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Posts posted by Lumi

  1. I have to confess: It's sad to see that she hasn't done so much new work in the last time. I went through the last 100 pages and besides the discussions about her private life/love life (which doesn't interest me for a second because it's her life and the yellow press likes to overreact) you can find mostly her instagram/twitter photos (she even starts to repost them), reposts of old shootings, translations of interviews (more or less new) and a few new shootings. I wish she would do more than just Fox, Escada and Passionata (the big 3 for her right now) and some other ones. :( I can understand it that she wants to be in Israel with her family and friends (and maybe to study without pressure if she still studies after all) but as a fan I want to see new shootings and work. (And posting beautiful selfies at Instagram isn't work.) She posts quite often photos of herself from shootings (Or at least I believe they have to be from shootings because of the make up.) but you never see the work after all. :/

  2. I don't know how well-known KIKO is outside of Europe (or at least outside of Italy, Spain, France and Germany although I found a store once in London) but I visited their website today and well ... Clara works or worked with them now which is awesome! (And it explains why she was so much in Milan weeks ago.) Since I'm German, the 2nd photo is from the German site while the first one is from the general one (where you can choose your country) but every site has the 2nd photo, too. :)

    post-49624-0-1446179242-6634_thumb.jpg post-49624-0-1446179243-09188_thumb.jpg

  3. Well, well, although she's one of the few women who are looking good in suits/tuxedo, I really hope she'll wear a dress. They're personally designed for her, so she'll look stunning in them (or one of them, depends on the fact if she might change dresses in a break or so)! Especially the red one is awesome, my second fav is the dark blue one with the lace (?) at the upper body.

    About the gym photo ... damn, my conscience is telling me that I should starting to work out again (although I know that I'll never have her type of body, that's not in my genes).

  4. I'm torn apart when it comes to the magazine.

    On the one hand: a better issue than the lastest ones.

    On the other hand: some of the photos screaming to me 'the photographer hasn't been interested to take good photos; too tired, too busy to count the salary of the shooting in his head and how to use it, ...' - by far too boring for me. They had been at great locations (Srsly, 5 (!!!) continents + Antarctica) and we got quite boring photos. Meh, meh. Is it that complicated to find good photographers nowadays?

    Furthermore: you could use a bundle of photos for a catalog which sells swimwear.

    About the photoshop use ... *sigh* The complete shootings looking good for me (although I still don't understand why they had to remove freckles & co) but for the magazine itself ... SI, why you photoshopped the boobs again? (I don't want to start about the lighting, contrast, colouring, ... stuff.)

    I still don't understand why they used Kate for the cover again. And why they used such an ugly photo for it. Kate has quite some good photos which they could have use for the cover. If I would have been in charge to decide which girl has to be on the cover, I think I would have given it to Ariel. If Emily wouldn't have been a rookie I would nominate her for the cover but well ... maybe next year.

    All over: I'm still surprised that SI managed it that I like Irina's, Nina's and Anne V's photos. Beautiful girls, don't get me wrong, but they had never been my favs when it comes to SI. Although Anne reminds me (from far away) of Brooklyn Decker. I'm a bit unsure what to think about the wig for Alyssa's bodypaint photos (Yes, I know they used old covers as an idea.) because it looks so weird on her. Rookie of the year is Emily. At least for me. She's stunning. And her shooting is the best (she knows what to do, you can see that); very classy for SI.

  5. Wow, I didn't expected that move by her! She's so utterly beautiful and sensual; unlike most of the SI girls who are more the "hot and super sexy" type of women. But damn, the photo looks great so far and I really hope that we'll get beautiful photos! (Hopefully not over-photoshopped ones. She's so stunning, she doesn't need it.) And to be honest: I really hope that she'll get some interesting and good jobs. Most of the time - when I visit her thread - I just see photos from her shootings with Maybelline. Don't get me wrong, lads and lass, I like to see her eyes/face when I went to my local drug store to buy a new mascara/eye shadow/whatever you can buy there but it gets boring with the time just to see that kind of work (besides "Acqua di Gio Femme"). (And yes, I know that she did other jobs but still ... Maybelline is everywhere. That's my opinion.)

