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Status Updates posted by 'shine

  1. Hey Sick, my dear! :3 How are you? I hope you're well ♥ xoxo

  2. Hello girl! :') <3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. katchitup


      hehe well good thing your back we needed to talk more about cray drunk leo, the walking dead and VSFS lolAnd I'm good thanks, just busy with school, work, etc.

    3. katchitup
    4. 'shine


      We really do! Drunk Leo is the greatest and VSFS, oh man. They're so gorgeous it hurts. Ah, same really - I have to start applying to Universities soon! Nervous to say the least.

  3. Haha, I just realised you're on Tumblr as 'Leonardo-DiCaprio-Land' I think you follow me! Hope you're doing well dear :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 'shine


      Hahahahaha, you know I thought it was... I was meant to come and ask you but I can see now it is :') Yup, I'm c-baleing hahaha. Thank you very much dear :3 I'm good thank you. Bored, very bored haha. Glad to hear you're okay! :D <33

    3. French angel

      French angel

      So hapy that you asked this to me :D Happy to have you in tumblr :D Bored ???? :( Ohhh :/ Take care of you <3

    4. French angel

      French angel

      So hapy that you asked this to me :D Happy to have you in tumblr :D Bored ???? :( Ohhh :/ Take care of you <3

  4. I'm on my way ;) hahaha! Indeed, I hate buses that's kind of what my motivation is. Oh god, I feel you with that, I'm into books at the moment... I keep buying them and stacking them all 'I'll read them' when I know most of them I won't :') I need to save more hahaha.

    1. FashionDream


      Yeah buses are a drag.. so freaking annoying when it takes like half an hour to get somewhere that takes like 10 minutes by car lol

      Gosh I need to learn from you and develop some of your habits haha. With books you can atleast learn from them and improve yourself intellectually hehe

    2. 'shine


      Indeed, it sucks really :( ... hahahaha, you say as I'm reading a saucy book ;) I agree though, they always make me feel all intelligent with their big words LOL :P

    3. FashionDream
  5. Hey Amandine, hope you're settling in well :) xoxo

    1. French angel

      French angel

      Hey 'Shine :D How are you ? I'm fine and I can't wait for Gatsby Trailer ^^ xoxo

    2. 'shine


      Aw, glad to hear you're okay! I'm good I suppose, bit busy lately but good all the same. Aw, me either! It's going to be so good :'D so excited! xoxo

  6. I love your signature, three right lovely men! :')

    1. Lkjh


      I was making them for tumblr, but I realized being able to stare at them the whole time I'm on bz would be even better ;)

    2. 'shine


      Hahahaha, defo ;)

  7. Oh hey, I know you lol ;)

    1. 'shine


      Nice to see you finally joined, btw! :3 xox

    2. flyingblind


      sorry i took so long to reply to this lovely! i only just saw these messages D: but thank you ally :33 xx

  8. Oh my gosh, TAKE ME WITH YOU TO VEGAS :') hahaha. That's totally awesome! No wonder you're excited! Nope, nothing really. Just day trips planned really. All my money is going on learning to drive and a car this year, so holidays have to halt for a long while ;) xxx

    1. FashionDream


      Sure come along haha

      Good call! Money will be going to great use, having a car is such a great convenience. I really need to start back saving again myself I did in the past so i've got some saved up but i've gotten into this ridiculoussssss habit right now of buying things I don't need. At the moment its shoes and hair products lol

  9. Happy Birthday! <33

    1. SicK As mY SecReTs

      SicK As mY SecReTs

      thanks Shiny Shine! ♥♥ :*

  10. Well, Leo will certainly be good for her career... like Bar, Gisele and like Orlando was for Randa! :) I've took more notice of her, but I still wouldn't say I'm a fan (Not like, in a horrible way!) xD haha!

  11. Yes, they both had good careers... but I'll admit, I'd never heard of Randa 'til Orlando! :) Aaaah, I think she'll become better known defo though :3 haha. It's half 3 in the morning, and it's so cold in my room and I'm so tired, lolol! I need to sleep but can't :( aaaar! xoxo

  12. Hahaha, 'Shiny Shine' I like it ;D I'm good thank you, a little bit stressed - but good! :3 yourself? xoxo

  13. That's not weird! I do that too, I prefer it to being too warm ;) It's just cold as I'm sat next to my window and the wind is blowing in! Either my room is too cold, or too warm -__- hahaha! ... I'm always awake LOLOL, I never learn. xoxo

  14. Hahaha! I did ;) ... It's always good having nothing to do ;D Glad you're alright, despite being tired :3 xoxo

  15. Yes :) do you? xoxo

  16. Aw, thank you so much :) You are awesome!

    Merry Christmas, dearest! Replied to your message <3 xxx

  17. Hahaha, I know I know :( I feel so bad about not posting, I try my best :P I'm always checking in on my phone though! xoxo

  18. Haha, I can see where you're coming from yes. and I agree about the Erin thing! they look alike :) xoxo

  19. Hi there, Kat! I love your page :3 Hope you're okay xoxo

  20. Love your page! Very... Leo-y haha! Hope you're well xox

  21. Where you at, Lady? xoxo

  22. Hehe! Thank you :D xoxo

  23. Followed you, sugar! :) xoxo

  24. Good good! I am glad you're well :D ... Aw, yes. It takes a bit of getting used too, haha! I'm sure we'll get there in the end :') xoxo

  25. Aw, thank you! Happy Easter to you too, my dear :) xoxox

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