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Everything posted by jpgbygaultier

  1. lol indeed but since I don't speak Spanish I haven't read the article above the voting part.Maybe they do win something afterwards.
  2. I don't think they do win anything really
  3. River's been campaigning like crazy on his Facebook. That River guy is smart.But it's still unfair that Chico isn't number one : with all the fans that he's got,he should be number one.
  4. hey guys,I think we should vote for Chico at the following link : hola vote for best male models With all the fans that he got,he can definitely be number one!
  5. I dunno if it's new or what but I've never seen this pic before,I took it from f**kyeaharthur tumblr(arthur sale) and Chico looks so asian on this one.
  6. really,coz to me he's got a small one
  7. Riv I like your new icon,that boy has a killer smile..
  8. Today,on Facebook,I searched for fake Chico's profiles.There are so many of them like more than 20,it's creepy!And some of them are really lol worthy,i can't believe people can fall for those profiles really.
  9. Thanx Riv.I tried to put the code but it doesn't work so I'm just gonna put the link Anyway,tonight I watched a documentary about Michael Jackson's life and work and I thought about a song of his that I really like and which reminds me of Chico(especially the lyrics).Once you'll be listening to that song,I'm pretty sure you'll feel the same about it.It's a duet with Freddie Mercury and it's called "state of shock" :
  10. I wanna put a youtube vid in here.Can you guys tell me how to do it please?
  11. lol, if he did half the risque stuff marlon did, I think ur hart would explode riv! I do agree,Marlon does racy stuff
  12. Yeah I hope ftv does something like that with him again, it would be unlikely but I hope so. He is looking beyond in MIB, so I dont blame u for fan-girlling. I really want this new issue so bad, such a difference from the first one. yeah but in the first MIB issue,we could see his cute tushie
  13. oh riv,you're the sensitive kind if you couldn't handle more hotness I would definitely take the risk to see racier pix of him
  14. Edit : I saw his fb fanpage and everyone is mad that this sleeping pix was posted by a fan. My 2 cents about it : I don't think that Chico could be mad at these sleeping pix being leaked because of two things.1)He posted them on his fb wall and 2)His fb profile can be seen by anyone.Chico might be a succesful model,he is still very much down to earth,like he said,for him he's only Chico you know. And don't believe people that are "friends" with him like this Heather Mears girl who keep saying that he's furious that his pix are leaked. Flaming or bashing of anyone is not allowed on BZ. (including the use of vulgar language) Read HERE. Post edited by ***MauiKane
  15. Riv is right,it's not him : look at the guy's hands,those are not Chico's. And Riv bb,if you didn't like the fb pix(like most of us here ),imagine what it would feel like to be Natalia Schueroff.I mean it must be terrible for her to see those things..
  16. Please do not engage in model bashing. ***Edited by MauiKane
  17. I went to see my best friend tonight coz he's good at computers stuff,and I have to use windows movie maker.So I'm gonna try tonight. I don't mind contacting the guy on the Ford's FB,but you have to send me yours questions first.Are those questions all yours or are some of them from other fans?Coz that would be great to gather questions from several fans I think.
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