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Posts posted by ailenroc

  1. CR7: "They don't like me because I'm cute, rich and a great player"

    Cristiano Ronaldo finished the match against Dinamo Zagreb disgusted with several things that happened during the game. Ronaldo got brutally fouled in a tackle that aimed at his right ankle and got constantly booed and whistled by the fans and supporters from Dinamo Zagreb. The Portuguese player ankle ended up with a big stain of blood.

    Even though Real Madrid brought home the win from last night match against Dinamo Zagreb for the UEFA Champions League, Cristiano Ronaldo was very angry at the end of the match and blamed the referee Oddvar Moen, for having double standards all over the game. Marcelo got sent off after seeing a second yellow card, as a result of falling inside the penalty area, while Dinamo Zagreb player, who "assaulted" Cristiano Ronaldo in a brutal tackle, got away with, as the referee waved to play on. The result of this tackle was a big blood stain in Ronaldo sock, that was covering his ankle and a lot of doubts regarding if CR7 will be back in time for Real Madrid next game. Ronaldo got upset with all the incidents combined last night and said that there's no explanation for the fans booing and whistling him anymore, except for him being cute, rich and a great player.

    One of the immediate consequences after the game, coming from the tackle Cristiano Ronaldo suffered, was taking 3 stiches in the ankle, to close the cut made by his opponent boots. Ronaldo was outraged at the way the Norwegian referee, Oddvar Moen, was conducting the game: "This is a shame and a disgrace. I really don't get it. People like to talk about fair-play and to protect the talented players, but I never feel like I'm receiving that kind of treatment", complained CR7, in a clear reference to UEFA President, Michel Platini, who admitted in last August, that players such as Lionel Messi are protected by the referees and that's the way it should be. Platini: "Messi is very protected by the referees and it's good that it keeps being that way" (August 2011).

    Cristiano Ronaldo wrath continued, as the Portuguese player insisted: "I don't get what's happening. I feel sad because the referees say they were going to protect the talented players and those which have more technique skills. But the truth is, we can't even touch some players, but everyone can tackle me the way they want." said Ronaldo in a clear allusion to the double standards the referees keep having with players such as Lionel Messi for example, and himself.

    When asked about the reasons why some fans keep whistling and booing him, Cristiano Ronaldo confessed he's tired of this kind of receptions and fired back: "I don't have any explanation left. It must be because I'm cute, rich and a great player and they enview me." Before finishing this post-match flash interview, Cristiano Ronaldo said he hopes not to get this referee in the next Real Madrid games and that he still doesn't know if he'll be fit for playing against Levante on Sunday.

    Cristiano Ronaldo: "I hope this referee doesn't take any other Real Madrid match, because he's very bad. Regarding my ankle, I don't know if I'll manage to recover until Sunday and play against Levante. We'll have to see how this injury develops in the next days.", responded Ronaldo still upseted with everything that happened, which culminated on his ankle bleeding and needing to get stiches.

  2. Karim Benzema is on fire this season as he just can't stop scoring. After scoring another 2 goals in this weekend's match against Getafe, Benzema reckonized how important it is to have a good relationship with Cristiano Ronaldo and Mesut Ozil, for his perfomances to keep at such a good level.

    Karim Benzema is definately one of the players of the moment, as he keeps scoring goals after goals. The French man scored a brace this Saturday, in La Liga match against Getafe, but confessed that one of the keys for his recent success is the good friendship relationship he maintains with Cristiano Ronaldo and Mesut Ozil.

    Karim Benzema recent form has already earned him praises from several teammates, as well as his coach, José Mourinho. The French player is still 23 years (he was born in the 19th of December of 1987) and is now finally convincing the critics that Real Madrid can rely on him for the future. However, Gonzalo Higuain is also fully recovered from his injury and also managed to score a goal from the few minutes he had against Getafe. It should be interesting to see who's going to earn José Mourinho's confidence for the number 9 position in the next weeks.

    In a short talk with Spanish newspaper "As", Karim Benzema talked about his relationship with Cristiano Ronaldo and Mesut Ozil and pointed that, as one of the factors that have helped him improving his performances from last season. Benzema: "Me, Ronaldo and Ozil are really good friends off the pitch and that helps us when we're playing together. That's exactly what I need to keep playing like I've been doing. We take advantage of fast plays that we manage to combine in tight spaces. The ball gets passed very quickly."

