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Everything posted by Lkjh

  1. Haha Leo is THE coolest actor ever! I'm sure he doesn't mind that one of his idols beat him
  2. Seems like a article anyone with a little information around him could make up. However I dont believe it. I think Blake is/was the one chasing Leo, not the other way around...
  3. I want to make a sad video-complication of Leo dying (since that happens a lot ) Anyone music-ideas?
  4. Thanks for the news everyone I hope some of the material will be released online so we can see it too!
  5. I think Leo's just having fun with girls right now, why wouldn't he? And I think all the women just use it as publicity, like the Italian girl... <_< My guess is that we'll hear a lot of women claiming to be dating Leo these days..
  6. ^^ Me too.. Although I don't think it's going to be released in the US or europe
  7. http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/epis...Videos/02693_03 Just finished the documentary, and I have to say I'm so GLAD Leo chose to play Hoover I have to admit that I was a little sceptical at first, because I thought playing a gay guy with mental problems was just an easy way to get an oscar (not that I would accuse Leo of something like that, but it just slipped in my mind for a second) But after watching it, Hoover completely freaked me out and made me interested at the same time! There are SO many different twists, interesting persons, secrets, and Hoover is so mysterious and smart! Im extremely curious how Clint and Leo are going to pull this one off, but I'm sure it's going to be one of the greatest mob- and overall movies ever made! :hell yea!:
  8. Wish we could see Session so BAD! Thanks for the pics and help!
  9. The secrets of J. Edgar Hoover is on discovery channel right now! OMG, I'm even more excited for the movie right now! He's absolutely fasinating!
  10. http://t.co/G90GHwU http://t.co/arXeszs http://t.co/ltxS3lr
  11. - Thanks for the pics everyone, he really looks very very good! The little weight loss makes him look way taller and healtier, dont you think? - Haha, I liked what Armie said about the kiss, it makes me even more curious to see Hoover! I hope we're going to get some comments about it from Leo's side, but I think we'll get some answers when he starts promoting - And Blake and Leo? I hope, and actually guess, it's more a rebound than a relationship, and Blake's a little notious for her PR, so I easyier believe it's not that big of a deal. Also seeing the pic of the Italian 'model' who looks more like a playmate on that Italian website As long as he's happy p.s. I'm always wondering if he's really calling or if its just an paps-avoiding-thing
  12. Thanks for the news everyone! Great that's she's shooting again, means new pics! And you're right, her brother is soo cute! Her whole family is pretty good-looking actually! Two new twitter pics: (If anyone can teach me how to post the pics instead of the links) http://t.co/XYXYG2J http://t.co/VVXaItg
  13. Vote for sexiest couple (if you can count Leo and Blake as a couple) http://www.sodahead.com/entertainment/leon...estion-1826523/ Thanks for the pictures! He looks more skinnier, right? Or is it just me?
  14. ^^ I know, I just haden't seen it before,
  15. Leo at 1:30 http://www.youtube.com/user/fashiontv#p/search/2/Lu_Oj8PNw4A
  16. Bar at 1.25 http://www.youtube.com/user/fashiontv#p/search/4/IxPNa_o_LuI
  17. http://www.youtube.com/user/fashiontv#p/search/2/2A9vlXKuQpE Bar at Istanbul Festival, couple months ago 01:25 06:50 09:34 16:37
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65j8qTXvPwM Bar's part starts at 0:30 She looks even better on video than on the pics
  19. I asked the same question a couple pages ago, didn't someone answer to me that he's gay? Or am I confusing him with someone else? At least I must say he's GORGEOUS!
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