  6. TV Movie February 2013

    I took a quick look through it to see if there's something interesting in it about her but no. Nothing. At least I didn't saw anything and I don't buy "TV Movie" because I don't own a TV. I think the photo itself is from the Piaget shooting 2012.

  7. Oh my ... oh my ... no. Why the close-up of the kiss and the kissing noises!? ._____________.

    I really hope that she got a good pay check for that. And maybe getting some good jobs due the buzz that this commercial will create.

  8. The 2004 one. I like the design and the fact that you actually need boobs to fill them.

    But I must admit: all the bras - besides the one from '04 - looking really uncomfortable. Too much squeezing, pushing, ... - most of them are too small - especially the one from 2001 ... poor Heidi - (or VS just photoshopped the boobs too big for the bras). I wouldn't want to wear them.

    The ones from 2008 until last year are photoshopped fails (oh wait the one from 2000/2002 are big ones, too). And the '08 bra has the problem that one breast looking bigger than the other one when you're seeing the photo as a whole and not just focusing on one breast side. Might be the angle or the design or both.

    I wonder if we would ever see a good Fantasy Bra which will actually fit in the segment, get a good promotion in the segment and which wouldn't end in a smaller size than needed. Oh and please not too much Photoshop for the promotion photos. But I believe that hope is simply for fools. :/

  9. So, Million Dollar Shootingstar is over and I'm kinda glad about that. It was an awful series ... Bar was lovely (especially when the editors didn't tried to changed that.) but the show itself was awful; the concept was nice but they didn't planned it good enough. And the final was covered and not live due the bad quotes.

    Some photos of the shooting(s) in Greenland. Sat1 has 190 photos online, I haven't gone through all (takes by far too long) ...

    MDSS-Epi04-danach-003-Sat1-Morris-Mac-Matzen_gallery_350.jpg MDSS-Epi04-danach-072-Sat1-Morris-Mac-Matzen_gallery_350.jpg MDSS-Epi04-danach-075-Sat1-Morris-Mac-Matzen_gallery_350.jpg th_5ca0e0227171422.jpg/monthly_12_2012/post-49624-0-1593837235-53739_thumb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt="MDSS-Epi04-danach-099-Sat1-Morris-Mac-Matzen_gallery_350.jpg"> th_9a38f8227171437.jpg/monthly_12_2012/post-49624-0-1593837236-80672_thumb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt="MDSS-Epi04-danach-127-Sat1-Morris-Mac-Matzen_gallery_350.jpg"> th_bcf973227171452.jpg/monthly_12_2012/post-49624-0-1593837236-90933_thumb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt="MDSS-Epi04-vorher-23-Sat1-Morris-Mac-Matzen_gallery_350.jpg"> MDSS-Epi04-vorher-26-Sat1-Morris-Mac-Matzen_gallery_350.jpg MDSS-Epi04-vorher-32-Sat1-Morris-Mac-Matzen_gallery_350.jpg

  10. I'm sorry for the quality of the photos but I had to use my old camera and since we don't have sunshine here (it's grey, foggy and rainy all the time), I took the photos under artifical light. I really hppe that the translation makes sense, I tried my best but the journalist used some expressions which are difficult to translate; at least for me. (And sorry for my finger/finger nail at the 3rd photo it was impossible to take a photo of that page without using the finger to hold the page.)

    IMG_0027.jpg IMG_0028.jpg IMG_0029.jpg 1682e3226682686.jpg IMG_0032.jpg

    Joy: You travelled from Zambia to Greenland for the exotic photo shootings for your models. Which place was the most beautiful one?