    One of the most beautiful moments of the match between Real Madrid and Getafe took place in the 3rd goal that the Merengues scored. Cristiano Ronaldo showed how good his game vision is, and assisted Benzema with a low superb pass, crossing the ball from one side of the pitch to the other. Benzema reckonized that was a sublime moment and commented: "He had already assisted me in a similar way last season. I felt I had to run upfront, because I knew Cristiano Ronaldo would think of putting the ball in that space."

    Benzema: "We knew before the game started, that Barcelona had drawn against Real Sociedad. However, we were never worried about that fact, because we don't care about what Barcelona does. It would have been a serious mistake if that had happened. We only care about ourselves."

  3. Real Madrid proved they are a more mature team this season, as they pulled up the 3 points against Getafe, in a match where they could afford to play bad. One of the highlights of the game was the controversial penalty awarded to Cristiano Ronaldo, which allowed Real Madrid to restore the lead.

    In the aftermath of the game against Getafe, on which Real Madrid was awarded a penalty kick in a controversial foul play on Ronaldo, José Mourinho defended his player once more and claimed that Cristiano Ronaldo doesn't have the habit to dive, as a few other players in this League do. Real Madrid finished the game with a 4-2 victory, with CR7 adding another goal to his personal count.

    José Mourinho was the first to admit that he didn't like the way Real Madrid performed against Getafe: "I'm not happy with my team. We won and we deserved to win, because we scored 4 goals, but we could have scored more, even though our opponent had a good game. We gave them too much freedom to play and they presented themselves very organized. I was close to their coach, Luis Garcia and I could hear the instructions he was giving to his players. I must say he was well documented and he had his homework done regarding my team. This was a very hard match, where we didn't play well. I'll have to think why that happened and take my conclusions from it."

    José Mourinho also commented the recent controversy regarding how uneven and unbalanced the Spanish La Liga has been turning to be: "I'm a bit tired of too much people talking about that matter and trying to explore the idea that it is easy to win most of this league matches when you're coaching Real Madrid or Barcelona, just because the other teams are bad. If you see one of those teams, who have been considered as "bad teams" by those supposed "opinion makers", you can see they really work well, with tremendously good and professional players and managers. They are well prepared to win matches."

    Cristiano Ronaldo and Karim Benzema had a good performance against Getafe, and José Mourinho preffered to praise the French man's work and improvement from last season: "Benzema is very well, he has transformed and he's the one to be credited for that, even though he got a bit of an help by me, his teammates, Zinedine Zidane and Laurent Blanc. The fact is, he has a great attitude and the quality he has always had since the beginning. It's true that last season he got booed a few times, but this year everyone realizes he's in a totally dimension and playing some of his best football.

    Real Madrid coach then approached the most controversial play of the match, where Cristiano Ronaldo was fouled near the penalty area. José Mourinho: "It wasn't a penalty, that's a fact. But what's also true is that it was a foul, because Cristiano Ronaldo doesn't dive, like a few others do, and even less when he already has a yellow card, as it was the case. There was no reason for a penalty (the foul was outside the penalty area), but that incident took place when were dominating the match and I'm convicted we would end by scoring sooner or later and still win the match.", said Mourinho in what could be interpreted as an insinuation to what had happened a few hours before, in Barcelona 2-2 draw against Real Sociedad, where Lionel Messi dived in the penalty area close to the end of the match, being shown a yellow card as a result of that action.

  4. Cristiano Ronaldo Sexy Looks on T Magazine


    Last week, Cristiano Ronaldo appeared in The NewYorker Times Style Magazine for Mens fall fashion. His appearance was a part of a 25 years tribute of Manchester United.

    His face is drop dead gorgeous on the cover. Infact,h's just too gorgeous the photographer even forgot to capture his fashion clothing and zoomed only his face...

    While for the rest of ManUtd icons, such as Rooney, Rio, Sir Alex, Nemanja Vidic, Javier Hernandez, and others, they had their full pictures taken.

  5. Cristiano Ronaldo: "I could return to Manchester United in the future"

    It's not exactly the first time that Cristiano Ronaldo hints at a possible return to Manchester United and English football, but this time, CR7 speech had a few other interesting notes regarding his old club, confessing he misses the times when he played with a Manchester United jersey.

