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Posts posted by Calista

  1. I don t like to say that but I wa right since the begining of their relation in my last post I said :

    "Your reasoning is completely wrong I mean they are together about just 4 months and people belived that they gonna be married soon.......We don t know nothing about them : You don t know leo feelings for her, his intentions, the relation between blake and irmelin we know nothing ABOUT : We do not know even if they are still together...."


    And I told you i that was just a summer romance.... I don t want to hurt anyone but I think he had a crush for her at the beginning and now it is finished ....I mean when a person gets out of a longue relationship of 6 years the last thing that he wants is to restart a new longue relation, I think blake wanted a serious relation with leo but not him.

    i don t belive to the excuse of busy schedules because when he was with Gisele, she worked especially in NYC and Bar lives in Israel and they organized their schedules in order to see each other and don t forget that they filmed GG only for 4 months so .....

  2. ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ............. :laugh:

    @ ohsolively your message and your theory about bar and leo and blake is funny I mean I have never heard something like this before........Leo can have all the women that he wanted so tell me why he decidesd to stay with bar 6 years ..........because he loved her and bar nver dated someone when she was with leo and it is the same for lEo I mean if it was just for sex as you said why bar and irmelin are friends ? Why they went to vccations together with leo father ? why leo was in israel with her mother and best friend kevin connelly ? You make me laughed a lot ........Your reasoning is completely wrong I mean they are together about just 4 months and people belived that they gonna be married soon.......We don t know nothing about them : You don t know leo feelings for her, his intentions, the relation between blake and irmelin we know nothing ABOUT : We do not know even if they are still together....

    If the leo loves as much as you claim why he did not take 48 hours to reach her at the United States>?

    And please don t tell me that he is shooting a movie everybody who work in the movie industry can tell you that the actors don t shoot everyday.

    I know that there are many blake fan here and you are co;pletely free to say what you want but pleqse don t invent story like the tabloids.

  3. I like leo but I don't belive to these all rumours about the car, the greece vaccations and that Iremin and blake parents are friends I mean when leo was with gisele and bar we see him and his parents with bar and gisele parents for the moment we don't see him with blake parents so I can't belive to these rumours and evreybody know that Us weekly is not a reliable source. So when I will pictures I will belive but not for the moment.

    And the end article make laugh so much when it tells that it will end by a engagement ....ah ah ah Leo stay 5 yeras with gisele an 6 yeras and he doesn't marry one of them so I doubt that he will marry a girl that he knows for 3 months Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

  4. Maybe she left his house because she took some things of her who were in the house because an article on the internet mention that blake rent a house in LA as they do not live together yet. So now that leo is not in LA I think that she leaves the house it's a normal thing NO ?

  5. I'm french and I bought the french Grazia : In the magazine the journalist explains that bar shoot for the cover of grazia when she made the photosession for the new collection of bel air. He tells also that a lot of friend and famillly of the bel air stylist designer come in the studio in order to take a picture with bar. He says that she has an amazing body. During the photosession she was very profesionnel....He tells also that she refused to speak about her break up with. The journalist explains that she is very self confident and has a lot of insurrance. She tells that when she was young her dream was not to be a doctor or a lawyer but to have a big familly. She said also that tel aviv is a great place. At the end of the interview the journalist said that bar is a very mysterious woman, an "enigme".

    Very good articles and very good photos.

    @Michal I'm still waiting for the translation of the jewish article which talks about bar and leo...Thanks. :wave:

  6. I'm happy that she broke up with david dhe deserves more better I want to see her with an american actor (just in order to have more pics of her LOL) but I'm sure his next Boyfriend will be an american someone more famous than david fisher. I'm sure that in september she will psend a lot of time in NYC because there are a lot of events about fashion........... She is just awsome she will have no problem to find someone else.

    So tell me with who would like to see HER ? :laugh:

  7. Leonardo DiCaprio grabs his luggage from a bellhop on Friday (July 29) in New York City.

    The 36-year-old actor checked into his hotel and carried his bag up to his room without assistance.

    Over the weekend, Leo met up with his good friend Lukas Haas and checked out some t-shirts from a street vendor in the SoHo area of the Big Apple.

    Leo may be headed to the wild wild west for his next film, the LA Times reports.

    “The Creed of Violence, a western-flavored script based on the 2010 novel from cult author Boston Teran, has attracted the attention of Leonardo DiCaprio, who’s eager to play one of the lead roles,” a source told the paper.




  8. Personnally I don't belive the positiive or the negatives articles about leo romance just because there are no many pictures about them and also because their relation is new. Moreover I can't belive to thiese stories just because everydy know that blake staff try to show a good image of her to the public in order to develop her career in the cinema.

    I think that leo is not ready to stell down and have children because he stayed 5 years with gisele and 6 years with bar and he was not ready to marry or have children. So I will sure that their relation is serious when I will see leo affectionate with her on public, when he go with her on the red carpet ( for exemple for the oscar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) like he did with gisele and also when I will see Irmelin with blake like because we have already see Irmelin pictures with gisele and bar.

