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Everything posted by 'shine

  1. OH MY GOSH yes, it's a perfect clip i absolutely love it! You're welcome! I'll again keep my eye out for more
  2. pretty much the same but have them anyway :') there were loads of him under his umbrella but they seemed pointless to post 'cause you can't see anything!
  3. So adorable! I know Neon will totally enjoy this, she's only been after it since it happened :')
  4. The new trailer... just wow! His little smug smile is just the best. I literally can't wait for Django!
  5. No Shine... Thanks to Leo... for being so hot, for wearing his cap backwards, for wearing those cute sneakers Turn me up, Turn me up, Turn me, Turn me Thanks to Leo for being in pictures which you posted for all of us* omg, he's so adorable though!
  6. Aww, you're so welcome my wijn! I'm really glad all like them <33 I'm glad you appreciate them, you're welcome and thank you! :3 I'll keep an eye out incase anymore pop up!
  7. his face in the second picture sums up everything i love and adore about him omfg what a precious little ham UGH 'little ham' :wub2: I'm glad you liked them!
  8. Oh, I double posted so many times today aha! you're welcome. :') again, you're welcome! <3
  9. With me at first, it reminded me of J. Edgar! Me too like Shine (guess what? even more! I think this might be my last of these, they're getting slightly repetitive just from different angles etc)
  10. With me at first, it reminded me of J. Edgar! I agree too ! Even though he looked older in J.Edgar (without talking about the make up) Oh yes, J. Edgar without the aging process haha. Definitely! SOME MORE (there are a ton!)
  11. omg thank you so much, you are literally my favorite person rn GOOD (and you're welcome!) You're welcome! I'll keep an eye out for even more.
  12. I really do! haha. It kept saying too many photos and then silly error things. Ugh!
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