    Cristiano Ronaldo granted a short interview to Sky Sports today and the Portuguese player confessed he misses the times when he played in England. More important than that, Cristiano Ronaldo admits he doesn't want to close the door to a possible coming back transfer and return to Manchester United in the future. However, CR7 insisted on noting that he is truly happy in Real Madrid at this stage of his career and he doesn't plan to leave in a near future.

    In a direct question regarding if he would consider moving back to England and Manchester United, Cristiano Ronaldo didn't rule out that chance: "I don't close that door, so maybe in the future I hope it can happen, because I know the league, the players and the atmosphere." Ronaldo still holds Manchester United in a special place on his heart and if a potential return to the English Premier League happens, then it would very likely be on a Red Devils jersey: "I hope so one day, but we never know. The team that I like the most in England is Manchester United, but I can't say that I am going to play there one day, because right now, I am very, very happy in Madrid."

    A few months ago, Ronaldo assumed that he would accepting signing a 10 year contract extension with Real Madrid. However, Cristiano Ronaldo prefers not to promise anything right now and leave his faith for God to decide: "I've said a few times in the past, that if Real Madrid want, I can sign a contract for ten years more, until the end of my career, but nobody knows the future. I can't lie to all of you and say that I will stay in Madrid for ten more years and that I am not going to return back to Manchester United some day. It wouldn't be fair on my part. Let's see what future God has prepared for me."

    One very interesting remark on this Ronaldo interview made to Sky Sports, was the fact that Cristiano Ronaldo admitted that he misses playing for Manchester United and he feels nostalgic when he watches his old club on TV: "I have good memories from Manchester United and when I watch sometimes the games, I miss it a lot, because it's part of me I left in England. However, just because I play in Real Madrid, I'm not going to miss speaking with some of the old guys, so when I have an opportunity, I catch up and talk with Sir Alex Ferguson." Ronaldo then admitted how important Sir Alex Ferguson was for his career development and growing up, referring to him as a second dad. Cristiano Ronaldo: "I'm really happy with what I did in Manchester United and I don't forget the six years that I passed there. I have a lot of friends there. Sir Alex Ferguson is like a second father to me, because he helped me a lot to improve and now, Mr. José Mourinho does the same. They are both very experienced managers who win many things, so in my opinion they are the best coaches in the World. Sir Alex Ferguson was important for me when I played there, when my life was there, so it's always good to speak with him, because I'll never forget who really helped me."

    Cristiano Ronaldo recently said the Real Madrid is the best club in the World, but he believes that Manchester United deserves to be ranked as one of the best clubs in the World as well: "I said a few times that playing in Real Madrid was my dream, but playing for Manchester United was too. In my opinion, Real Madrid and Manchester United are the best clubs in the World and that's true maybe even considering clubs such as Barcelona, Chelsea, Arsenal or AC Milan.

    When Cristiano Ronaldo left Manchester United for Real Madrid, in the 11th of June of 2009, for a World record transfer fee of 80 million pounds, many Red Devils fans got heart broken and couldn't realize the reasons behind that decision. Cristiano Ronaldo noted, that as a football player, he needs to set new targets to keep challenging himself.

    Cristiano Ronaldo: "In life, there is a beginning and an end to everything. What I did in Manchester United was completely finished, because I won almost everything there. I always try for a new challenge and to move from Manchester to Madrid was not about a better contract or winning more money, but rather about a new challenge, being closer to my family, different weather and the language." But the main reason why Cristiano Ronaldo will remain one the best football players in the World was outlined after: "The most important reason why I moved was the challenge, because I really like to put myself under pressure to see what I can do. But I really miss the English Premier League. The EPL and La Liga are the best football leagues in the World."

  6. Cristiano Ronaldo granted an interview to uefa.com, where he notes that Real Madrid is the best club in the World and that is the reason why it creates so many hostilities and hate towards them.

    In a talk with uefa.com, Cristiano Ronaldo gave a few insights on what he believes to be the reasons for so many hate and aggressiveness towards Real Madrid. The Portuguese player defends the idea that Real Madrid is the best club in the World and that simple fact can actually drive some people crazy and arouse envy all around the World. There are very few stadiums left in Spain where Real Madrid doesn't witness very hostile welcomings, with plenty of insults and provocations.