    I appreciate leo carreer but I would like to see him with children and familly and it's sad to say that we have to wait for that during along moment.

  9. Her pictures are simply awsome she is so beautiful and gorgeous and her body OMG.

    I'm not agree with people who said that she spend her time traveling and making shopping, this year she worked a lot at the begining of the year (january) until cannes festival she worked a lot in germany, NY, paris and tel aviv and I think that her work and also the distance are some elments which provoked her split with leo. I remeber in 2009 when they split bar was working a lot. And I'm sure that in septemeber we will see her in Paris and NY for the fashion events.

    About david I'm happy for her if she is happy he is hot but I prefer Leo and I prefer to see her with someone more famous just in order to have more pictures of her a singer , an actor or a scoccer player.

    I have the impression that she wants too show to leo that now she is happy even if she is not with him, It's stange to see emily with blake.... I'm curious to know what bar think about that.

    I have also the impression that leo and bar are still talking and that each time leo go to a "bar" he remeber her and the same for her. Leo doesn't seem happy with blake and I'm not sure that he is ready to stelle down with her.

    Maybe that in one year they will be more mature and ready for stell down and maybe they will come back together, I hope that.

  10. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH LALAL I'm bored and annoying all about this article and "sources" what a pity to see that leo making the cover of tabloids or be on the magazine just for his private life. I don't know if these story is true but if it is like I say from the begining with this story with blake things go too fast : vacations, introduce to friends, this rumour with irmelin and now moving with him ? What's this ?

    I could understand that blake thinks that leo is the one ( I thinkthat all the women of the world think that leo is the one) but bar wait 4 years before to move with him. I think that all this things are too fast and that this "hapiness" will not last it's just a crush.

    I'm disppointed about leo behiavour I mean this year a lot of actor, actress... split but some of them are still single maybe because they are not ready to restart a relation so they enjoy but for leo the things go too fast. But I'm curious to see if he has introduce her to irmelin and if she go with him around the worl during Hoover promotion. :yuckky:

  11. I have to admit that since leo break up with bar I don't like this behiavour I mean I like hm as an actor but since he is with blake not really. He is alawys on tabloids...I prefer the serious leo. In my opinion leo made things too fast... broke up and just one week after dated another girl who is not a big actress and who like fame and that her PR put him on the magazine no for his movies or environemnt actions but for his private life.

    I prefer when leo was with bar becaause we could have pictures of them but without make them on the cover of the tabloids. For me all this things could affect his credibility and image. Hope that this story will blake stops :yuckky:

  12. The article of Now Magazine is just fake stories invented by tabloids, I don't belive it anymore. If Leo go with blake during the promotion of Green Lantern around the world, if during gatsby shoot in australia he make a travel just to see her in US, if he go with her on the red carpet like he did with gisele at the oscars and if I see pictures of blake with irmelin.......... so maybe I will belive that it's a serious relationship. For the moment and for me it's not serious.

    I think that Blake PR work a lot in order that people forget the storie about the naked photo.

    For me Blake PR don't want that she become like vanessa hudgens I mean before the scandal of naked photos vanessa hudgens wasvery appreciate but now her career is a flop since high scholl musical she was just in one movie and because she has nothing to do she go from party to party, no movie project , no commercial... I think that blake people want to prevent that the same scenario happen with her.

  13. :drool: OMG My favrouite model with my favrouite singer it would be so cool they are both georgous. Bar legs are just amazing she is very sexy in these pictures hope that she will work with justin. I alawys think that bar and justin will make a perfect couple she is very sexy and hot like him. Love you bar

  14. For me he choose blake because she is his type of women, I think that blake have a feeling of admiration for leo and he loves that. For me their relation is just a physical relation. He doesn't like to be alone so he dated her because she runs after him since november. For me leo is too fast it seems that he hates to stay single I remebered that after his split with gisele one month after he dated bar. So I don't know if is it a serious relationship or not I hope no but it's leo life and he makes the choice that he wants. Leo is not ready to stell down so with blake is perfect she is still young for it and concentrated on her career. For me it's not a good actress and leo shoud dated a serious and discret actress like mila kunis. Not an actress who made naked picture. In my opinion leo and bar are not in contact now and when Page 6 said they broke up but still friends probably they were friends before leo starts to date blake. I don't think that bar appreciate that. Just one week after their split being with another personn is too fast. So for me leo is happy now but I don't think that we could talk about love...time will tell us. But I'm curious to know if blake meet leo and bar 's common friends and what leo's friends think about his relation with blake. If they prefer blake or bar.

  15. Yeah everybody see the news about the gossip girl and the naked photos but anyway bar is a queen and she deserves better than LD very exciting to see who will be her next boyfriend maybe she will meet a hot guy in NYC :laugh:

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