    Bar: That’s a difficult question because every country has it’s own charm. Greenland was a very crazy, unique place, Croatia felt like holidays because we shot a lot at the beach. The production of the first episode was especially exciting for me. We shot in Israel and I hope that I could introduce my home country to the German audience.

    Joy: The models had to pose nearly topless in that episode - especially young girls having always problems with nudity. How you’re dealing with nudity?

    Bar: That’s a question of the self-esteem and many girls need to learn how to deal with the jobs which is okay for me. But it is normal as a model to show a lot of skin. I don’t have a problem with it, I was naked in the promo-video for my own underwear collection.

    Joy: Your first shooting was with eight months. Which shooting was the most extreme one?

    Bar: I had a shooting for summer clothes in Island while we had minus degrees – that was very hard! And once I had to pose with a snake. And I had to pose on a galloping horse.

    Joy: Under which circumstances you would reject a shooting?

    Bar: I do a lot but I would have do bungee jumping for a shooting! I really don’t understand why some people need that thrill! But I believe that they don’t have a fear of heights like me! (laughs)

    Joy: As a model you’re always on the road and seeing family and friends not so often. How do you stay in touch with them?

    Bar: I’m chatting on my BlackBerry, skype and phone in every free minute (e.g. when I’m driving with a taxi or have to wait longer for the make up than expected). Furthermore I’m tweeting very often so that my friends and fans can take part of my life.

    Joy: How important are friends for you?

    Bar: Very important! They’re influence me. There’s a saying “Show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are”. My biggest fear ever is that something bad happens to the people who I love.

    Joy: You’re single at the moment. Describe your diamond geezer!

    Bar: He must be funny/he must have humor, he should be family-orientated and being my best friend. Furthermore he should share my moral concept which means he should be faithful, honest and down-to-earth.

    Joy: Describe your perfect first date!

    Bar: It wouldn’t take place in an over-crowded restaurant! I like it personal, informal and comfortable: I prefer to sit at the beach with a glass of wine so that you can talk with each other.

    Joy: Do you want children?

    Bar: YES! And as soon as possible!

    Joy: You want a family-orientated guy. Do you spent a lot of time with your family?

    Bar: Yes! When I have to travel for jobs, there’s always someone of my family who comes with me. My brother travelled with me to Berlin in July. The next time when I visit the capital I’ll take my father with me. And I visited London last time with my mother! So we have much more time with each other as if I just would visit them for a short time at home.

    Joy: You spent hours in the plane due your travels. How do you find time to go to the gym?

    Bar: That’s really a problem! I have a great personal trainer in Israel but when he isn’t at my side, I got really lazy (laughs). I go to the gyms in the hotels on a regular base and if I find the time, I use the bicycle or go out for a walk. When I’m in New York City I like to cycle through the Central Park.

    Joy: Do you follow a special diet?

    Bar: No, not in general! Everyone knows what’s healthy and what’s unhealthy and makes you fat. That’s why I’m eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, that’s good for my body!

    Joy: Your zodiac sign is the Gemini. Would you say that you’re a typical Gemini? And do you read your horoscope?

    Bar: I don’t read my horoscope and don’t believe in that kind of fortune telling. But I believe that people with the same zodiac sign having similar character traits. I experienced it in the last years that I felt a good relationship with women at the first meeting as we would be friends since years! And all of them having the Gemini as their zodiac sign! Furthermore six of my friends having the Scorpion as their zodiac sign – looks like that I’m getting along very well with that zodiac sign!

    Joy: What’s your best character trait?

    Bar: I’m really companionable! If I would sit at the same table with young children or old people we would always have a topic to talk about!

  11. Well, I was a bit bored by re-watching the episode of the show. So I took some screen captures. I must say: she speaks German very well, I'm surprised. You can hear that she's a foreigner but she sounds a bit like a Swiss German (due her strong pronounciation of "ch").