    Cristiano Ronaldo: "Real Madrid is the best club in the World and that simple fact creates envy among many people." said CR7, when trying to explain why so many people keep reacting so negatively when facing Real Madrid. However, the Portuguese player believes that this season can be a succesful one for the Merengues and the first win in La Liga (0-6 against Real Zaragoza), can act as a true launching ramp for what's coming: "I truly believe that this could be a great year for all of us."

    Even though Cristiano Ronaldo was talking and granting an interview to uefa.com, the Portuguese was not shy to criticize their referees work, when analysing the several "El Clasico" matches between Real Madrid and Barcelona last season, in the UEFA Champions League. Cristiano Ronaldo: "We know what happened last year and we know the reasons behind that. We got eliminated unfairly, but we have to learn to live with it."

  7. Cristiano Ronaldo: "I answer fans booing by playing in the pitch"


    Those who watched last night match, between Cyprus and Portugal, witnessed a particular phenomenon that can be hard to understand. During the entire game, Cypriot fans booed Cristiano Ronaldo and shouted Lionel Messi chants to provoke CR7. After the game, Ronaldo was categorical: "I answer those fans booing with my game, in the pitch".

    It's not exactly a surprise to notice how hostile some fans continue being towards Cristiano Ronaldo, across several stadium around the World. The Portuguese super star status definately causes a love/hate feeling among all football fans and no one is indifferent to him. Last night in Cyprus, the fear and pettiness of some fans was reflected on the way they decided to provoke Cristiano Ronaldo. The usual booing don't seem to have an efficient effect on Cristiano Ronaldo's performance anymore, so a few Cypriot fans decided to attempt to instigate the Portuguese player by chanting Lionel Messi's name.

    A few years ago, Nike launched a campaign that suits and reflects perfectly the feeling football fans demonstrate towards Ronaldo. The video title is: "Cristiano Ronaldo - Love him or hate him" and it does seem to completely apply to reality. Cristiano Ronaldo was also quoted in the past with a statement that pretty much says it all: "Your love makes me strong, your hate makes me unstoppable."

    In the post-match flash interview, Cristiano Ronaldo commented the booing and insults from the fans in the crowd in Cyprus: "I make those kind of fans shut up all year long. My answer is given by playing on the field." said Ronaldo to the Portuguese media "RTPN". This clearly shows that this sort of provocations don't destabilize him at all, since that's something he got used over time, coming back from his adventure in Manchester United and that famous incident with Wayne Rooney, in the Germany World Cup 2006, which ended by leading to a lot of hate towards CR7.

    Cristiano Ronaldo also commented Ricardo Carvalho's incident, that took place earlier this week, when the Portuguese defender decided to leave the team's camp without permission, appearently because he felt mistreated and disrespected for not being a regular choice anymore. Cristiano Ronaldo, being the new Portugal captain, shielded his teammate saying that the players won't take any public stance on that case. However, Ronaldo says that no one is above rules and there are no "sacred cows" in the Portuguese National Team, meaning that everyone must train hard and proove they can help and be a valid choice.

    Cristiano Ronaldo: "Everything that happened earlier this week is past already and our coach Paulo Bento already approached that subject this Thursday. What me or my other teammates think about this incident, will remain to ourselves and not for the press." Then Ronaldo made a note on the warning that Paulo Bento left on his statements, regarding the need for everyone to be aware that being called for the Portuguese National Team is a privilege and no one is "untouchable". Cristiano Ronaldo: "What Paulo Bento said applies to me or Pepe for example. It wasn't a message exclusively for Ricardo Carvalho, but for everyone."

  8. Cristiano Ronaldo salary

    Football fans around the World usually ask how much does Cristiano Ronaldo earn from his salary. We collected and researched some data on this matter and provided you with all the informations and stats below.

    Current Cristiano Ronaldo monthly salary in 2011:

    1 Million Euros. (1.000.000 € (EUR) ~ 1.430.000 $ (USD) ~ 882.000 £ (GBP))

    Current Cristiano Ronaldo annual salary in 2011:

    12 Million Euros. (12.000.000 € (EUR) ~ 17.600.000 $ (USD) ~ 10.584.000 £ (GBP))

    After having signed with Real Madrid in 2009, Cristiano Ronaldo became one of the highest paid soccer players in the World, with a transfer buyout clause of 1 billion euros (release clause). We researched on several publications regarding football players wages and overall earnings (including sponsorships deals). The data is unequivocal as Cristiano Ronaldo is clearly one of the richest football players in the World.

