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Posts posted by subg1979

  1. Hi all - tough one this - but does anyone know the names of the two models on the front and back cover of the latest Jimmy Choo catalogue?

    The website doesn't replicate the full pictres, and even the catalogue itself doesn't show faces so appreciate this is a tough one.... I will try and scan the catalogue some time soon and upload, but for now, this is the part of the pic that the website shows, just in case anyone is familiar with the catalogue - this will help identify the picture I am trying to ID....




  2. Amber. she is a commercial print model with MOT Models. To my knowledge she is not represented at any other agency.

    Hi there - I dont think it is Amber. When you go to the MOT site, and pull some of her pictures, it is clearly a different girl....thanks for the suggestion though! ( I have attached a pic of Amber from their site....)


    Thanks for the update - but I'm afraid we will just have to agree to disagree - I have seen (and done) airbrushing and dont think that this is the difference between amber's pictures at MOT and the stuff at figleaves. The bone structure, body shape, skin tone etc - is just too different. There isn't any point in airbrushing to that extent anymore.... Still, I dont imagine I will change your mind, so thanks very much for your input! Any one else got a view?

    thanks all

  3. Amber. she is a commercial print model with MOT Models. To my knowledge she is not represented at any other agency.

    Hi there - I dont think it is Amber. When you go to the MOT site, and pull some of her pictures, it is clearly a different girl....thanks for the suggestion though! ( I have attached a pic of Amber from their site....)



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