  12. Well, I was a bit bored by re-watching the episode of the show. So I took some screen captures. I must say: she speaks German very well, I'm surprised. You can hear that she's a foreigner but she sounds a bit like a Swiss German (due her strong pronounciation of "ch").

    post-49624-0-1446027776-58141_thumb.png post-49624-0-1446027776-83113_thumb.png post-49624-0-1446027780-75243_thumb.png post-49624-0-1446027781-40568_thumb.png post-49624-0-1446027781-65361_thumb.png post-49624-0-1446027781-66804_thumb.png post-49624-0-1446027781-69303_thumb.png th_effece225409489.png/monthly_12_2012/post-49624-0-1446027781-73055_thumb.png" data-fileid="2993437" alt="post-49624-0-1446027781-73055_thumb.png" data-ratio="55.84"> th_ccea1c225409528.png/monthly_12_2012/post-49624-0-1446027781-775_thumb.png" data-fileid="2993446" alt="post-49624-0-1446027781-775_thumb.png" data-ratio="55.77"> post-49624-0-1446027781-8584_thumb.png post-49624-0-1446027781-88761_thumb.png post-49624-0-1446027782-33052_thumb.png post-49624-0-1446027782-77361_thumb.png post-49624-0-1446027782-79252_thumb.png post-49624-0-1446027782-81849_thumb.png th_b141b5225409588.png/monthly_12_2012/post-49624-0-1446027782-85589_thumb.png" data-fileid="2993516" alt="post-49624-0-1446027782-85589_thumb.png" data-ratio="55.46"> post-49624-0-1446027782-89165_thumb.png

  13. Just my two pennys about the show ... it's my personal opinion, so you can disagree with it but I'll have a problem when you reply with answers like "Germans just doesn't want that a beautiful Israeli gets famous" because that's really bullshit and it shows that you have simply now idea about Germans nowadays.

    So, I watched the latest episode of her show and well ... I understand why Sat1 put it at such a late time. Bar is great (although the editors managed it to make her bitchy sometimes which doesn't fit because she's super lovely in the other parts), Peymen is really an asshole (he's rude, he make very unprofessional comments, ...), the photographer is okay (he isn't in the spotlight so much so you can't really say if he's nice or more like Peymen).

    The thing about the show is: the models aren't really beautiful (I'm sorry but they aren't.). And I can't believe that they're "professional models". GNTM using quite beautiful girls so some people might watch it just for the girls. Otherwise: the drama is there but it's on a low level (at the moment; who knows how it'll be in the next episodes?) and the truth is: no drama, no fun. A lot of people watching such shows just for the drama part (I'm watching GNTM just for the drama, too.) so that they can gossip about it via social networks or at work/at university/at school/wherever with friends.

    What I like about "Million Dollar Shooting Star": beautiful shootings itself! I love the locations! Much better than all the boring studio shootings!

  14. @ Adira, Kerri, (and everyone else who can't watch the videos)

    The easiest way would be if you would change your proxy server to a German one. I'm doing this sometimes when I want to see something at BBC because normally I can't watch videos there due the "You aren't from GB, ..." thing.

    To be honest: I can't explain how to change it. Just google it, I think Opera works very well here.

    Some more photos - more or less known.

    MDSS-Epi01-nachher-12-Sat1-Morris-Mac-Matzen_gallery_350.jpg MDSS-Epi01-nachher-17-Sat1-Morris-Mac-Matzen_gallery_350.jpg MDSS-Epi01-nachher-21-Sat1-Morris-Mac-Matzen_gallery_350.jpg MDSS-Epi01-nachher-23-Sat1-Morris-Mac-Matzen_gallery_350.jpg MDSS-Epi01-nachher-24-Sat1-Morris-Mac-Matzen_gallery_350.jpg th_a9855d223077918.jpg/monthly_11_2012/post-49624-0-1593837223-68574_thumb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt="MDSS-Epi01-nachher-40-Sat1-Morris-Mac-Matzen_gallery_350.jpg">

    What I read as critics yet was 50/50. A part of the viewers liked the show so far because it's different. The other ones doesn't like it because "it's faked, not real enough" and most of them dislike the models quite a lot. Oh they dislike Peyman (that isn't very new; I don't like him either) while they're okay with Bar/like her.