    According to a Portuguese source named "Futebol Finance", who publishes a list of the highest paid footblal players every year, Cristiano Ronaldo is ranked #1 with a monthly salary of 1 million euros (1.000.000 euros ~ 1.430.000 US dollars ~ 882.000 British pounds). The Portuguese player is followed by Barcelona's Lionel Messi ("La Pulga") who earns a monthly salary of 875.000 euros (~ 1.251.000 US dollars ~ 772.000 British pounds) and Chelsea's Fernando Torres ("El Niño") who gets a monthly salary of 833.000 euros (~ 1.191.000 US dollars ~ 735.000 British pounds). Another Real Madrid player who makes it to the top 10 list is Kaká, FIFA Player of The Year in 2007, who is currently ranked 6th, with a monthly salary close to 750.000 euros (~ 1.073.000 US dollars ~ 662.000 British pounds).

    * Exchange rates used for conversion: EUR/USD = 1.430 ; EUR/GBP = 0.882

    As you may see below, Barcelona is the only club in the World which puts 5 players in the top 20 highest paid football players list. If we sum those 5 players wages (Lionel Messi, Xavi, Andres Iniesta, David Villa and Daniel Alves), we notice that Barcelona is spending around 3.250.000 euros monthly (3 million and 250 million euros ~ 4.647.500 US Dollars ~ 2.867.000 British pounds), in wages for those 5 key players. That's an interesting curiosity as there seems to be a myth that the big spenders are always Real Madrid, Chelsea or Manchester City, but it turns out to be that Barcelona is actually leading in the aggregated analysis, when considering exclusively the top 20 list.

    However, even though the above report is still recent (April 2011), there's some data which is already innacurate, as for example Samuel Eto'o, who recently signed for the Russian club Anzhi Makhachkala and will reportedly receive a monthly salary of 1.708.333 euros (~ 2.442.916 US dollars ~ 1.506.750 British pounds), which makes it around an anual salary of 20,5 million euros (20.500.000 euros ~ 29.315.000 US dollars ~ 18.080.000 British pounds), according to latest reports from Forbes. As a benchmark note, that would almost double Cristiano Ronaldo's current salary in Real Madrid as you may confirm on the table above. To complete this note, this summer transfers and new signings are still missing from the list on this table, since the new Manchester City player, as Sergio Aguero should already appear in the top 10. Nonetheless, it seems to be a fact that Samuel Eto'o will become the highest paid football player in fooball history, in the 2011-12 season, earning more than 20 million euros anually, just accounting salary wages.

    Taking a step forward, by looking at this salary data as well as bonuses, endorsements and sponsorships deals made by this sports athletes, we come up with a slightly different list, headed by L.A. Galaxy's David Beckham, who jumps from the 67th position to become the leader of this table (by accounting only for club's wages, Beckham's annual salary was around 4.500.000 euros ~ 6.292.000 US dollars ~ 3.880.800 British Pounds), being followed closely by Real Madrid's Cristiano Ronaldo.

  9. Cristiano Ronaldo to Marry Irina Next July ??

    Latest news on the couple, is that Cristiano Ronaldo and Irina will have their wedding next July, after Euro 2012 Championship. The place is believed to be in Porto Santo Island, but still no confirmation about it. However, since the couple were playing 'hide and seek'with the media this last couple of month, I'm guessing they were trying to hide something.

  10. Cristiano Ronaldo: "This game will be extremely important"

    Portugal will have a decisive match this Friday, against Cyprus, in order to qualify for the Euro 2012. Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the Portuguese National Team leaders and has outlined the importance of this match and the need of bringing home the 3 points.

    Not while ago, Portugal couldn't get more than a 4-4 draw against Cyprus, in a match played in Guimarães (Portugal), in September 2010. However, the Portuguese National Team coach is now Paulo Bento, (replaced Carlos Queiroz), and things are looking brighter for the Portuguese. Portugal will take on Cyprus this Friday night and a win could prove to be crutial in order to assure the qualification for next summer's Euro 2012, to be played in Poland and Ukraine. Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the most motivated players for this Portugal vs Cyprus match.

