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Posts posted by boroman01

  1. Cute model with an instagram profile, bb.mels, who seems only to work for local LA photographers. Done lots of work for cameranoirphoto but their instagram has not been updated lateley and their website is inaccessible - I'm sure that there must be more larger galleries of her work with them arounde somewhere. She also has a website which is password only. Any help with her cameranoir work or for that matter any other photos of this lovely model would be appreciated. 

    21224939_1217954258350582_8474456725435449344_naj.jpg 51960973_2326474284302100_7327223955494304085_n.jpg 44785396_536718680146946_7170188873525964000_nd.jpg
  2. Mimi Perkins also known as Mia. She is an Australian model who seems to model almost exclusively for Showpo in Australia. To my mind a very pretty and much underused model. She is also in instagram which seems to be updated now and again. Would love to know of other sightings.  

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