  15. @ sparkle_adi

    You've still half a hour to watch. ;) But I guess that Sat1 will upload it after tonight so that you could watch it via their website. (I guess that would be here than: http://www.sat1.de/t...e01-es-geht-los )

    Some more photos from the Sat1 website // the fanpage of the show (the official one doesn't offer so many photos but quite a lot videos). Most of them are known in my opinion. But nevertheless she looks fab and I like them.

    th_c4454e223009393.jpg/monthly_11_2012/post-49624-0-1446027750-61834_thumb.jpg" data-fileid="2992551" alt="post-49624-0-1446027750-61834_thumb.jpg" data-ratio="150.21"> th_4af209223009403.jpg/monthly_11_2012/post-49624-0-1446027750-70357_thumb.jpg" data-fileid="2992553" alt="post-49624-0-1446027750-70357_thumb.jpg" data-ratio="56.45"> th_b4932d223009419.jpg/monthly_11_2012/post-49624-0-1446027750-75139_thumb.jpg" data-fileid="2992554" alt="post-49624-0-1446027750-75139_thumb.jpg" data-ratio="66.67">

  16. I'll watch it tomorrow online. :) (Sometimes I really hate it that I don't have enough space here for my TV.)

    But I saw the preview at the website of Sat1.

    1. Just subtitles, no voice over for Bar! Yaye! (Srsly, this is good. I hate it when you're getting voice over's in German because the voice of the voice over is always too high pitched. Idk why but models and celebs getting always high pitched voices here.)

    2. She looks stunning. :')

    3. Her lovely accent when she's speaking German!!! Aw.

    post-49624-0-1446027749-24798_thumb.png post-49624-0-1446027749-26543_thumb.png post-49624-0-1446027749-30242_thumb.png dbf688223003471.jpg 28669e223003492.jpg ccad89223003509.jpg

  17. Thank you so much for your work. :)

    Really like that you mention how Stefan was not his usual self. Going to watch it then. When he is his usual goofy self he is just irksome imo. So no TVTotal-Gate like it happened with Wetten Dass a few weeks ago.

    I suggest you do not upload TV Total stuff to youtube, unless you want to risk copyright strikes. Wouldn't be surprised if this public forum gets visited by copyright lawyers and media agencies as much as the next best one. Just friendly advice though! :)

  18. First of all: Yes, I know that I promised to scan the GQ photos. But when I was back here in my dorm, I had to deal with the problem: the internet connection wasn't available (happend in every dorm) so that I couldn't be online (sucks quite a lot). And my printer-scanner (it's a combination) was broken. I still don't know why but I can't use it anymore. I'm still trying to convince my mom that I'll get a new one for Christmas.

    Second: Bar looked great at TV Total yesterday. I haven't watched it (no tv) but I saw the interview with her online and well ... I did some (Okay 40 caps aren't just some.) screen caps (becausse I don't know if you can see the interview with her when you aren't living in Germany/Austria/Switzerland). Btw: If you can't see the video at the link above (by Kerri Lynn): say something! I'll download it and upload it at youtube so that everyone can watch it. :) If you can't see the video, say something. I'll try to download it and upload it at youtube.

    Third: Before someones crying here: "SHE STOLE IT FROM TUMBLR!". No, I didn't. If you saw the screencaps on tumblr in Bar's tag there's a really big chance that it'll be mine. I posted 8 caps (from 40) there.

    Fourth: I'm still surprised that Stefan Raab wasn't an idiot like he always is. Normally he asks stupid questions, ... I'm glad that he just joked with her and they talked a bit about her show (it'll be aired for the first time tonight!).

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