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Everything posted by jpgbygaultier

  1. that's ok,I understand.If you want I can do it,I'm not shy when it comes to those things.Pm me his mail add and what you wanna ask him and I'll do it. OT:5 minutes ago I was eating in my kitchen then I had a naughty thought.What if we bet on how many months Chico's current fling will last?Damn,I can be cruel sometimes :evil: i think we should both give it a try,but the thing is that he's most likley to respond via the ford blog or twitter and i don't know his e-mail add so i'll try twitter and hope that he'll respond lol if want to you can try twitter or the blog too I don"t have twitter so I can't really help you with that.I tried to find the Damien guy on facebook but he is not on that site.Does he follow you on twitter coz in that case you can send him a direct message,can't you? I like the idea of "a day with Chico" thing.That could be great,I mean a lot of celebrity do that kind of video and it's always funny to watch. Does somebody here have saved the pix from the youtube video "600 pix of Chico"?Coz I tried but it seemed that I need some kind of software to do that and since I'm far from being a computer genius..
  2. that's ok,I understand.If you want I can do it,I'm not shy when it comes to those things.Pm me his mail add and what you wanna ask him and I'll do it. OT:5 minutes ago I was eating in my kitchen then I had a naughty thought.What if we bet on how many months Chico's current fling will last?Damn,I can be cruel sometimes :evil:
  3. it's okay lol someone should francisco a question like : what's the most romantic thing he's ever done maybe you should suggest that question to that Damien guy who did the ford intw,since he said that he will interview Chico again in a near futur
  4. lol at the voodoo dolls thing. If I were a model I would be so paranoid about who I would be dating coz you can never know if the guy only wants you for your heart and your soul or for your perfect physique
  5. Yeah he said I am 19 years old hehe ye now he can introduce himself correctly.lol It's true though that his English has improved,it's still shitty but not as shitty as it used to be about the "I have 18 years old": I think a lot of people must have mocked him with that.He lives in NYC,and American people are far from being tolerant when it comes to their language.
  6. 600 pix of Chico : wow if you blink you can like miss several pictures.lol I think,I might be wrong thought that the girl in question(the new girl of his I mean) is the one in the pix where Chico has the beanie and the glasses Coz they seem really close. So basically Natalia is out and he's got a new girl.My two cents about this : you guys can bet your ass that in few months tops he will have another girlfriend,he seems to be quite the player when it comes to girls. About his English : I guess I'm the only one here who thinks that it's still quite crappy really.Poor baby sucks at speaking it big times
  7. it's true that those comments are hardcore :yuckky: I thought the ford intw would be posted by now..
  8. that is creepy indeed and that's why i always say that i hope chico doesn't think were weird it's because of comments like that his sisters also read his fanpage and it has to be embarrassing to read stuff like that about your own brother but i also you think guys are right and that he's a good sport about it haha I'd feel uncomfortable reading things like that about my Brother. Indeed.I feel sorry for her.
  9. Riv , but we don't constantly talk about trying to f*** the brains out of him or have his children, and I don't think any of us have changed our last name to his We keep it clean lol.I agree,those girls need some help not help , just learn to keep some thoughts inside their head hehe I was talking about changing the last name part as well as having his kids part.This is creepy,period.
  10. Riv , but we don't constantly talk about trying to f*** the brains out of him or have his children, and I don't think any of us have changed our last name to his We keep it clean lol.I agree,those girls need some help
  11. As long as he doesn't have real stalkers that's ok coz real stalkers can be pretty much dangerous and violent,so that's the last thing that i want to happen to him. We do talk about his perfect look certainly but we also like him coz he seems to be a really sweet,down to earth guy.I know that's why i like him anyway.
  12. I really hope he doesn't have stalkers.Stalkers follow celebrities to their home,don't they? I'm so happy I had my first dream about Chico this morning.We were taking a singing/music class(I guess because I saw a movie yesterday about a music teacher),and then we were kissing..in a very french way ,then my alarm clock woke me up
  13. you're not being mean hon'.Plus Chico seems to be a real sweetheart with a good sense of humor so I don't think he would take those kind of things personally
  14. I think crappy English is cute. I make my Mum say things in English because it sounds cute/funny haha I usually don't like when people speak with a broken English(that being the understatement of the year coz i truly hate that).And it's true that when I saw Chico's videos where he says "I have 18" instead of "I am 18",I was like :"man nobody make that kind of mistake past sixth grade!!" But it's true that with all the cuteness of his,I tend to forget it now I'm not going to lie I don't think bad English is cute on everyone... just people who I like lol lol
  15. I think crappy English is cute. I make my Mum say things in English because it sounds cute/funny haha I usually don't like when people speak with a broken English(that being the understatement of the year coz i truly hate that).And it's true that when I saw Chico's videos where he says "I have 18" instead of "I am 18",I was like :"man nobody make that kind of mistake past sixth grade!!" But it's true that with all the cuteness of his,I tend to forget it now
  16. you do sound like a fangirl but that's ok bb coz we're all fangirls here the difference between brazilian Portuguese and English is that everyone in this world who goes to school learn English at some point.English language is like mandatory in school
  17. His English is terrible but in spite of that we do love him
  18. lucky bastard!I wish i would be in Cali
  19. I don't mind romance movies at all,coz yeah it implies making out and sex scene.Of course I'm all for it! What I meant was that I'd like to see him in an action movie coz he would be all manly and protective toward the girlfriend you know.It would turn me on so badly.lol
  20. I'd like him in an action movie coz I'd like to see him all manly,fighting with bad guys and saving the girl all at the same time.lol Plus in those kind of movies,the hero always shows some skin.I wouldn't mind seeing him buttnaked.. :evil:
  21. no no I meant he resembles the ACTOR a bit lol I hope he's not like any of the guys on that show. Nate is a man hoe . Dan is a smart ass and Chuck is just a jerk (but he's my favorite haha) I do agree with Alessandra here.If Chico were to portray a character in a movie,I would not want him to be a fucking douchebag or a manwhore addicted to coke! I would like him to be in a movie full of romance or action(or both)
  22. He looks mixed raced.Sometimes when I look at some pix of him,he so reminds me of my ex boyfriend(who is mixed asian)
  23. I so agree with this.I've always thought that he looked asian
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