    Cristiano Ronaldo: "This game will be extremely important. We have to be focused and give our best, but I'm confident that we won't make the same mistakes we did in the first game we played against them last year (4-4 draw). We are ready, we trust in ourselves and we're going after the 3 points. It's important to keep being first in the group, because that's the only place where we want to be in the end." Portugal is currently the leader of Group H, followed closely by Denmark and Norway. The 3 teams now have 10 points and the difference is being set by "goal average".

    Cristiano Ronaldo: "We expect that the team will be able to perform at our best levels. The team must respond well in order for the individualities to have the chance to show up and make the difference." Ronaldo said he's feeling very well and that he's ready for a great year: "I started well this season and I'm here to give my full contribution to the team."

    However, CR7 recognizes that Portugal won't have an easy task in this Friday's match. Ronaldo: "Cyprus will be playing at home, with their crowd supporting them. I hope they will play a more open game and if they do it, then things can be better for us. We are fully motivated to be first in our group, but we can't play against Cyprus looking at them as a weaker team. We must not underestimate them. They stole us 2 points in the first match and even though they aren't as stronger as Denmark or Norway, we'll have to prove on the field that we can be better than them and win this match."

  11. Cristiano Ronaldo: "We must stay united if we want to win trophies"

    The Spanish League started in the best way possible for Real Madrid and Cristiano Ronaldo, with an impressive 6-0 win in La Romareda, against Real Sociedad. Ronaldo is determined in helping the club lifting trophies this season but warns his team mates and the fans to keep united until the end.

    Having already scored 102 goals for Real Madrid, somehow gives Cristiano Ronaldo more influence and respect in the locker room and among the club fans. Ronaldo just scored his 9th hat-trick while wearing a Real Madrid shirt, but he keeps aware of the main objective in every match which is helping the team winning games.

    Cristiano Ronaldo: "I want to congratulate the entire team for this great win. Thankfully, I managed to score 3 goals, but that was only possible because of my team mates hardwork. We are a team. I always try to help this team and thankfully it also helps me." said the Portuguese player in a post-match quick interview. Cristiano Ronaldo got assisted by Ozil (1st goal), Di Maria (2nd goal) and Kaká (3rd goal), which allowed CR7 to score his first hat-trick of the 2011-12 season.

    Cristiano Ronaldo: "We attempted to start the Spanish League with a good performance and putting on a good show. It's good to know we did it, by scoring 6 goals in a tough away game." Ronaldo also wanted to leave a few praises to Kaká, who deserved José Mourinho confidence last night and had the chance to play close to 15 minutes against Zaragoza. CR7: "Kaká scored a goal and assisted me for another. He's a very important player for this team, just like any other my current team mates."

    However, Cristiano Ronaldo is well aware that this was just the first battle of many to come during this season. The Portuguese player asked everyone involved in the club as well as the fans to keep together and united supporting the team, in order to be able to win new trophies this season. Ronaldo: "We won't win anything at all if we don't stay together and united towards the same objectives".

  12. Cristiano Ronaldo: UEFA Best Player in Europe 2010/11 nominee

    The striker has made the three-man shortlist thanks to scoring 53 goals with Real Madrid and winning the Golden Boot award last season; the winner will be announced on 25 August

    Cristiano Ronaldo is in the three-man nominee list for the UEFA Best Player in Europe 2010/11 award. A jury made up of 53 sports journalists will vote for the winner, who will be announced on 25 August in Monaco.

    According to UEFA, "the award aims to recognise the best player, irrespective of his nationality, who has played for a football club within the territory of a UEFA member national association during the season to which the award relates. Players will be judged for their performance during the 2010/11 season in all competitions, both domestically and internationally, at either club or national team level."

    Cristiano Ronaldo scored 53 goals with Real Madrid (40 in La Liga, 6 in the Champions League, 7 in the Copa del Rey), and three with the Portuguese national team. He won the Golden Boot award thanks to his tally in the Spanish league, with which he broke the record previously held by Zarra and Hugo Sanchez. Also, his goal in the Copa del Rey final gave the team the title.

    As explained by UEFA, "each journalist will first provided a list of three best ranked players from one to three, the first one receiving five points, the second three points and the third one point. The three players receiving the most aggregate points in the first round of voting will be shortlisted for the final round of voting which takes place in Monaco. The journalists will then vote live, via an electronic voting system, during the UEFA Champions League group stage draw, to determine the winner amongst the three nominees."

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