake (although I enjoy the pics of Leo with his friends just as much). Maybe they will be a bit more relaxed about the paparazzi in Australia like they were in Italy? Anyway, hopefully we will have lots of new photos to drool over soon. (I feel slightly guilty admitting that because I know Leo hates being stalked by the paps, yet we eagerly wait for new pictures, essentially driving up demand for new pics! Oh well, what can you do? :blush: )

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