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Posts posted by hanie

  1. OK - first things first, is everything in order? Checklist:

    1. Random And Pointless (Pretend) 'Director' Voices? CHECK
    2. Cutting To Star-Studded Celebrity Audience At Innopportune Moments? CHECK
    3. Man Standing Up When His Girlfriend Walks Past? CHECK

    Then - IT'S SHOWTIME!

    Or is it?

    They're still getting into costumes!

    We gotta go!

    ^Will they make it?!?! Well, yes, since it's not live and there's no time-limit here really. I'm sure they are all ready, give or take a minute. I know fashion-shows are hectic and exciting. But this isnt a shuttle launch. Please calm down 'Pretend Director Voices'.

    I don't know - was that opening classy or not? I kind of liked the understated approach, the soft music and elegant ballerinas. In that context Candice as the opener makes sense; her walk isn't bombastic, but that isnt necessarily a bad thing. It doesn't always have to be sturm und drang and ridiculous gesticulations with added face-pulling... That said, when the music kicked in it felt a bit flat, and it wasn't until Ale walked out that it felt in anyway "on target". Orlando stands up for Miranda.

    Oh, oh, oh, shoe's gone!

    Broken shoe, coming camera right...

    ^I don't know about you - but my heart leapt. Could the show carry on? I wasn't prepared. Nobody told us about this. Why weren't we told? WHY WEREN'T WE TOLD????

    Nice to know Monica Mitro found Karlie Kloss isn't it. I'd never heard of her before either. This shy girl from Little Bumfuck, Missouri just wandered into castings off the street - but Monica saw something in her. Oh yes, she saw. She saw a ingenue who could pull off a disco-fart monstrosity like no other - and she put that girl on that stage. Mark my words, you'll all remember the name Karlie now. Thanks Monica. Thanks VS...


    ^My lawd, I don't know if I can take much more of this. My poor nerves - it's all so touch and go backstage...


    Joan's -





  2. Just saw the show. My thoughts:

    - I'm very happy Doutzen and Miranda are back. They are gorgeous. Alessandra and Adriana are still fabulous. Lais is a very promising new addition. I'm still not a fan of Lily and Chanel. Candice opening lacked impact.

    - This year's show has the most new girls (first time casting), right? But Karlie Kloss? Ugh, I hate her. And there was so much of her! Also, when will they stop hiring skinny girls? Sigh.

    - I love the high fashion girls. They don't wave, don't blow kisses, don't point. They just walk and smile. That's how it used to be. That's why I loved the likes of Lily Donaldson and Maryna Linchuk. That's how it's supposed to be.

    - My favorite performance was Jay-Z and Kanye. My favorite moment was Izabel Goulart demanding for more hairspray.

    - Overall, I liked the 2010 show WAY BETTER. I will also say it again and again, the 2005 show is STILL THE BEST. And it's nice to see a lot of people here have the same sentiment.

  3. According to a tFS member, Eugenia is pregnant, isn't that amazing?

    Who's the father?

    She is pregnant, she was bridesmaid at Natasha Poly`s wedding. :wave:

    Aww.. That's cute. I like it when models remain friends. I want to see pictures. :blush:

  4. I'm not sure if this pics was put here - so sorry if repost:

    Show Package - Milan F/W 09


    Show Package - London F/W 09


    Show Package - Milan S/S09


    Show Package - Paris F/W 08




    Wait.. Does this mean she'll be doing some shows? That would be so awesome if she did. :blush: :wave:

  5. Supermodels.nl :heart:


    dude! my fantasy couple!

    which ad/ed was this from!!! OMG! must have it!!!!

    Wait, who is this guy? He's definitely hot. :blush:

    micheal camiloto!

    seriously!!! they would make the ultimate brazilian couple!!!

    carol should just totally dump demarchelier... he's not even close to her criteria of "Tall Brazilian!"

    Thanks for answering my question. :wave:

    I didn't know she was still dating Victor. He looks okay. But this model is yummier! :laugh:

  6. 29985592.1944a4.jpg

    some persons said julia totally outshines eugenia and natasha, someone said eugenia looks a lil bug next to julia, im near to cry :cry2:

    eugenia's face is perfection and julia looks like a cute.. horse. that's the real fact

    ive not an account on tfs so i cant reply to them <_<

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