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Posts posted by arielle

  1. Karlie has an amazing walk, but because her legs are so long, her walk is not very fast or strong, like Adriana's, to open the show imo.

    Re- Rosie, she effed up things for herself when she got that movie role and she packed up her bags to pursue a career in acting. Lets be honest here, if she stayed, she had the looks and charisma to catapult to Adriana's level. Yea she got her lingerie line but it's not all that. And her modeling career now is mediocre. Idk, these girls have the worst teams ever. Miranda was also set to be HUGE and solidify her supermodel/vs icon status then she left(?). Another 2 years and she would have gotten there. Now she's fading into obscurity. Kate Upton is next with her groundless acting dreams. People may complain about Adriana and Alessandra being too attached to VS but look at the longevity it's done for their careers?


    Rosie, Miranda and Kate in obscurity ? I disagree. not for the media and general people at least.


    I actually think it's the other way round.


  2. I like Adriana's better. It's different. I feel like we've seen part of Ale's last year, but I love both bras. Also, I guess it really is the big diamond in the middle that costs the most/makes up most of the cost of the bras? Because these look way more expensive than last year's and there are two and its only $4 million?


    There is a lot of factors.

    Diamond's quality/purity, the type of diamond, and the diamond's size obviously.

  3. Lol you guys must be kidding if you really think VS would take any interest in her. I'm not saying I'm for it, but we all know how VS loves their skinnies.



    I dont think VS loves skinnies, but if they indeed cast skinny HF models then they cannot take the bigger ones because they have to keep some homogeneity I guess... Though it's relative and I'm sure they can make little margins (not sure about the word).

  4. I want Elsa in mainline, Lily with the Fantasy Bra and Bregje agaiiiiiiiiiiiin :clap: What do you guys think about Marloes Horst?


    This is what I think about Marloes Horst :


    :baronfaint:   :heart:



    what do you think about Edita Vilkevicuite? I really want her back, she was really sexy!


    This is what I think about Edita Vilkeviciute :


    :baronfaint:  :wub:


    I think she's kindof angel material actually.





    As a side note, I couldnt use the donbot faint, so I used the baron one

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